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ve the life of your excellency many years。〃

But although Rezanov saw the most sanguine hopes that had brought him to California fulfilled; and although he looked from the mountain ridges of the east over the great low valleys watered by rivers and shaded by oaks; where enough grain could be raised to keep the blood red in a thousand times the colonial population of Russia; although he felt himself in more and more abundant health; more and more in love with life; it is not to be supposed for a moment that he was satisfied。  Concha he barely saw。  She remained with the Moragas; and although she came occasionally to the afternoon dances at the Presidio; and he had dined once at her cousin's house; where the formal betrothal had taken place and the marriage contract had been signed in the presence of her family and more inti… mate friends; the priests; his officers; and the Gov… ernor; he had not spoken with her for a moment alone。  Nor had her eyes met his in a glance of understanding。  At the dances she showed him no favor; and as the engagement was to be as secret as might be in that small community; until his re… turn with consent of Pope and King; he was forced to concede that her conduct was irreproachable; but when on the day of the betrothal she was oblivious to his efforts to draw her into the garden; he mounted his horse and rode off in a huff。

The truth was that Concha liked the present arrangement no better than himself; and knowing that her own appeal against the proprieties would result in a deeper seclusion; she determined to goad him into using every resource of address and subtlety to bring about a more human state of affairs。  And she accomplished her object。  Rezanov; at the end of a week was not only infuriated but alarmed。  He knew the imagination of woman; and guessed that Concha; in her brooding solitude; distorted all that was unfortunate in the present and dwelt morbidly on the future。  He knew that she must resent his part in the long separation; no doubt his lack of im… pulsiveness in not proposing elopement。  There was a priest in his company who; although he ate below the salt and found his associates among the sailors; could have performed the ceremony of marriage when the Juno; under full sail in the night; was scudding for the Russian north。  It is not to be denied that this romantic alternative appealed to Rezanov; and had it not been for the starving wretches so eagerly awaiting his coming he might have been tempted to throw commercial relations to the winds and flee with his bride while San Fran… cisco; secure in the knowledge of the Juno's empty hold; was in its first heavy sleep。  It is doubtful if he would have advanced beyond impulse; for Rez… anov was not the man to lose sight of a purpose to which he had set the full strength of his talents; and life had tempered his impetuous nature with much philosophy。  Moreover; while his conscience might ignore the double dealing necessary to the ac… complishment of patriotic or political acts; it re… volted at the idea of outwitting; possibly wrecking; his trusting and hospitable host。  But the mere fact that his imagination could dwell upon such an issue as reckless flight; inflamed his impatience; and his desire to see Concha daily during these last few weeks of propinquity。  Finally; he sought the co… operation of Father AbellaSantiago was in Mon… tereyand that wise student of maids and men gave him cheer。

On Thursday afternoon there was to take place the long delayed Indian dance and bull…bear fight; not in the Presidio; but at the Mission; the pride of the friars inciting them to succeed where the mili… tary authorities had failed。  All the little world of San Francisco had been invited; and it would be strange if in the confusion between performance and supper a lover could not find a moment alone with his lady。

The elements were kind to the padres。  The after… noon was not too hot; although the sun flooded the plain and there was not a cloud on the dazzling blue of the sky。  Never had the Mission and the man… sions looked so white; their tiles so red。  The trees were blossoming pink and white in the orchards; the lightest breeze rippled the green of the fields; and into this valley came neither the winds nor the fogs of the ocean。

The priests and their guests of honor sat on the long corridor beside the church; the soldiers; sailors; and Indians of Presidio and Mission forming the other three sides of a hollow square。  The Indian women were a blaze of color。  The ladies on the corridor wore their mantillas; jewels; and the gay… est of artificial flowers。  There were as many fans as women。  Rezanov sat between Father Abella and the Commandante; and not being in the best of tempers had never looked more imposing and re… mote。  Concha; leaning against one of the pillars; stole a glance at him and wondered miserably if this haughty European had really sought her hand; if it were not a girl's foolish dream。  But Concha's humble moments at this period of her life were rare; and she drew herself up proudly; the blood of the proudest race in Europe shaking angrily in her veins。  A moment later; in response to a power greater than any within herself; she turned again。 The attention of the hosts and guests was riveted upon the preliminary antics of the Indian dancers; and Rezanov seized the opportunity to lean forward unobserved and gaze at the girl whom it seemed to him he saw for the first time in the full splendor of her beauty。  She wore a large mantilla of white Spanish lace。  In the fashion of the day it rose at the back almost from the hem of her gown to de… scend in a point over the high comb to her eyes。 The two points of the width were gathered at her breast; defining the outlines of her superb figure; and fastened with one large Castilian rose sur… rounded by its mass of tiny sharp buds and dull green leaves。  As the familiar scent assailed Rez… anov's nostrils they tingled and expanded。  His lids were lifted and his eyes glowing as he finally compelled her glance; and her own eyes opened with an eager flash; her lips parted and her should… ers lost their haughty poise。  For a moment their gaze lingered in a perfect understanding; his ill… humor vanished; and he leaned back with a compli… mentary remark as Father Abella directed his atten… tion to the most agile of the Indians。

The swart natives of both sexes with their thick features and long hair were even more hideous than usual in bandeaux of bright feathers; scant gar… ments made from the breasts of water…fowls; rattling strings of shells; and tattooing on arm and leg no longer concealed by the decorous Mission smock。  Rezanov had that day sent them presents of glass beads and ribbons; and in these they took such extravagant pride that for some time their dancing was almost automatic。

But soon their blood warmed; and after the first dance; which was merely a series of measured springs on the part of the men and a beating of time by the women; a large straw figure symbolizing an entire hostile tribe was brought in; and about this pranced the men with savage cries and gestures; ad… vancing; attacking; retreating; finally piercing it with

their arrows and marching it off
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