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 men love their sisters; for there is no one like heris it not so; Rezanov?  And we quite understand why she has chosen you; and why she stands firm; for we know the strength of her character。  We would that you were a Catholic; but even so; we will not sit by and see her life ruined; and we have called to assure you that we shall use all our influence; every adroit argument; to bring our parents to a more reasonable frame of mind。  They have already risen above the first natural impulse of selfishness; and would consent to the inevitable separation were you only a Catholic。  I have also talked with the Gov… ernorwe arrived at midnightand he flew into a terrible temperthe poor man is already like a mad bull at baybut if my father yielded; he would on all points。  This morning I shall ride over and talk with Father Abella; who; I fancy; needs only a little extra pressureyou may be sure Concha has not been idleto yield; and for more reasons than one。  I shall enlist Father Uria and Father de la Cueva as well。  They also have great influence with my parents; and as they return to San Jose in two days to prepare for the visit of the most estim… able Dr。 Langsdorff; there is no time to lose。  I shall go this morning。  One more cigarito; senor; and when that treaty is drawn remember the con… version of your brother to Russian tobacco。〃

Rezanov thanked him so warmly; assured him with so convincing an emphasis that with his fate in such competent hands his mind was at peace; that the ardent heart of the Californian exulted; Rez… anov; with his splendid appearance; and typical of the highest civilizations of Europe; had descended upon his narrow sphere with the authority of a demigod; and he not only thirsted to serve him; but to fasten him to California with the surest of human bonds。

As he dropped over the side of the ship; Rezanov's hand fell lightly on the shoulder of Santiago。

〃I can wait no longer to see your sister;〃 he whispered; mindful of the sterner responsibilities of the older brother。  〃Do you think you could〃

Santiago nodded。  〃While Luis is at the Mission I shall go to my cousin Juan Moraga's。  You will dine with us at the Presidio; and I shall escort you back to the ship。〃


It was ten o'clock when Rezanov; who had supped on the Juno; met Santiago in a sandy valley half a mile from the Presidio and mounted the horse his young friend himself had saddled and brought。 The long ride was a silent one。  The youth was not talkative at any time; and Rezanov was conscious of little else save an overwhelming desire to see Con… cha again。  One secret of his success in life was his gift of yielding to one energy at a time; oblivious at the moment to aught that might distract or en… feeble the will。  To…night; as he rode toward the Mission on as romantic a quest as ever came the way of a lover; the diplomat; the anxious director of a great Company; the representative of one of the mighty potentates of earth; were submerged; forgotten; in the thrilling anticipation of his hour with the woman for whom every fiber of his being yearned。

Nor ever was there more appropriate a setting for one of those inaugural chapters in mating; half appreciated at the time; that glimmer as a sort of morning twilight on mountain tops over the mild undulations of matrimony。  The moon rode without a masking cloud across the ambiguous night blue of the California sky; a blue that looks like the fire of strange elements; where the stars glow like silver coals; and out of whose depths intense shadows of blue and black fall; shadows in which all the terres… trial world seems to float and recombine; where houses are ghosts of ancient selves and men but the eidola of forgotten dust。  To…night the little estate of Juan Moraga; the most isolated and eastern of the settlement; surrounded by its high white wall; looked as unreal and formless as the blue oval of water and black trees behind it; but Rezanov knew that it enfolded warm and palpitating womanhood and was steeped in the sweetness of Castilian roses。

The riders; who had taken a path far to the east of the Mission dismounted and tied their horses among the willows; then; in their dark cloaks but a part of the shadows; stole toward the wall designed to impress hostile tribes rather than to resist on… slaught; at the first warning the settlement invari… ably fled to the church; where walls were massive and windows high。

In three of Moraga's four walls was a grille; or wicket of slender iron bars; whence the open could be swept with glass; or gun at a pinch; and toward the grille looking eastward went Rezanov as swiftly as the uneven ground would permit。  As Concha watched him gather form in the moonlight and saw him jerk his cloak off impatiently; she flung her soft body against the wall and shook the bars with her strong little hands。  But when he faced her she was erect and smiling; in a sudden uprush of spirits; almost indifferent。  She wore a white gown and a rose in her hair。  A rosebush as dense as an arbor spread its prickly arms between herself and the windows of the house。

〃Good…evening;〃 she whispered。

Rezanov gave the grill an angry shake。  (San… tiago had considerately retired。)  〃Come out;〃 he said peremptorily; 〃or let me in。〃

〃There is but one gate; senor; and that is directly in front of the house door; that stands open〃

〃Then I shall get over the wall〃

〃Madre de Dios!  You would leave your fine clothes and more on the thorns。  My cousin planted those roses not for ornament; but to let the blood of defiant lovers。  Not one has come twice〃

〃Do you think I came here to talk to you through a grating?  I am no serenading Spaniard。〃

His eyes were blazing。  Adobe is not stone。 Rezanov took the light bars in both hands and wrenched them out; then; as Concha; divided be… tween laughter and a sudden timidity; would have retreated; he dexterously clasped her neck and drew her head through the embrasure。  As Santiago; who had watched Rezanov from a distance with some curiosity; saw his sister's beautiful face emerge from the wall to disappear at once behind another rampart; he turned abruptly on his heel and could have wept as he thought of Pilar Ortego of Santa Barbara。  But there was a hope that he would be a cadet of the Southern Company before the year was out; and his parents and hers were indulgent。 Even as he sighed; his own impending happiness in… fused him with an almost patronizing sympathy for the twain with the wall between; and he concealed himself among the willows that they might feel to the full the blessed isolation of lovers。  His Pilar presented him with twenty…two hostages; and he lived to enjoy an honorable and prosperous career; but he never forgot that night and the part he had played in one of the poignant and happy hours of his sister's life。

Day and night a great silence reigned in the Mis… sion valley; broken only by the hoot of the owl; the singing of birds; the flight of horses across the plain。  Even the low huddle of Mission buildings and the few homes beyond looked an anomaly in that vast quiet valley asleep and unknown for so many centuries in the wide embrace of the hills。  Its jewel oasis alone made it acceptable to t
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