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 Juno; had a cargo I was forced to take over。  I unloaded what was needed at Sitka; but as there was no boat going for some months to the other islands; I brought the rest with me; and you are wel… come to it; if in exchange you will ballast the Juno with samples of your agricultural products; while the treaty is pending; I can experiment in our col… onies and make sure which are the most adaptable to the market。

〃Um!〃 said the Governor。  〃Um!〃

Rezanov did not remove his cool direct gaze from the snapping eyes opposite。

〃I have not the least objection to making a trade that would fill my promuschleniki with joy; but that was by no means the first object of my voyage; which was partly inspired by a desire to see as much of this globe as a man may in one short life; partly to arrange a treaty that would be of incalculable benefit to both colonies and greatly redound to my own glory。  I make no pretence of being disinter… ested。  I look forward to a career of ever increasing influence and power in St。 Petersburg; and I wish to take back as many credits as possible。〃

〃I understand; I understand!〃  The Governor rested his lame back once more。  〃Your ambition is the more laudable; Excellency; since you have achieved so much already。  I am not one to balk the honest ambition of any man; particularly when he does me the honor to take me into his confidence。  I like this suggested measure。  I like it much。  I be… lieve it would redound to our mutual benefit and reputation。  Is it not so; Jose?〃

The Commandante nodded vigorously。  〃I am sure of it!  I am sure of it!  I like itmuch; much。〃

〃I will write at once to the Viceroy of Mexico and ask that he lay the matter before the Cabinet and King。  Without that high authority we can do nothing。  But I see no reason to doubt the issue when we; who know the wants and needs of California; approve and desire。  We are doomed to failure in this unwieldy land of worthless savages; but it is the business of the wretched servants of a glorious mon… arch to do the best they can。〃

Rezanov had an inspiration。  〃You might remind the viceroy that Spain and the United States of America have been on the verge of war for years; and suggest the benefit of an alliance with Russia in the case of the new country taking advantage of the situation in Europe to extend its western boundaries〃

Arrillaga had bounced to his feet; his small eyes injected and blazing。  〃Those damned Bostonians!〃 he shouted。  〃I distrusted them years ago。  They have too much calculation in their bluntness。  They cheated us; sold us short; traded under my very nose; stole our otters; until I ordered them never to drop an anchor in California waters again。  If their ridiculous upstart government dares to cast its eyes on California we shall know how to meet them the sooner they march on Mexico and lose their conceit the better。  How they do brag!  Faugh!  It is sickening。  I shall remember all you say; Excel… lency; and thank you for the hint。〃

Rezanov rose; and the Commandante solemnly kissed him on either cheek。  〃Governor Arrillaga is my guest; Excellency;〃 he said。  〃I beg that you will dine with us dailyunofficiallythat you will re… gard California as your own kingdom; and come and go at your pleasure。  And my daughter begs me to remind you and your young officers that there will be informal dancing every night。〃

〃So far so good;〃 thought Rezanov; as he mounted his horse to return to the Juno。  〃But what of my cargo?  I fancy there will be more diffi… culty in that quarter。〃


The Chamberlain was in a towering bad humor。 As he made his appearance at least two hours earlier than he was expected; he found the decks of the Juno covered with the skins of sea…dogs; foxes; and birds。  He had heard Langsdorff go to his cabin later than usual the night before; and that his pet aversion was the cause of a fresh grievance; but hastened the eruption of his smouldering resentment toward life in general。

〃What does this mean?〃 he roared to the sailor on watch。  〃Clear them offoverboard; every one of them。  What are you staring at?〃

The sailor; who was a 〃Bostonian;〃 an inheri… tance with the ship; opened his mouth in favor of the unfortunate professor; but like his mates; he stood in much awe of a master whose indulgence demanded implicit obedience in return。  Without further ado; he flung the skins into the sea。

Rezanov; to do him justice; would not have acted otherwise had he risen in the best of tempers。  He had inflicted himself with the society of the learned doctor that he might always have a physician and surgeon at hand; as well as an interpreter where Latin was the one door of communication。  He should pay him handsomely; make him a present in addition to the sum agreed upon; but he had not the least intention of giving up any of the Juno's precious space to the vagaries of a scientist; nor to submit to the pollution of her atmosphere。  Langs… dorff was his creature; and the sooner he realized the fact the better。

〃Remember;〃 he said to the sailor; 〃no more of this; or it will be the worse for you  What is this?〃  He had come upon a pile of ducks; gulls; pelicans; and other aquatic birds。  〃Are these the cook's or the professor's?〃

〃The professor's; Excellency。〃

〃Overboard。〃  And the birds followed the skins。

Rezanov turned to confront the white and trembling Langsdorff。  The naturalist was enfolded in a gorgeous Japanese dressing…gown; purple bro… cade embroidered with gold; that he had surrepti… tiously bought in the harbor of Nagasaki。  To Rezanov it was like a red rag to a bull; but the pro… fessor was oblivious at the moment of the tactless garment。  His eyes were glaring and the extended tip of his nose worked like a knife trying to leap from its sheath。  But although he occasionally ven… tured upon a retort when goaded too far in conver… sation; he was able to curb his just indignation when the Chamberlain was in a bad temper。  In that vague gray under winking stars in their last watch; Rez… anov seemed to tower six feet above him。

〃Excellency;〃 he murmured。


〃Mymy specimens。〃

〃Your what?〃

〃The cause of science is very dear to me; Excel… lency。〃

〃So it is to mein its proper place。  Were those skins yours?〃  His voice became very suave。  〃I am sorry you should have fatigued yourself for noth… ing; but I am forced to remind you that this is not an expedition undertaken for the promotion of nat… ural history。  I am not violating my part in the con… tract; I believe。  Upon our arrival at Sitka you are at liberty to remain as my guest and make use of the first boat that sails for this colony; but for the present I beg that you will limit yourself to the re… quirements of your position on my staff。〃

He turned his back and ordered a canoe to be lowered。  Since the arrival of the Governor and Commandante; now three days ago; all restrictions on his liberty had been removed; and the phrases of hospitality were a trifle less meaningless。  He had been asked to give his word to keep away from the fortifications; and as he knew quite as much of the military resources of the country as he desired; he had merely suppressed a smile and given his promise。

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