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mbered among the best of your friends prays that you never may。  Yes; senorita; life is strange strangely commonplace and disillusionizingbut sometimes picturesque。  Believe me when I say that nothing stranger has ever befallen me than to find out here on the lonely brink of a continent nearly twenty thousand versts from Europe; a girl of six… teen with the grand manner; and an intellect with… out the detestable idiosyncrasies of the fashionable bas bleus I have hitherto had the misfortune to en… counter。〃

She was tapping the table slowly with her fork; and he noted that her soft; childish mouth was set。 〃No doubt you are quite right to put me off;〃 she said finally; and in a voice as even as his own。  〃And my intellect would do me little good if it did not teach me to ignore mysteries I can never hope to fathom。  There is no such thing as life in your sense in this forgotten corner of the world; nor ever will be in my time。  If you come back and visit us twenty years hence you will find me fat and worn like Elena; and busy every minute like my mother unless; indeed; I marry Don Weeliam Sturgis and become a great lady in Boston。  It would not be so mean a fate。〃

Rezanov darted a look of angry contempt at the pale young man who was eating little and miser… ably watching the handsome pair at the head of the table。  〃You will not marry him!〃 he said briefly。

〃I could do far worse。〃  Concha's lashes framed an adorable glance that sent the blood to the hair of the sensitive youth。  〃You have no idea how clever and good he is。  AndMadre de Dios! I am so tired of California。〃

〃But you are a part of itthe very symbol of its future; it seems to me。  I wish I had a sculptor in my suite。  I should make him model you; label the statue 'California;' and erect it on the peak of that big island out there。〃

〃That is very poetical; but after all; you are only saying that I am a pretty savage with an education that will be more common in the next generation。 It is little consolation for an existence where the most exciting event in a lifetime is the arrival of a foreign ship or the inauguration of a governor。〃 And once more she smiled at Sturgis。  He raised his glass impulsively; and she hers in gay response。  A moment later she gave the signal to leave the table。 Rezanov followed her back to the sala chewing the cud of many reflections。


Concha had eaten no supper。  As she entered the sala she clapped her hands; the guests ranged themselves against the wall; the musicians; livelier than ever; flew to their instruments; with the drift… ing; swaying movement she could assume at will; she went slowly; absently; to the middle of the room。 Then she let her head drop backward; as if with the weight of her hair; and Rezanov; vaguely angry; expected one of those appeals to the senses for which Spanish women of another sort were notorious。  But Concha; after tapping the floor alternately with the points and the wooden heels of her slippers; for a few moments; suddenly made an imperious gesture to Ignacio Sal。  He sprang to her side; took her hand; and once more there was the same monotonous tapping of toes and heels。 Then they whirled apart; bent their lithe backs until their brows almost touched the floor in a salute of mock admiration; and danced to and from each other; coquetry in the very tilt of her eyebrows; the bare semblance of masculine indulgence on his eager; passionate face。  Suddenly to the surprise of all; she snapped her fingers directly under his nose; waved her hand; turned her back; and made a peremptory gesture to that other enamoured young swain; Cap… tain Antonio Castro of Monterey。  Don Ignacio; surprised and discomfited; retired amidst the jeers of his friends; and Concha; with her most vivacious and gracious manner; met Castro half way; and; tak… ing his hand; danced up and down the sala; slowly and with many improvisations。  Then; as they re… turned to the center of the room and stepped lightly apart before joining in a gay whirl; she snapped her fingers under HIS nose; made a gesture of dismissal over her shoulder; and fluttered an uplifted hand in the direction of Sturgis。  Again there was a de… lighted laughter; again a discomforted knight and a triumphant partner。

〃Concha always gives us something we do not expect;〃 said Santiago to Rezanov; whose eyes were twinkling。  〃The other girls dance El Son and La Jota very gracefullyyes。  But Conchita dances with her head; and the musicians and the partner; when she takes one; have all they can do to follow。 She will choose you; next; senor。〃

Rezanov turned cold; and measured the distance to the door。  〃I hope not!〃 he said。  〃I should hate nothing so much as to make an exhibition of myself。 The dances I knowthat is all very wellbut to improvisefor the love of heaven help me to get out!〃

But Santiago; who was watching his sister in… tently; replied: 〃Wait a moment; Excellency。  I do not think she will choose another。  I know by her feet that she intends to dance El Sonin her own way; of courseafter all。〃

Concha circled about the room twice with Sturgis; lifted him to the seventh heaven of expectancy; dis… missed him as abruptly as the others。  Lifting her chin with an expression of supreme disdain for all his sex; she stood a moment; swaying; her arms hanging at her sides。

〃I am glad she will not dance with Weeliam;〃 muttered Santiago。  〃I love himyes; but the Spanish dance is not for the Bostonian。〃

Rezanov awaited her performance with an in… terest that caused him some cynical amusement。 But in a moment he had surrendered to her once more as a creature of inexhaustible surprise。  The musicians; watching her; began to play more slowly。 Concha; her arms still supine; her head lifted; her eyes half veiled; began to dance in a stately and measured fashion that seemed to powder her hair and dissolve the partitions before an endless vista of rooms。  Rezanov had a sudden vision of the Hall of the Ambassadors in the royal palace at Madrid; where; when a young man on his travels; he had attended a state ball。  There he had seen the most dignified beauties of Europe dance at the most for… mal of its courts。  But Concha created the illusion of having stepped down from the throne in some bygone fashion to dance alone for her subjects and adorers。

She raised her arms; barely budding at the top; with a gesture that was not only the poetry of grace but as though bestowing some royal favor; when she curved and swayed her body; again it was with the lofty sweetness of one too highly placed to descend to mere seductiveness。  She glided up and down; back and forth; with a dreamy revealing mo… tion as if assisting to shape some vague impas… sioned image in the brain of a poet。  She lifted her little feet in a manner that transformed boards into clouds。  There were moments when she seemed actually to soar。

〃She is a little genius!〃 thought Rezanov en… thusiastically。  〃Anything could be made of a woman like that。〃

It was not her dancing alone that interested him; but its effect on her audience。  The young men had begun with audible expressions of approval。  They were now shouting and stamping and clapping。 Suddenly; as once more she danced back to the 
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