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f corn and chicken and peppersthere would be a man almost to my liking。  But even thennot quite。  And one manwhat nonsense!  I have too much color to…night; Rosa。〃

〃No; senorita; you have never been so beautiful。 When the lover comes and you love him; senorita; you will think him greater than our natural king and lord; and all other men poor Indians。〃

〃But how shall I know?〃

〃Your heart will tell you; senorita。〃

〃My heart?  My father and my mother will choose for me a husband whom I shall love as all other women love their husbandsjust enough and no more。  ThenI supposeI shall never know?〃

〃Would you marry at your parents' bidding; like a child; senorita?  I do not think you would。〃

Concha looked at the girl in astonishment; but with a greater astonishment she suddenly realized that she would not。  Even her little fingers stiffened in a rush of personality; of passionate resentment against the shackles bound by the ages about the feminine ego。  Her individuality; long budding; burst into flower; her eyes gazed far beyond her radiant image in the mirror with a look of terrified but dauntless insight; then moved slowly to the girl that sat weeping on the floor。

〃I know not what thy sin was;〃 she said musingly。 〃But I have heard it said thou didst obey no law but thine own willand his。  Why should the pun… ishment have been so terrible?  Thou hast sworn to me thou didst not help to murder the woman。〃

〃I cannot tell you; senorita。  You will never know anything of sin; but of loveyes; I think you will know that; and before very long。〃

〃Before long?〃  Concha's lips parted and the ner… vous color she had deprecated left her cheeks。 〃What meanest thou; Rosa?〃  Her voice rose hoarsely。

And the Indian; with the insight of her own tragedy; replied: 〃The Russian has come for you; senorita。  You will go with him; far away to the north and the snow。  These others never could win your heart; but this man who looks like a king; and as if many women had loved him; and he had cared little  Oh; senorita; Carlos was only a poor In… dian; but the men that women love all have some… thing that makes them brothersthe Great Rus… sian and the poor man who goes mad for a moment and kills one woman that he may live with another forever。  The great Russian is free; but he is the same; senoritahe too could kill for love; and such are the men we women die for!〃

Concha; ambitious and romantic; eager for the brilliant life the advent of this Russian nobleman seemed to herald; had assured Santiago that he would love her; but they had been the empty words of the Favorita of many conquests; of love and pas… sion she had known; suspected; nothing。  As she watched Rosa; huddled and convulsed; little pointed arrows flew into her brain。  Girls in those old Span… ish days went to the altar with a serene faith in miracles; and it was a matter of honor among those that preceded their friends to abet the parents in a custom which assuredly did not err on the side of ugliness。  Concha had a larger vocabulary than other Californians of her sex; for she had read many books; and if never a novel; she knew some… thing of poetry。  Sturgis had filled the sala with the sonorous roll of his favorite masters and it had pleased her ear; but the language of passion had been so many beautiful words; neither vibrating nor lingering in her consciousness。  But the rude expres… sion of the miserable woman at her feet; whose sobs grew more uncontrollable every moment; made it forever impossible that she should prattle again as she had to Santiago and Rezanov in the last day and night; and although she felt as if straining her eyes in the dark; her cheeks burned once more; and she rose uneasily and walked to the window。

She returned in a moment and stood over Rosa; but her voice when she spoke had lost its hoarseness and was cold and irritated。

〃Control thyself;〃 she said。  〃And go and bathe thine eyes。  Wouldst look like a tomato when it is time to pass the dulces and wines?  And think no more of thy lover until he can come out of prison and marry thee。〃  She drew herself away as the woman attempted to clutch her skirts。  〃Go;〃 she said。  〃The musicians are tuning。〃


〃The sash; Excellency?〃 Jon longed to see his master in full regalia once more; and after all; was not this an embassy of a sort?  But Rezanov; who already regarded his reflection with some humor; shook his head。

〃I'll go as far as decency permits; for no one is so impressed by external magnificence as the Span… iard。  But full dress uniform and orders are enough; an ambassador's sash and they might suspect I took them for the children they are。  Children are not always fools。  My stock is too tight。  Remember that I am to dance; and am too tall for most wom… men's pretty little ears。  And I doubt if an ear is less thirsty for being so provocatively screened。〃

Jon; a 〃prince〃 whose family had fallen upon evil days long since; but whose thin; clever fingers were no mean inheritance; unwound and readjusted the folds of soft batiste; that most becoming neck ves… ture man has ever worn。  He fain would have pressed the matter of the sash; but Rezanov; most indulgent of masters to this devoted servant; was never patient of insistence。  Jon also regretted the powdered wig and queue; which he privately thought more befitting a fine gentleman than his own hair; even though the latter were thick and bright。  He said tentatively:

〃I notice these Californians still wear the hair long; and with their gay ribbons and showy hats look much better no doubt than if they followed a fashion of which it would seem they had not heard and perhaps do not admire。  I ventured to pack two of your excellency's wigs when we were leav… ing St。 Petersburg〃

〃Good heavens; no!〃 cried Rezanov; rising to his feet and casting a last impatient glance at the mir… ror。  〃When a man has escaped from a furnace does he run back of his own accord?  My brain would cook under a wig in this climate; and I need all my witsfor more reasons than one。〃  And he went up on deck。

There; while awaiting his horses and escort; he had another glimpse of the happy Arcadian life of the Californians。  Over the sand hills through which he had floundered twice that day rode young men in gala attire; a maiden; her attire as brilliant as the sunset along the western summits; on the saddle before them。  These saddles were heavy with silver; the blanket beneath was embroidered with both silver and gold。  Gay light laughter floated out on the cool evening breeze to the little ship in the harbor。

〃It has been a good day;〃 thought Rezanov; low… ering his glass。  〃It is like her to arrange so charm… ing a finale。〃

When he arrived at the Presidio the guitars were tinkling and the sala was full of eager and somber faces。  The Californians had come early; deter… mined to witness the arrival of the Russians。  Very pretty most of the girls were; and by no means a bevy of brunettes。  There was hair of every shade of brown; looped over the ears; drawn high and confined by the high comb and the long pins; and Rafaella Sal; with her red hair and gray eyes; was still celebrated as a beauty; although no longer in her first youthshe was t
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