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the adventures of pinocchio(木偶奇遇记)-第8章

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sharp; for we must continue on our journey。〃

〃Yes; sir;〃 answered the Innkeeper; winking in a knowing way
at the Fox and the Cat; as if to say; 〃I understand。〃

As soon as Pinocchio was in bed; he fell fast asleep
and began to dream。  He dreamed he was in the middle
of a field。  The field was full of vines heavy with grapes。
The grapes were no other than gold coins which tinkled
merrily as they swayed in the wind。  They seemed to
say; 〃Let him who wants us take us!〃

Just as Pinocchio stretched out his hand to take a
handful of them; he was awakened by three loud knocks at
the door。  It was the Innkeeper who had come to tell him
that midnight had struck。

〃Are my friends ready?〃 the Marionette asked him。

〃Indeed; yes!  They went two hours ago。〃

〃Why in such a hurry?〃

〃Unfortunately the Cat received a telegram which
said that his first…born was suffering from chilblains
and was on the point of death。  He could not even wait
to say good…by to you。〃

〃Did they pay for the supper?〃

〃How could they do such a thing?  Being people of
great refinement; they did not want to offend you so
deeply as not to allow you the honor of paying the bill。〃

〃Too bad!  That offense would have been more than
pleasing to me;〃 said Pinocchio; scratching his head。

〃Where did my good friends say they would wait for me?〃 he added。

〃At the Field of Wonders; at sunrise tomorrow morning。〃

Pinocchio paid a gold piece for the three suppers and
started on his way toward the field that was to make
him a rich man。

He walked on; not knowing where he was going; for
it was dark; so dark that not a thing was visible。  Round
about him; not a leaf stirred。  A few bats skimmed his
nose now and again and scared him half to death。  Once
or twice he shouted; 〃Who goes there?〃 and the far…away
hills echoed back to him; 〃Who goes there?  Who goes
there?  Who goes。 。 。 ?〃

As he walked; Pinocchio noticed a tiny insect
glimmering on the trunk of a tree; a small being that glowed
with a pale; soft light。

〃Who are you?〃 he asked。

〃I am the ghost of the Talking Cricket;〃 answered the
little being in a faint voice that sounded as if it came from
a far…away world。

〃What do you want?〃 asked the Marionette。

〃I want to give you a few words of good advice。
Return home and give the four gold pieces you have
left to your poor old father who is weeping because he
has not seen you for many a day。〃

〃Tomorrow my father will be a rich man; for these
four gold pieces will become two thousand。〃

〃Don't listen to those who promise you wealth overnight;
my boy。  As a rule they are either fools or swindlers!
Listen to me and go home。〃

〃But I want to go on!〃

〃The hour is late!〃

〃I want to go on。〃

〃The night is very dark。〃

〃I want to go on。〃

〃The road is dangerous。〃

〃I want to go on。〃

〃Remember that boys who insist on having their own way;
sooner or later come to grief。〃

〃The same nonsense。  Good…by; Cricket。〃

〃Good night; Pinocchio; and may Heaven preserve you
from the Assassins。〃

There was silence for a minute and the light of the
Talking Cricket disappeared suddenly; just as if someone
had snuffed it out。  Once again the road was plunged
in darkness。


Pinocchio; not having listened to the good advice
of the Talking Cricket; falls into the hands of the Assassins

〃Dear; oh; dear!  When I come to think of it;〃 said the
Marionette to himself; as he once more set out on his
journey; 〃we boys are really very unlucky。  Everybody
scolds us; everybody gives us advice; everybody warns us。
If we were to allow it; everyone would try to be father
and mother to us; everyone; even the Talking Cricket。
Take me; for example。  Just because I would not listen to
that bothersome Cricket; who knows how many misfortunes
may be awaiting me!  Assassins indeed!  At least
I have never believed in them; nor ever will。  To speak
sensibly; I think assassins have been invented by fathers
and mothers to frighten children who want to run away
at night。  And then; even if I were to meet them on
the road; what matter?  I'll just run up to them; and say;
‘Well; signori; what do you want?  Remember that you
can't fool with me!  Run along and mind your business。'
At such a speech; I can almost see those poor fellows
running like the wind。  But in case they don't run away;
I can always run myself。 。 。〃

Pinocchio was not given time to argue any longer; for he thought
he heard a slight rustle among the leaves behind him。

He turned to look and behold; there in the darkness
stood two big black shadows; wrapped from head to foot
in black sacks。  The two figures leaped toward him as
softly as if they were ghosts。

〃Here they come!〃 Pinocchio said to himself; and;
not knowing where to hide the gold pieces; he stuck all
four of them under his tongue。

He tried to run away; but hardly had he taken a step;
when he felt his arms grasped and heard two horrible;
deep voices say to him:  〃Your money or your life!〃

On account of the gold pieces in his mouth; Pinocchio
could not say a word; so he tried with head and hands
and body to show; as best he could; that he was only a
poor Marionette without a penny in his pocket。

〃Come; come; less nonsense; and out with your money!〃
cried the two thieves in threatening voices。

Once more; Pinocchio's head and hands said; 〃I haven't
a penny。〃

〃Out with that money or you're a dead man;〃 said the
taller of the two Assassins。

〃Dead man;〃 repeated the other。

〃And after having killed you; we will kill your father also。〃

〃Your father also!〃

〃No; no; no; not my Father!〃 cried Pinocchio; wild with terror;
but as he screamed; the gold pieces tinkled together in his mouth。

〃Ah; you rascal!  So that's the game!  You have the
money hidden under your tongue。  Out with it!〃

But Pinocchio was as stubborn as ever。

〃Are you deaf?  Wait; young man; we'll get it from
you in a twinkling!〃

One of them grabbed the Marionette by the nose and
the other by the chin; and they pulled him unmercifully
from side to side in order to make him open his mouth。

All was of no use。  The Marionette's lips might have
been nailed together。  They would not open。

In desperation the smaller of the two Assassins pulled
out a long knife from his pocket; and tried to pry Pinocchio's
mouth open with it。

Quick as a flash; the Marionette sank his teeth deep
into the Assassin's hand; bit it off and spat it out。  Fancy
his surprise when he saw that it was not a hand; but a
cat's paw。

Encouraged by this first victory; he freed himself from
the claws of his assailers and; leaping over the bushes
along the road; ran swiftly across the fields。  His pursuers
were after him at once; like two dogs chasing a hare。

After running seven miles or so; Pinocchio was well…
nigh exhausted。  Seeing himself lost; he climbed up a
giant pine tree and sat there to see what he could see。
The Assassins tried to climb also; but they slipped and fell。

Far from giving up the chase; this only spurred them on。
They gathered a bundle of wood; piled it up at the
foot of the pine; and set fire to it。  In a twinkling the
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