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the adventures of pinocchio(木偶奇遇记)-第7章

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〃Poor fellow!  I feel sorry for him。  Here; take these
five gold pieces。  Go; give them to him with my kindest regards。〃

Pinocchio; as may easily be imagined; thanked him
a thousand times。  He kissed each Marionette in turn;
even the officers; and; beside himself with joy; set out on
his homeward journey。

He had gone barely half a mile when he met a lame
Fox and a blind Cat; walking together like two good
friends。  The lame Fox leaned on the Cat; and the blind
Cat let the Fox lead him along。

〃Good morning; Pinocchio;〃 said the Fox; greeting him

〃How do you know my name?〃 asked the Marionette。

〃I know your father well。〃

〃Where have you seen him?〃

〃I saw him yesterday standing at the door of his house。〃

〃And what was he doing?〃

〃He was in his shirt sleeves trembling with cold。〃

〃Poor Father!  But; after today; God willing; he will
suffer no longer。〃


〃Because I have become a rich man。〃

〃You; a rich man?〃 said the Fox; and he began to laugh
out loud。  The Cat was laughing also; but tried to hide it
by stroking his long whiskers。

〃There is nothing to laugh at;〃 cried Pinocchio angrily。
〃I am very sorry to make your mouth water; but these;
as you know; are five new gold pieces。〃

And he pulled out the gold pieces which Fire Eater
had given him。

At the cheerful tinkle of the gold; the Fox unconsciously
held out his paw that was supposed to be lame; and the
Cat opened wide his two eyes till they looked like live
coals; but he closed them again so quickly that Pinocchio
did not notice。

〃And may I ask;〃 inquired the Fox; 〃what you are
going to do with all that money?〃

〃First of all;〃 answered the Marionette; 〃I want to
buy a fine new coat for my father; a coat of gold and
silver with diamond buttons; after that; I'll buy an A…B…C
book for myself。〃

〃For yourself?〃

〃For myself。  I want to go to school and study hard。〃

〃Look at me;〃 said the Fox。  〃For the silly reason of
wanting to study; I have lost a paw。〃

〃Look at me;〃 said the Cat。  〃For the same foolish reason;
I have lost the sight of both eyes。〃

At that moment; a Blackbird; perched on the fence
along the road; called out sharp and clear:

〃Pinocchio; do not listen to bad advice。  If you do;
you'll be sorry!〃

Poor little Blackbird!  If he had only kept his words
to himself!  In the twinkling of an eyelid; the Cat leaped
on him; and ate him; feathers and all。

After eating the bird; he cleaned his whiskers; closed
his eyes; and became blind once more。

〃Poor Blackbird!〃 said Pinocchio to the Cat。
〃Why did you kill him?〃

〃I killed him to teach him a lesson。  He talks too much。
Next time he will keep his words to himself。〃

By this time the three companions had walked a long
distance。  Suddenly; the Fox stopped in his tracks and;
turning to the Marionette; said to him:

〃Do you want to double your gold pieces?〃

〃What do you mean?〃

〃Do you want one hundred; a thousand; two thousand
gold pieces for your miserable five?〃

〃Yes; but how?〃

〃The way is very easy。  Instead of returning home;
come with us。〃

〃And where will you take me?〃

〃To the City of Simple Simons。〃

Pinocchio thought a while and then said firmly:

〃No; I don't want to go。  Home is near; and I'm going
where Father is waiting for me。  How unhappy he must
be that I have not yet returned!  I have been a bad son;
and the Talking Cricket was right when he said that a
disobedient boy cannot be happy in this world。  I have
learned this at my own expense。  Even last night in
the theater; when Fire Eater。 。 。 Brrrr!!!!! 。 。 。
The shivers run up and down my back at the mere thought of it。〃

〃Well; then;〃 said the Fox; 〃if you really want to go home;
go ahead; but you'll be sorry。〃

〃You'll be sorry;〃 repeated the Cat。

〃Think well; Pinocchio; you are turning your back on Dame Fortune。〃

〃On Dame Fortune;〃 repeated the Cat。

〃Tomorrow your five gold pieces will be two thousand!〃

〃Two thousand!〃 repeated the Cat。

〃But how can they possibly become so many?〃 asked
Pinocchio wonderingly。

〃I'll explain;〃 said the Fox。  〃You must know that;
just outside the City of Simple Simons; there is a blessed
field called the Field of Wonders。  In this field you dig
a hole and in the hole you bury a gold piece。  After covering
up the hole with earth you water it well; sprinkle
a bit of salt on it; and go to bed。  During the night; the
gold piece sprouts; grows; blossoms; and next morning
you find a beautiful tree; that is loaded with gold pieces。〃

〃So that if I were to bury my five gold pieces;〃 cried
Pinocchio with growing wonder; 〃next morning I should
findhow many?〃

〃It is very simple to figure out;〃 answered the Fox。
〃Why; you can figure it on your fingers!  Granted that
each piece gives you five hundred; multiply five hundred
by five。  Next morning you will find twenty…five hundred
new; sparkling gold pieces。〃

〃Fine!  Fine!〃 cried Pinocchio; dancing about with joy。
〃And as soon as I have them; I shall keep two thousand
for myself and the other five hundred I'll give to you two。〃

〃A gift for us?〃 cried the Fox; pretending to be insulted。
〃Why; of course not!〃

〃Of course not!〃 repeated the Cat。

〃We do not work for gain;〃 answered the Fox。
〃We work only to enrich others。〃

〃To enrich others!〃 repeated the Cat。

〃What good people;〃 thought Pinocchio to himself。
And forgetting his father; the new coat; the A…B…C book;
and all his good resolutions; he said to the Fox and to the Cat:

〃Let us go。  I am with you。〃


The Inn of the Red Lobster

Cat and Fox and Marionette walked and walked and walked。
At last; toward evening; dead tired; they came to the
Inn of the Red Lobster。

〃Let us stop here a while;〃 said the Fox; 〃to eat a bite
and rest for a few hours。  At midnight we'll start out again;
for at dawn tomorrow we must be at the Field of Wonders。〃

They went into the Inn and all three sat down at the
same table。  However; not one of them was very hungry。

The poor Cat felt very weak; and he was able to
eat only thirty…five mullets with tomato sauce and four
portions of tripe with cheese。  Moreover; as he was so
in need of strength; he had to have four more helpings of
butter and cheese。

The Fox; after a great deal of coaxing; tried his best
to eat a little。  The doctor had put him on a diet; and he
had to be satisfied with a small hare dressed with a dozen
young and tender spring chickens。  After the hare; he
ordered some partridges; a few pheasants; a couple of
rabbits; and a dozen frogs and lizards。  That was all。
He felt ill; he said; and could not eat another bite。

Pinocchio ate least of all。  He asked for a bite of bread
and a few nuts and then hardly touched them。  The poor
fellow; with his mind on the Field of Wonders; was
suffering from a gold…piece indigestion。

Supper over; the Fox said to the Innkeeper:

〃Give us two good rooms; one for Mr。 Pinocchio and
the other for me and my friend。  Before starting out;
we'll take a little nap。  Remember to call us at midnight
sharp; for we must continue on our journey。〃

〃Yes; sir;〃 answered the Innkeeper; winking i
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