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the adventures of pinocchio(木偶奇遇记)-第30章

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He felt so embarrassed and ashamed that he turned quickly;
plunged into the sea; and disappeared。

In the meantime day had dawned。

Pinocchio offered his arm to Geppetto; who was so
weak he could hardly stand; and said to him:

〃Lean on my arm; dear Father; and let us go。  We will
walk very; very slowly; and if we feel tired we can rest
by the wayside。〃

〃And where are we going?〃 asked Geppetto。

〃To look for a house or a hut; where they will be kind enough
to give us a bite of bread and a bit of straw to sleep on。〃

They had not taken a hundred steps when they saw two
rough…looking individuals sitting on a stone begging for alms。

It was the Fox and the Cat; but one could hardly recognize
them; they looked so miserable。  The Cat; after pretending
to be blind for so many years had really lost the sight
of both eyes。  And the Fox; old; thin; and almost hairless;
had even lost his tail。  That sly thief had fallen into
deepest poverty; and one day he had been forced to sell his
beautiful tail for a bite to eat。

〃Oh; Pinocchio;〃 he cried in a tearful voice。  〃Give us
some alms; we beg of you!  We are old; tired; and sick。〃

〃Sick!〃 repeated the Cat。

〃Addio; false friends!〃 answered the Marionette。
〃You cheated me once; but you will never catch me again。〃

〃Believe us!  Today we are truly poor and starving。〃

〃Starving!〃 repeated the Cat。

〃If you are poor; you deserve it!  Remember the old
proverb which says:  ‘Stolen money never bears fruit。'
Addio; false friends。〃

〃Have mercy on us!〃

〃On us。〃

〃Addio; false friends。  Remember the old proverb which says:
‘Bad wheat always makes poor bread!'〃

〃Do not abandon us。〃

〃Abandon us;〃 repeated the Cat。

〃Addio; false friends。  Remember the old proverb:
‘Whoever steals his neighbor's shirt; usually dies without
his own。'〃

Waving good…by to them; Pinocchio and Geppetto
calmly went on their way。  After a few more steps;
they saw; at the end of a long road near a clump of trees;
a tiny cottage built of straw。

〃Someone must live in that little hut;〃 said Pinocchio。
〃Let us see for ourselves。〃

They went and knocked at the door。

〃Who is it?〃 said a little voice from within。

〃A poor father and a poorer son; without food and with
no roof to cover them;〃 answered the Marionette。

〃Turn the key and the door will open;〃 said the same
little voice。

Pinocchio turned the key and the door opened。  As soon
as they went in; they looked here and there and everywhere
but saw no one。

〃Ohho; where is the owner of the hut?〃 cried Pinocchio;
very much surprised。

〃Here I am; up here!〃

Father and son looked up to the ceiling; and there on a
beam sat the Talking Cricket。

〃Oh; my dear Cricket;〃 said Pinocchio; bowing politely。

〃Oh; now you call me your dear Cricket; but do you
remember when you threw your hammer at me to kill me?〃

〃You are right; dear Cricket。  Throw a hammer at me now。
I deserve it!  But spare my poor old father。〃

〃I am going to spare both the father and the son。  I have
only wanted to remind you of the trick you long ago
played upon me; to teach you that in this world of ours
we must be kind and courteous to others; if we want to
find kindness and courtesy in our own days of trouble。〃

〃You are right; little Cricket; you are more than right;
and I shall remember the lesson you have taught me。  But
will you tell how you succeeded in buying this pretty
little cottage?〃

〃This cottage was given to me yesterday by a little Goat
with blue hair。〃

〃And where did the Goat go?〃 asked Pinocchio。

〃I don't know。〃

〃And when will she come back?〃

〃She will never come back。  Yesterday she went away
bleating sadly; and it seemed to me she said:  ‘Poor Pinocchio;
I shall never see him again。 。 。the Shark must have
eaten him by this time。'〃

〃Were those her real words?  Then it was sheit was
my dear little Fairy;〃 cried out Pinocchio; sobbing bitterly。
After he had cried a long time; he wiped his eyes and
then he made a bed of straw for old Geppetto。  He laid him
on it and said to the Talking Cricket:

〃Tell me; little Cricket; where shall I find a glass of milk
for my poor Father?〃

〃Three fields away from here lives Farmer John。  He has
some cows。  Go there and he will give you what you want。〃

Pinocchio ran all the way to Farmer John's house。  The
Farmer said to him:

〃How much milk do you want?〃

〃I want a full glass。〃

〃A full glass costs a penny。  First give me the penny。〃

〃I have no penny;〃 answered Pinocchio; sad and ashamed。

〃Very bad; my Marionette;〃 answered the Farmer;
〃very bad。  If you have no penny; I have no milk。〃

〃Too bad;〃 said Pinocchio and started to go。

〃Wait a moment;〃 said Farmer John。  〃Perhaps we can come to terms。
Do you know how to draw water from a well?〃

〃I can try。〃

〃Then go to that well you see yonder and draw one
hundred bucketfuls of water。〃

〃Very well。〃

〃After you have finished; I shall give you a glass of
warm sweet milk。〃

〃I am satisfied。〃

Farmer John took the Marionette to the well and showed
him how to draw the water。  Pinocchio set to work as well
as he knew how; but long before he had pulled up the one
hundred buckets; he was tired out and dripping with
perspiration。  He had never worked so hard in his life。

〃Until today;〃 said the Farmer; 〃my donkey has drawn
the water for me; but now that poor animal is dying。〃

〃Will you take me to see him?〃 said Pinocchio。


As soon as Pinocchio went into the stable; he spied a
little Donkey lying on a bed of straw in the corner of the
stable。  He was worn out from hunger and too much work。
After looking at him a long time; he said to himself:
〃I know that Donkey!  I have seen him before。〃

And bending low over him; he asked:  〃Who are you?〃

At this question; the Donkey opened weary; dying eyes
and answered in the same tongue:  〃I am Lamp…Wick。〃

Then he closed his eyes and died。

〃Oh; my poor Lamp…Wick;〃 said Pinocchio in a faint voice;
as he wiped his eyes with some straw he had picked up from the ground。

〃Do you feel so sorry for a little donkey that has cost you nothing?〃
said the Farmer。  〃What should I doI; who have paid my good money for him?〃

〃But; you see; he was my friend。〃

〃Your friend?〃

〃A classmate of mine。〃

〃What;〃 shouted Farmer John; bursting out laughing。
〃What!  You had donkeys in your school?  How you must
have studied!〃

The Marionette; ashamed and hurt by those words; did not answer;
but taking his glass of milk returned to his father。

From that day on; for more than five months; Pinocchio
got up every morning just as dawn was breaking and went
to the farm to draw water。  And every day he was given
a glass of warm milk for his poor old father; who grew
stronger and better day by day。  But he was not satisfied
with this。  He learned to make baskets of reeds and sold
them。  With the money he received; he and his father were
able to keep from starving。

Among other things; he built a rolling chair; strong and
comfortable; to take his old father out for an airing on
bright; sunny days。

In the evening the Marionette studied by lamplight。
With some of the m
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