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the adventures of pinocchio(木偶奇遇记)-第25章

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〃Both of them; too。  I wonder if it could be the same sickness。〃

〃I'm afraid it is。〃

〃Will you do me a favor; Lamp…Wick?〃

〃Gladly!  With my whole heart。〃

〃Will you let me see your ears?〃

〃Why not?  But before I show you mine; I want to see yours;
dear Pinocchio。〃

〃No。  You must show yours first。〃

〃No; my dear!  Yours first; then mine。〃

〃Well; then;〃 said the Marionette; 〃let us make a contract。〃

〃Let's hear the contract!〃

〃Let us take off our caps together。  All right?〃

〃All right。〃

〃Ready then!〃

Pinocchio began to count; 〃One!  Two!  Three!〃

At the word 〃Three!〃 the two boys pulled off their
caps and threw them high in air。

And then a scene took place which is hard to believe;
but it is all too true。  The Marionette and his friend;
Lamp…Wick; when they saw each other both stricken by the
same misfortune; instead of feeling sorrowful and ashamed;
began to poke fun at each other; and after much nonsense;
they ended by bursting out into hearty laughter。

They laughed and laughed; and laughed againlaughed
till they achedlaughed till they cried。

But all of a sudden Lamp…Wick stopped laughing。  He tottered
and almost fell。  Pale as a ghost; he turned to Pinocchio and said:

〃Help; help; Pinocchio!〃

〃What is the matter?〃

〃Oh; help me!  I can no longer stand up。〃

〃I can't either;〃 cried Pinocchio; and his laughter
turned to tears as he stumbled about helplessly。

They had hardly finished speaking; when both of them fell
on all fours and began running and jumping around the room。
As they ran; their arms turned into legs; their faces lengthened
into snouts and their backs became covered with long gray hairs。

This was humiliation enough; but the most horrible
moment was the one in which the two poor creatures felt
their tails appear。  Overcome with shame and grief;
they tried to cry and bemoan their fate。

But what is done can't be undone!  Instead of moans
and cries; they burst forth into loud donkey brays; which
sounded very much like; 〃Haw!  Haw!  Haw!〃

At that moment; a loud knocking was heard at the door
and a voice called to them:

〃Open!  I am the Little Man; the driver of the wagon
which brought you here。  Open; I say; or beware!〃


Pinocchio; having become a Donkey;
is bought by the owner of a Circus;
who wants to teach him to do tricks。
The Donkey becomes lame and is sold
to a man who wants to use his skin
for a drumhead

Very sad and downcast were the two poor little fellows
as they stood and looked at each other。  Outside the room;
the Little Man grew more and more impatient; and finally
gave the door such a violent kick that it flew open。  With
his usual sweet smile on his lips; he looked at Pinocchio
and Lamp…Wick and said to them:

〃Fine work; boys!  You have brayed well; so well that
I recognized your voices immediately; and here I am。〃

On hearing this; the two Donkeys bowed their heads in shame;
dropped their ears; and put their tails between their legs。

At first; the Little Man petted and caressed them and
smoothed down their hairy coats。  Then he took out a
currycomb and worked over them till they shone like glass。
Satisfied with the looks of the two little animals;
he bridled them and took them to a market place far away
from the Land of Toys; in the hope of selling them at a
good price。

In fact; he did not have to wait very long for an offer。
Lamp…Wick was bought by a farmer whose donkey had died
the day before。  Pinocchio went to the owner of a circus;
who wanted to teach him to do tricks for his audiences。

And now do you understand what the Little Man's
profession was?  This horrid little being; whose face shone
with kindness; went about the world looking for boys。
Lazy boys; boys who hated books; boys who wanted to
run away from home; boys who were tired of schoolall
these were his joy and his fortune。  He took them with
him to the Land of Toys and let them enjoy themselves
to their heart's content。  When; after months of all play
and no work; they became little donkeys; he sold them on
the market place。  In a few years; he had become a millionaire。

What happened to Lamp…Wick?  My dear children; I do not know。
Pinocchio; I can tell you; met with great hardships
even from the first day。

After putting him in a stable; his new master filled his
manger with straw; but Pinocchio; after tasting a mouthful;
spat it out。

Then the man filled the manger with hay。
But Pinocchio did not like that any better。

〃Ah; you don't like hay either?〃 he cried angrily。
〃Wait; my pretty Donkey; I'll teach you not to be so particular。〃

Without more ado; he took a whip and gave the Donkey
a hearty blow across the legs。

Pinocchio screamed with pain and as he screamed he brayed:

〃Haw!  Haw!  Haw!  I can't digest straw!〃

〃Then eat the hay!〃 answered his master; who understood
the Donkey perfectly。

〃Haw!  Haw!  Haw!  Hay gives me a headache!〃

〃Do you pretend; by any chance; that I should feed you duck
or chicken?〃 asked the man again; and; angrier than ever;
he gave poor Pinocchio another lashing。

At that second beating; Pinocchio became very quiet and said no more。

After that; the door of the stable was closed and he
was left alone。  It was many hours since he had eaten
anything and he started to yawn from hunger。  As he
yawned; he opened a mouth as big as an oven。

Finally; not finding anything else in the manger;
he tasted the hay。  After tasting it; he chewed it well;
closed his eyes; and swallowed it。

〃This hay is not bad;〃 he said to himself。  〃But how
much happier I should be if I had studied!  Just now;
instead of hay; I should be eating some good bread
and butter。  Patience!〃

Next morning; when he awoke; Pinocchio looked in
the manger for more hay; but it was all gone。  He had
eaten it all during the night。

He tried the straw; but; as he chewed away at it; he
noticed to his great disappointment that it tasted neither
like rice nor like macaroni。

〃Patience!〃 he repeated as he chewed。  〃If only my
misfortune might serve as a lesson to disobedient boys
who refuse to study!  Patience!  Have patience!〃

〃Patience indeed!〃 shouted his master just then; as he
came into the stable。  〃Do you think; perhaps; my little
Donkey; that I have brought you here only to give you
food and drink?  Oh; no!  You are to help me earn some
fine gold pieces; do you hear?  Come along; now。  I am
going to teach you to jump and bow; to dance a waltz and
a polka; and even to stand on your head。〃

Poor Pinocchio; whether he liked it or not; had to learn
all these wonderful things; but it took him three long
months and cost him many; many lashings before he was
pronounced perfect。

The day came at last when Pinocchio's master was
able to announce an extraordinary performance。  The
announcements; posted all around the town; and written
in large letters; read thus:

of the

First Public Appearance

of the





The Theater will be as Light as Day

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