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the adventures of pinocchio(木偶奇遇记)-第17章

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she asked; laughing。

〃My love for you told me who you were。〃

〃Do you remember?  You left me when I was a little girl
and now you find me a grown woman。  I am so old; I could
almost be your mother!〃

〃I am very glad of that; for then I can call you mother
instead of sister。  For a long time I have wanted a mother;
just like other boys。  But how did you grow so quickly?〃

〃That's a secret!〃

〃Tell it to me。  I also want to grow a little。  Look at me!
I have never grown higher than a penny's worth of cheese。〃

〃But you can't grow;〃 answered the Fairy。

〃Why not?〃

〃Because Marionettes never grow。  They are born Marionettes;
they live Marionettes; and they die Marionettes。〃

〃Oh; I'm tired of always being a Marionette!〃 cried Pinocchio disgustedly。
〃It's about time for me to grow into a man as everyone else does。〃

〃And you will if you deserve it〃

〃Really?  What can I do to deserve it?〃

〃It's a very simple matter。  Try to act like a well…behaved child。〃

〃Don't you think I do?〃

〃Far from it!  Good boys are obedient; and you; on the contrary〃

〃And I never obey。〃

〃Good boys love study and work; but you〃

〃And I; on the contrary; am a lazy fellow and a tramp all year round。〃

〃Good boys always tell the truth。〃

〃And I always tell lies。〃

〃Good boys go gladly to school。〃

〃And I get sick if I go to school。  From now on I'll be different。〃

〃Do you promise?〃

〃I promise。  I want to become a good boy and be a comfort to my father。
Where is my poor father now?〃

〃I do not know。〃

〃Will I ever be lucky enough to find him and embrace him once more?〃

〃I think so。  Indeed; I am sure of it。〃

At this answer; Pinocchio's happiness was very great。
He grasped the Fairy's hands and kissed them so hard that
it looked as if he had lost his head。  Then lifting his face;
he looked at her lovingly and asked:  〃Tell me; little Mother;
it isn't true that you are dead; is it?〃

〃It doesn't seem so;〃 answered the Fairy; smiling。

〃If you only knew how I suffered and how I wept when I read ‘Here lies'〃

〃I know it; and for that I have forgiven you。  The depth
of your sorrow made me see that you have a kind heart。
There is always hope for boys with hearts such as yours;
though they may often be very mischievous。  This is the
reason why I have come so far to look for you。  From now
on; I'll be your own little mother。〃

〃Oh!  How lovely!〃 cried Pinocchio; jumping with joy。

〃You will obey me always and do as I wish?〃

〃Gladly; very gladly; more than gladly!〃

〃Beginning tomorrow;〃 said the Fairy; 〃you'll go to school every day。〃

Pinocchio's face fell a little。

〃Then you will choose the trade you like best。〃

Pinocchio became more serious。

〃What are you mumbling to yourself?〃 asked the Fairy。

〃I was just saying;〃 whined the Marionette in a whisper;
〃that it seems too late for me to go to school now。〃

〃No; indeed。  Remember it is never too late to learn。〃

〃But I don't want either trade or profession。〃


〃Because work wearies me!〃

〃My dear boy;〃 said the Fairy; 〃people who speak as
you do usually end their days either in a prison or in a
hospital。  A man; remember; whether rich or poor; should
do something in this world。  No one can find happiness
without work。  Woe betide the lazy fellow!  Laziness is a
serious illness and one must cure it immediately; yes; even
from early childhood。  If not; it will kill you in the end。〃

These words touched Pinocchio's heart。  He lifted
his eyes to his Fairy and said seriously:
〃I'll work; I'll study; I'll do all you tell me。
After all; the life of a Marionette has grown very tiresome
to me and I want to become a boy; no matter how hard it is。
You promise that; do you not?〃

〃Yes; I promise; and now it is up to you。〃


Pinocchio goes to the seashore with his friends
to see the Terrible Shark

In the morning; bright and early; Pinocchio started for school。

Imagine what the boys said when they saw a Marionette
enter the classroom!  They laughed until they cried。  Everyone
played tricks on him。  One pulled his hat off; another
tugged at his coat; a third tried to paint a mustache under
his nose。  One even attempted to tie strings to his feet and
his hands to make him dance。

For a while Pinocchio was very calm and quiet。  Finally;
however; he lost all patience and turning to his tormentors;
he said to them threateningly:

〃Careful; boys; I haven't come here to be made fun of。
I'll respect you and I want you to respect me。〃

〃Hurrah for Dr。 Know…all!  You have spoken like a
printed book!〃 howled the boys; bursting with laughter。
One of them; more impudent than the rest; put out his
hand to pull the Marionette's nose。

But he was not quick enough; for Pinocchio stretched
his leg under the table and kicked him hard on the shin。

〃Oh; what hard feet!〃 cried the boy; rubbing the spot
where the Marionette had kicked him。

〃And what elbows!  They are even harder than the feet!〃
shouted another one; who; because of some other trick;
had received a blow in the stomach。

With that kick and that blow Pinocchio gained everybody's favor。
Everyone admired him; danced attendance upon him; petted and caressed him。

As the days passed into weeks; even the teacher praised him;
for he saw him attentive; hard working; and wide awake;
always the first to come in the morning; and the last
to leave when school was over。

Pinocchio's only fault was that he had too many friends。
Among these were many well…known rascals; who cared
not a jot for study or for success。

The teacher warned him each day; and even the good
Fairy repeated to him many times:

〃Take care; Pinocchio!  Those bad companions will
sooner or later make you lose your love for study。
Some day they will lead you astray。〃

〃There's no such danger;〃 answered the Marionette;
shrugging his shoulders and pointing to his forehead as if
to say; 〃I'm too wise。〃

So it happened that one day; as he was walking to school;
he met some boys who ran up to him and said:

〃Have you heard the news?〃


〃A Shark as big as a mountain has been seen near the shore。〃

〃Really?  I wonder if it could be the same one I heard
of when my father was drowned?〃

〃We are going to see it。  Are you coming?〃

〃No; not I。  I must go to school。〃

〃What do you care about school?  You can go there tomorrow。
With a lesson more or less; we are always the same donkeys。〃

〃And what will the teacher say?〃

〃Let him talk。  He is paid to grumble all day long。〃

〃And my mother?〃

〃Mothers don't know anything;〃 answered those scamps。

〃Do you know what I'll do?〃 said Pinocchio。
〃For certain reasons of mine; I; too; want to see that Shark;
but I'll go after school。  I can see him then as well as now。〃

〃Poor simpleton!〃 cried one of the boys。  〃Do you think
that a fish of that size will stand there waiting for you?
He turns and off he goes; and no one will ever be the wiser。〃

〃How long does it take from here to the shore?〃 asked the Marionette。
〃One hour there and back。〃

〃Very well; then。  Let's see who gets there first!〃 cried Pinocchio。

At the signal; the little troop;
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