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the adventures of pinocchio(木偶奇遇记)-第16章

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〃If I even knew what kind of people I would find here!
But whom shall I ask?  There is no one here。〃

The idea of finding himself in so lonesome a spot made him
so sad that he was about to cry; but just then he saw a big
Fish swimming near…by; with his head far out of the water。

Not knowing what to call him; the Marionette said to him:

〃Hey there; Mr。 Fish; may I have a word with you?〃

〃Even two; if you want;〃 answered the fish;
who happened to be a very polite Dolphin。

〃Will you please tell me if; on this island; there are
places where one may eat without necessarily being eaten?〃

〃Surely; there are;〃 answered the Dolphin。  〃In fact
you'll find one not far from this spot。〃

〃And how shall I get there?〃

〃Take that path on your left and follow your nose。  You
can't go wrong。〃

〃Tell me another thing。  You who travel day and night
through the sea; did you not perhaps meet a little boat with
my father in it?〃

〃And who is you father?〃

〃He is the best father in the world; even as I am the
worst son that can be found。〃

〃In the storm of last night;〃 answered the Dolphin; 〃the
little boat must have been swamped。〃

〃And my father?〃

〃By this time; he must have been swallowed by the
Terrible Shark; which; for the last few days; has been
bringing terror to these waters。〃

〃Is this Shark very big?〃 asked Pinocchio; who was
beginning to tremble with fright。

〃Is he big?〃 replied the Dolphin。  〃Just to give you an idea
of his size; let me tell you that he is larger than a five
story building and that he has a mouth so big and so deep;
that a whole train and engine could easily get into it。〃

〃Mother mine!〃 cried the Marionette; scared to death;
and dressing himself as fast as he could; he turned to the
Dolphin and said:

〃Farewell; Mr。 Fish。  Pardon the bother; and many thanks
for your kindness。〃

This said; he took the path at so swift a gait that he
seemed to fly; and at every small sound he heard;
he turned in fear to see whether the Terrible Shark;
five stories high and with a train in his mouth;
was following him。

After walking a half hour; he came to a small country
called the Land of the Busy Bees。  The streets were filled
with people running to and fro about their tasks。  Everyone
worked; everyone had something to do。  Even if one were
to search with a lantern; not one idle man or one tramp
could have been found。

〃I understand;〃 said Pinocchio at once wearily;
〃this is no place for me!  I was not born for work。〃

But in the meantime; he began to feel hungry; for it
was twenty…four hours since he had eaten。

What was to be done?

There were only two means left to him in order to get a
bite to eat。  He had either to work or to beg。

He was ashamed to beg; because his father had always
preached to him that begging should be done only by the
sick or the old。  He had said that the real poor in this world;
deserving of our pity and help; were only those who; either
through age or sickness; had lost the means of earning their
bread with their own hands。  All others should work; and
if they didn't; and went hungry; so much the worse for them。

Just then a man passed by; worn out and wet with perspiration;
pulling; with difficulty; two heavy carts filled with coal。

Pinocchio looked at him and; judging him by his looks
to be a kind man; said to him with eyes downcast in shame:

〃Will you be so good as to give me a penny;
for I am faint with hunger?〃

〃Not only one penny;〃 answered the Coal Man。  〃I'll give
you four if you will help me pull these two wagons。〃

〃I am surprised!〃 answered the Marionette; very much offended。
〃I wish you to know that I never have been a donkey;
nor have I ever pulled a wagon。〃

〃So much the better for you!〃 answered the Coal Man。
〃Then; my boy; if you are really faint with hunger;
eat two slices of your pride; and I hope they don't
give you indigestion。〃

A few minutes after; a Bricklayer passed by; carrying
a pail full of plaster on his shoulder。

〃Good man; will you be kind enough to give a penny to
a poor boy who is yawning from hunger?〃

〃Gladly;〃 answered the Bricklayer。  〃Come with me and carry
some plaster; and instead of one penny; I'll give you five。〃

〃But the plaster is heavy;〃 answered Pinocchio; 〃and the
work too hard for me。〃

〃If the work is too hard for you; my boy; enjoy your yawns
and may they bring you luck!〃

In less than a half hour; at least twenty people passed
and Pinocchio begged of each one; but they all answered:

〃Aren't you ashamed?  Instead of being a beggar in the streets;
why don't you look for work and earn your own bread?〃

Finally a little woman went by carrying two water jugs。

〃Good woman; will you allow me to have a drink from
one of your jugs?〃 asked Pinocchio; who was burning up
with thirst。

〃With pleasure; my boy!〃 she answered; setting the
two jugs on the ground before him。

When Pinocchio had had his fill; he grumbled;
as he wiped his mouth:

〃My thirst is gone。  If I could only as easily get rid of my hunger!〃

On hearing these words; the good little woman immediately said:

〃If you help me to carry these jugs home; I'll give you a
slice of bread。〃

Pinocchio looked at the jug and said neither yes nor no。

〃And with the bread; I'll give you a nice dish of
cauliflower with white sauce on it。〃

Pinocchio gave the jug another look and said neither yes nor no。

〃And after the cauliflower; some cake and jam。〃

At this last bribery; Pinocchio could no longer resist and said firmly:

〃Very well。  I'll take the jug home for you。〃

The jug was very heavy; and the Marionette; not being
strong enough to carry it with his hands; had to put it
on his head。

When they arrived home; the little woman made Pinocchio
sit down at a small table and placed before him the
bread; the cauliflower; and the cake。  Pinocchio did not eat;
he devoured。  His stomach seemed a bottomless pit。

His hunger finally appeased; he raised his head to thank
his kind benefactress。  But he had not looked at her long
when he gave a cry of surprise and sat there with his eyes
wide open; his fork in the air; and his mouth filled with
bread and cauliflower。

〃Why all this surprise?〃 asked the good woman; laughing。

〃Because〃 answered Pinocchio; stammering and stuttering;
〃becauseyou look likeyou remind me ofyes; yes;
the same voice; the same eyes; the same hairyes; yes;
yes; you also have the same azure hair she hadOh; my
little Fairy; my little Fairy!  Tell me that it is you!
Don't make me cry any longer!  If you only knew!  I have
cried so much; I have suffered so!〃

And Pinocchio threw himself on the floor and clasped
the knees of the mysterious little woman。


Pinocchio promises the Fairy to be good and to study;
as he is growing tired of being a Marionette;
and wishes to become a real boy

If Pinocchio cried much longer; the little woman thought
he would melt away; so she finally admitted that she was
the little Fairy with Azure Hair。

〃You rascal of a Marionette!  How did you know it was I?〃
she asked; laughing。

〃My love for you told me who you were。〃

〃Do you remember?  You lef
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