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the adventures of pinocchio(木偶奇遇记)-第15章

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and only hard; dry sobs shook his wooden frame。  But
these were so loud that they could be heard by the
faraway hills。

As he sobbed he said to himself:

〃Oh; my Fairy; my dear; dear Fairy; why did you die?
Why did I not die; who am so bad; instead of you; who
are so good?  And my fatherwhere can he be?  Please
dear Fairy; tell me where he is and I shall never; never
leave him again!  You are not really dead; are you?  If you
love me; you will come back; alive as before。  Don't you
feel sorry for me?  I'm so lonely。  If the two Assassins come;
they'll hang me again from the giant oak tree and I will
really die; this time。  What shall I do alone in the world?
Now that you are dead and my father is lost; where shall
I eat?  Where shall I sleep?  Who will make my new
clothes?  Oh; I want to die!  Yes; I want to die! Oh; oh; oh!〃

Poor Pinocchio! He even tried to tear his hair; but as it
was only painted on his wooden head; he could not even pull it。

Just then a large Pigeon flew far above him。  Seeing the
Marionette; he cried to him:

〃Tell me; little boy; what are you doing there?〃

〃Can't you see?  I'm crying;〃 cried Pinocchio; lifting his
head toward the voice and rubbing his eyes with his sleeve。

〃Tell me;〃 asked the Pigeon; 〃do you by chance know
of a Marionette; Pinocchio by name?〃

〃Pinocchio!  Did you say Pinocchio?〃 replied the
Marionette; jumping to his feet。  〃Why; I am Pinocchio!〃

At this answer; the Pigeon flew swiftly down to the earth。
He was much larger than a turkey。

〃Then you know Geppetto also?〃

〃Do I know him?  He's my father; my poor; dear father!
Has he; perhaps; spoken to you of me?  Will you take me to him?
Is he still alive?  Answer me; please! Is he still alive?〃

〃I left him three days ago on the shore of a large sea。〃

〃What was he doing?〃

〃He was building a little boat with which to cross the ocean。
For the last four months; that poor man has been wandering
around Europe; looking for you。  Not having found you yet;
he has made up his mind to look for you in the New World;
far across the ocean。〃

〃How far is it from here to the shore?〃 asked Pinocchio anxiously。

〃More than fifty miles。〃

〃Fifty miles?  Oh; dear Pigeon; how I wish I had your wings!〃

〃If you want to come; I'll take you with me。〃


〃Astride my back。  Are you very heavy?〃

〃Heavy?  Not at all。  I'm only a feather。〃

〃Very well。〃

Saying nothing more; Pinocchio jumped on the Pigeon's
back and; as he settled himself; he cried out gayly:

〃Gallop on; gallop on; my pretty steed!  I'm in a great hurry。〃

The Pigeon flew away; and in a few minutes he had
reached the clouds。  The Marionette looked to see what
was below them。  His head swam and he was so frightened
that he clutched wildly at the Pigeon's neck to keep
himself from falling。

They flew all day。  Toward evening the Pigeon said:

〃I'm very thirsty!〃

〃And I'm very hungry!〃 said Pinocchio。

〃Let us stop a few minutes at that pigeon coop down there。
Then we can go on and be at the seashore in the morning。〃

They went into the empty coop and there they found nothing but
a bowl of water and a small basket filled with chick…peas。

The Marionette had always hated chick…peas。  According
to him; they had always made him sick; but that night
he ate them with a relish。  As he finished them; he turned
to the Pigeon and said:

〃I never should have thought that chick…peas could be so good!〃

〃You must remember; my boy;〃 answered the Pigeon;
〃that hunger is the best sauce!〃

After resting a few minutes longer; they set out again。
The next morning they were at the seashore。

Pinocchio jumped off the Pigeon's back; and the Pigeon;
not wanting any thanks for a kind deed; flew away swiftly
and disappeared。

The shore was full of people; shrieking and tearing their
hair as they looked toward the sea。

〃What has happened?〃 asked Pinocchio of a little old woman。

〃A poor old father lost his only son some time ago and
today he built a tiny boat for himself in order to go in
search of him across the ocean。  The water is very rough
and we're afraid he will be drowned。〃

〃Where is the little boat?〃

〃There。  Straight down there;〃 answered the little old woman;
pointing to a tiny shadow; no bigger than a nutshell;
floating on the sea。

Pinocchio looked closely for a few minutes and then gave a sharp cry:

〃It's my father!  It's my father!〃

Meanwhile; the little boat; tossed about by the angry
waters; appeared and disappeared in the waves。  And Pinocchio;
standing on a high rock; tired out with searching;
waved to him with hand and cap and even with his nose。

It looked as if Geppetto; though far away from the
shore; recognized his son; for he took off his cap and
waved also。  He seemed to be trying to make everyone
understand that he would come back if he were able; but
the sea was so heavy that he could do nothing with his oars。
Suddenly a huge wave came and the boat disappeared。

They waited and waited for it; but it was gone。

〃Poor man!〃 said the fisher folk on the shore; whispering
a prayer as they turned to go home。

Just then a desperate cry was heard。  Turning around;
the fisher folk saw Pinocchio dive into the sea and heard
him cry out:

〃I'll save him!  I'll save my father!〃

The Marionette; being made of wood; floated easily
along and swam like a fish in the rough water。  Now and
again he disappeared only to reappear once more。  In a
twinkling; he was far away from land。  At last he was
completely lost to view。

〃Poor boy!〃 cried the fisher folk on the shore; and again
they mumbled a few prayers; as they returned home。


Pinocchio reaches the Island of the Busy Bees
and finds the Fairy once more

Pinocchio; spurred on by the hope of finding his father
and of being in time to save him; swam all night long。

And what a horrible night it was!  It poured rain; it
hailed; it thundered; and the lightning was so bright that it
turned the night into day。

At dawn; he saw; not far away from him; a long stretch
of sand。  It was an island in the middle of the sea。

Pinocchio tried his best to get there; but he couldn't。
The waves played with him and tossed him about as if he
were a twig or a bit of straw。  At last; and luckily for him;
a tremendous wave tossed him to the very spot where he
wanted to be。  The blow from the wave was so strong that;
as he fell to the ground; his joints cracked and almost broke。
But; nothing daunted; he jumped to his feet and cried:

〃Once more I have escaped with my life!〃

Little by little the sky cleared。  The sun came out in full
splendor and the sea became as calm as a lake。

Then the Marionette took off his clothes and laid them
on the sand to dry。  He looked over the waters to see
whether he might catch sight of a boat with a little man in
it。  He searched and he searched; but he saw nothing except
sea and sky and far away a few sails; so small that they
might have been birds。

〃If only I knew the name of this island!〃 he said to himself。
〃If I even knew what kind of people I would find here!
But whom shall I ask?  There is no one here。〃

The ide
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