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the adventures of pinocchio(木偶奇遇记)-第12章

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coins and return home rich。  Are you coming?〃

Pinocchio hesitated a moment before answering; for he
remembered the good Fairy; old Geppetto; and the advice
of the Talking Cricket。  Then he ended by doing what
all boys do; when they have no heart and little brain。
He shrugged his shoulders and said to the Fox and the Cat:

〃Let us go!  I am with you。〃

And they went。

They walked and walked for a half a day at least and
at last they came to the town called the City of Simple
Simons。  As soon as they entered the town; Pinocchio
noticed that all the streets were filled with hairless dogs;
yawning from hunger; with sheared sheep; trembling with
cold; with combless chickens; begging for a grain of
wheat; with large butterflies; unable to use their wings
because they had sold all their lovely colors; with tailless
peacocks; ashamed to show themselves; and with bedraggled
pheasants; scuttling away hurriedly; grieving for their
bright feathers of gold and silver; lost to them forever。

Through this crowd of paupers and beggars; a beautiful
coach passed now and again。  Within it sat either a Fox;
a Hawk; or a Vulture。

〃Where is the Field of Wonders?〃 asked Pinocchio;
growing tired of waiting。

〃Be patient。  It is only a few more steps away。〃

They passed through the city and; just outside the walls;
they stepped into a lonely field; which looked more
or less like any other field。

〃Here we are;〃 said the Fox to the Marionette。
〃Dig a hole here and put the gold pieces into it。〃

The Marionette obeyed。  He dug the hole; put the
four gold pieces into it; and covered them up very carefully。
〃Now;〃 said the Fox; 〃go to that near…by brook; bring
back a pail full of water; and sprinkle it over the spot。〃

Pinocchio followed the directions closely; but; as he
had no pail; he pulled off his shoe; filled it with water;
and sprinkled the earth which covered the gold。  Then
he asked:

〃Anything else?〃

〃Nothing else;〃 answered the Fox。  〃Now we can go。
Return here within twenty minutes and you will find the
vine grown and the branches filled with gold pieces。〃

Pinocchio; beside himself with joy; thanked the Fox
and the Cat many times and promised them each a beautiful gift。

〃We don't want any of your gifts;〃 answered the two
rogues。  〃It is enough for us that we have helped you to
become rich with little or no trouble。  For this we are
as happy as kings。〃

They said good…by to Pinocchio and; wishing him good
luck; went on their way。


Pinocchio is robbed of his gold pieces and;
in punishment; is sentenced to four months in prison

If the Marionette had been told to wait a day instead of
twenty minutes; the time could not have seemed longer
to him。  He walked impatiently to and fro and finally
turned his nose toward the Field of Wonders。

And as he walked with hurried steps; his heart beat
with an excited tic; tac; tic; tac; just as if it were a wall
clock; and his busy brain kept thinking:

〃What if; instead of a thousand; I should find two
thousand?  Or if; instead of two thousand; I should find five
thousandor one hundred thousand?  I'll build myself a
beautiful palace; with a thousand stables filled with a
thousand wooden horses to play with; a cellar overflowing
with lemonade and ice cream soda; and a library of candies
and fruits; cakes and cookies。〃

Thus amusing himself with fancies; he came to the field。
There he stopped to see if; by any chance; a vine filled
with gold coins was in sight。  But he saw nothing!  He
took a few steps forward; and still nothing!  He stepped
into the field。  He went up to the place where he had
dug the hole and buried the gold pieces。  Again nothing!
Pinocchio became very thoughtful and; forgetting his good
manners altogether; he pulled a hand out of his pocket and
gave his head a thorough scratching。

As he did so; he heard a hearty burst of laughter close
to his head。  He turned sharply; and there; just above him
on the branch of a tree; sat a large Parrot; busily preening
his feathers。

〃What are you laughing at?〃 Pinocchio asked peevishly。

〃I am laughing because; in preening my feathers; I
tickled myself under the wings。〃

The Marionette did not answer。  He walked to the
brook; filled his shoe with water; and once more sprinkled
the ground which covered the gold pieces。

Another burst of laughter; even more impertinent than
the first; was heard in the quiet field。

〃Well;〃 cried the Marionette; angrily this time;
〃may I know; Mr。 Parrot; what amuses you so?〃

〃I am laughing at those simpletons who believe
everything they hear and who allow themselves to be caught so
easily in the traps set for them。〃

〃Do you; perhaps; mean me?〃

〃I certainly do mean you; poor Pinocchioyou who
are such a little silly as to believe that gold can be sown
in a field just like beans or squash。  I; too; believed that
once and today I am very sorry for it。  Today (but too late!)
I have reached the conclusion that; in order to come
by money honestly; one must work and know how to earn
it with hand or brain。〃

〃I don't know what you are talking about;〃 said the
Marionette; who was beginning to tremble with fear。

〃Too bad!  I'll explain myself better;〃 said the Parrot。
〃While you were away in the city the Fox and the Cat
returned here in a great hurry。  They took the four gold
pieces which you have buried and ran away as fast as the wind。
If you can catch them; you're a brave one!〃

Pinocchio's mouth opened wide。  He would not believe
the Parrot's words and began to dig away furiously at the
earth。  He dug and he dug till the hole was as big as himself;
but no money was there。  Every penny was gone。

In desperation; he ran to the city and went straight to
the courthouse to report the robbery to the magistrate。
The Judge was a Monkey; a large Gorilla venerable
with age。  A flowing white beard covered his chest and he
wore gold…rimmed spectacles from which the glasses had
dropped out。  The reason for wearing these; he said; was
that his eyes had been weakened by the work of many years。

Pinocchio; standing before him; told his pitiful tale;
word by word。  He gave the names and the descriptions
of the robbers and begged for justice。

The Judge listened to him with great patience。  A kind
look shone in his eyes。  He became very much interested
in the story; he felt moved; he almost wept。  When the
Marionette had no more to say; the Judge put out his
hand and rang a bell。

At the sound; two large Mastiffs appeared; dressed in
Carabineers' uniforms。

Then the magistrate; pointing to Pinocchio; said in a
very solemn voice:

〃This poor simpleton has been robbed of four gold pieces。
Take him; therefore; and throw him into prison。〃
The Marionette; on hearing this sentence passed upon
him; was thoroughly stunned。  He tried to protest; but
the two officers clapped their paws on his mouth and
hustled him away to jail。

There he had to remain for four long; weary months。
And if it had not been for a very lucky chance; he probably
would have had to stay there longer。  For; my dear
children; you must know that it happened just then that
the young em
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