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the little elder-tree mother-第3章

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hundreds of pictures passed through his mind。

    Thus many years rolled by。 He had now become an old man; and was

sitting; with his old wife; under an elder…tree in full bloom。 They

held each other by the hand exactly as the great…grandfather and the

great…grandmother had done outside; and; like them; they talked

about bygone days and of their golden wedding。 The little girl with

the blue eyes and elder…blossoms in her hair was sitting high up in

the tree; and nodded to them; saying; 〃To…day is the golden

wedding!〃 And then she took two flowers out of her wreath and kissed

them。 They glittered at first like silver; then like gold; and when

she placed them on the heads of the old people each flower became a

golden crown。 There they both sat like a king and queen under the

sweet…smelling tree; which looked exactly like an elder…tree; and he

told his wife the story of the elder…tree mother as it had been told

him when he was a little boy。 They were both of opinion that the story

contained many points like their own; and these similarities they

liked best。

    〃Yes; so it is;〃 said the little girl in the tree。 〃Some call me

Little Elder…tree Mother; others a Dryad; but my real name is

'Remembrance。' It is I who sit in the tree which grows and grows。 I

can remember things and tell stories! But let's see if you have

still got your flower。〃

    And the old man opened his prayer…book; the elder…blossom was

still in it; and as fresh as if it had only just been put in。

Remembrance nodded; and the two old people; with the golden crowns

on their heads; sat in the glowing evening sun。 They closed their eyes

and… and…

    Well; now the story is ended! The little boy in bed did not know

whether he had dreamt it or heard it told; the teapot stood on the

table; but no elder…tree was growing out of it; and the old man who

had told the story was on the point of leaving the room; and he did go


    〃How beautiful it was!〃 said the little boy。 〃Mother; I have

been to warm countries!〃

    〃I believe you;〃 said the mother; 〃if one takes two cups of hot

elder…tea it is quite natural that one gets into warm countries!〃

And she covered him up well; so that he might not take cold。 〃You have

slept soundly while I was arguing with the old man whether it was a

story or a fairy tale!〃

    〃And what has become of the little elder…tree mother?〃 asked the


    〃She is in the teapot;〃 said the mother; 〃and there she may


                            THE END

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