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a treatise on good works-第17章

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touching infirmity of faith (that is; of the First and highest

Commandment); there is no one on earth who does not have his good

share of it。 For even the holy Apostles in the Gospel; and

especially St。 Peter; were weak in faith; so that they also

prayed Christ and said: 〃Lord; increase our faith 〃; and He very

frequently rebukes them because they have so little faith。 

Therefore you shall not despair; nor give up; even if you find

that you do not believe as firmly as you ought and wish; in your

prayer or in other works。 Nay; you shall thank God with all your

heart that He thus reveals to you your weakness; through which

He daily teaches and admonishes you how much you need to exercise

yourself and daily strengthen yourself in faith。 For how many do

you see who habitually pray; sing; read; work and seem to be

great saints; and yet never get so far as to know where they

stand in respect of the chief work; faith; and so in their

blindness they lead astray themselves and others; think they are

very well off; and so unknowingly build on the sand of their

works without any faith; not on God's mercy and promise through

a firm; pure faith。 

Therefore; however long we live; we shall always have our hands

full to remain; with all our works and sufferings; pupils of the

First Commandment and of faith; and not to cease to learn。 No one

knows what a great thing it is to trust God alone; except he who

attempts it with his works。 

VII。 Again: if no other work were commanded; would not prayer

alone suffice to exercise the whole life of man in faith? For

this work the spiritual estate has been specially established;

as indeed in olden times some Fathers prayed day and night。 Nay;

there is no Christian who does not have time to pray without

ceasing。 But I mean the spiritual praying; that is: no one is so

heavily burdened with his labor; but that if he will he can;

while working; speak with God in his heart; lay before Him his

need and that of other men; ask for help; make petition; and in

all this exercise and strengthen his faith。 

This is what the Lord means; Luke xviii; when He says; 〃Men ought

always to pray; and never cease;〃 although in Matthew vi。 He

forbids the use of much speaking and long prayers; because of

which He rebukes the hypocrites; not because the lengthy prayer

of the lips is evil; but because it is not that true prayer which

can be made at all times; and without the inner prayer of faith

is nothing。 For we must also practise the outward prayer in its

proper time; especially in the mass; as this Commandment

requires; and wherever it is helpful to the inner prayer and

faith; whether in the house or in the field; in this work or in

that; of which we have no time now to speak more。 For this

belongs to the Lord's Prayer; in which all petitions and spoken

prayer are summed up in brief words。

VIII。 Where now are they who desire to know and to do good works?

Let them undertake prayer alone; and rightly exercise themselves

in faith; and they will find that it is true; as the holy Fathers

have said; that there is no work like prayer。 Mumbling with the

mouth is easy; or at least considered easy; but with earnestness

of heart to follow the words in deep devotion; that is; with

desire and faith; so that one earnestly desires what the words

say; and not to doubt that it will be heard: that is a great deed

in God's eyes。 

Here the evil spirit hinders men with all his powers。 Oh; how

often will he here prevent the desire to pray; not allow us to

find time and place; nay; often also raise doubts; whether a man

is worthy to ask anything of such a Majesty as God is; and so

confuse us that a man himself does not know whether it is really

true that he prays or not; whether it is possible that his prayer

is acceptable; and other such strange thoughts。 For the evil

spirit knows well how powerful one man's truly believing prayer

is; and how it hurts him; and how it benefits all men。 Therefore

he does not willingly let it happen。 

When so tempted; a man must indeed be wise; and not doubt that

he and his prayer are; indeed; unworthy before such infinite

Majesty; in no wise dare he trust his worthiness; or because of

his unworthiness grow faint; but he must heed God's command and

cast this up to Him; and hold it before the devil; and say:

〃Because of my worthiness I do nothing; because of my

unworthiness I cease from nothing。 I pray and work only because

God of His pure mercy has promised to hear and to be gracious to

all unworthy men; and not only promised it; but He has also most

sternly; on pain of His everlasting displeasure and wrath;

commanded us to pray; to trust and to receive。 If it has not been

too much for that high Majesty so solemnly and highly to obligate

His unworthy worms to pray; to trust; and to receive from Him;

how shall it be too much for me to take such command upon myself

with all joy; however worthy or unworthy I may be?〃 Thus we must

drive out the devil's suggestion with God's command。 Thus will

he cease; and in no other way whatever。 

IX。 But what are the things which we must bring before Almighty

God in prayer and lamentation; to exercise faith thereby? Answer:

First; every man's own besetting need and trouble; of which David

says; Psalm xxxii: 〃Thou art my refuge in all trouble which

compasseth me about; Thou art my comfort; to preserve me from all

evil which surrounds me。〃 Likewise; Psalm cxlii: 〃I cried unto

the Lord with my voice; with my voice unto the Lord did I make

my supplication。 I poured out my complaint before Him; I showed

before Him my trouble。〃 In the mass a Christian shall keep in

mind the short…comings or excesses he feels; and pour out all

these freely before God with weeping and groaning; as woefully

as he can; as to his faithful Father; who is ready to help him。

And if you do not know or recognise your need; or have no

trouble; then you shall know that you are in the worst possible

plight。 For this is the greatest trouble; that you find yourself

so hardened; hard…hearted and insensible that no trouble moves


There is no better mirror in which to see your need than simply

the Ten Commandments; in which you will find what you lack and

what you should seek。 If; therefore; you find in yourself a weak

faith; small hope and little love toward God; and that you do not

praise and honor God; but love your own honor and fame; think

much of the favor of men; do not gladly hear mass and sermon; are

indolent in prayer; in which things every one has faults; then

you shall think more of these faults than of all bodily harm to

goods; honor and life; and believe that they are worse than death

and all mortal sickness。 These you shall earnestly lay before

God; lament and ask for help; and with all confidence expect

help; and believe that you are heard and shall obtain help and


Then go forward into the Second Table of the Commandments; and
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