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representative government-第77章

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onnection; so long as not disagreeable to the feelings of either party。 It is a step; as far as it goes; towards universal peace; and general friendly cooperation among nations。 It renders war impossible among a large number of otherwise independent communities; and moreover hinders any of them from being absorbed into a foreign state; and becoming a source of additional aggressive strength to some rival power; either more despotic or closer at hand; which might not always be so unambitious or so pacific as Great Britain。 It at least keeps the markets of the different countries open to one another; and prevents that mutual exclusion by hostile tariffs; which none of the great communities of mankind; except England; have yet completely outgrown。 And in the case of the British possessions it has the advantage; especially valuable at the present time; of adding to the moral influence; and weight in the councils of the world; of the Power which; of all in existence; best understands liberty… and whatever may have been its errors in the past; has attained to more of conscience and moral principle in its dealings with foreigners than any other great nation seems either to conceive as possible or recognise as desirable。 Since; then; the union can only continue; while it does continue; on the footing of an unequal federation; it is important to consider by what means this small amount of inequality can be prevented from being either onerous or humiliating to the communities occupying the less exalted position。   The only inferiority necessarily inherent in the case is that the mother country decides; both for the colonies and for herself; on questions of peace and war。 They gain; in return; the obligation on the mother country to repel aggressions directed against them; but; except when the minor community is so weak that the protection of a stronger power is indispensable to it; reciprocity of obligation is not a full equivalent for non…admission to a voice in the deliberations。 It is essential; therefore; that in all wars; save those which; like the Caffre or New Zealand wars; are incurred for the sake of the particular colony; the colonists should not (without their own voluntary request) be called on to contribute anything to the expense; except what may be required for the specific local defence of their ports; shores; and frontiers against invasion。 Moreover; as the mother country claims the privilege; at her sole discretion; of taking measures or pursuing a policy which may expose them to attack; it is just that she should undertake a considerable portion of the cost of their military defence even in time of peace; the whole of it; so far as it depends upon a standing army。   But there is a means; still more effectual than these; by which; and in general by which alone; a full equivalent can be given to a smaller community for sinking its individuality; as a substantive power among nations; in the greater individuality of a wide and powerful empire。 This one indispensable and; at the same time; sufficient expedient; which meets at once the demands of justice and the growing exigencies of policy; is to open the service of Government in all its departments; and in every part of the empire; on perfectly equal terms; to the inhabitants of the Colonies。 Why does no one ever hear a breath of disloyalty from the Islands in the British Channel? By race; religion; and geographical position they belong less to England than to France。 But; while they enjoy; like Canada and New South Wales; complete control over their internal affairs and their taxation; every office or dignity in the gift of the Crown is freely open to the native of Guernsey or Jersey。 Generals; admirals; peers of the United Kingdom; are made; and there is nothing which hinders prime ministers to be made; from those insignificant islands。 The same system was commenced in reference to the Colonies generally by an enlightened Colonial Secretary; too early lost; Sir William Molesworth; when he appointed Mr。 Hinckes; a leading Canadian politician; to a West Indian government。 It is a very shallow view of the springs of political action in a community which thinks such things unimportant because the number of those in a position actually to profit by the concession might not be very considerable。 That limited number would be composed precisely of those who have most moral power over the rest: and men are not so destitute of the sense of collective degradation as not to feel the withholding of an advantage from even one person; because of a circumstance which they all have in common with him; an affront to all。 If we prevent the leading men of a community from standing forth to the world as its chiefs and representatives in the general councils of mankind; we owe it both to their legitimate ambition; and to the just pride of the community; to give them in return an equal chance of occupying the same prominent position in a nation of greater power and importance。   Thus far of the dependencies whose population is in a sufficiently advanced state to be fitted for representative government。 But there are others which have not attained that state; and which; if held at all; must be governed by the dominant country; or by persons delegated for that purpose by it。 This mode of government is as legitimate as any other if it is the one which in the existing state of civilisation of the subject people most facilitates their transition to a higher stage of improvement。 There are; as we have already seen; conditions of society in which a vigorous despotism is in itself the best mode of government for training the people in what is specifically wanting to render them capable of a higher civilisation。 There are others; in which the mere fact of despotism has indeed no beneficial effect; the lessons which it teaches having already been only too completely learnt; but in which; there being no spring of spontaneous improvement in the people themselves; their almost only hope of making any steps in advance depends on the chances of a good despot。 Under a native despotism; a good despot is a rare and transitory accident: but when the dominion they are under is that of a more civilised people; that people ought to be able to supply it constantly。 The ruling country ought to be able to do for its subjects all that could be done by a succession of absolute monarchs; guaranteed by irresistible force against the precariousness of tenure attendant on barbarous despotisms; and qualified by their genius to anticipate all that experience has taught to the more advanced nation。 Such is the ideal rule of a free people over a barbarous or semi…barbarous one。 We need not expect to see that ideal realised; but unless some approach to it is; the rulers are guilty of a dereliction of the highest moral trust which can devolve upon a nation: and if they do not even 'him at it; they are selfish usurpers; on a par in criminality with any of those whose ambition and rapacity have sported from age to age with the destiny of masses of mankind。   As it is already a common; and is rapidly tending to become the universal; condition of the more backward populations; to be either held in direct subjection by the more advanced;
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