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representative government-第67章

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tion of rural districts will naturally be determined by geographical considerations; with due regard to those sympathies of feeling by which human beings are so much aided to act in concert; and which partly follow historical boundaries; such as those of counties or provinces; and partly community of interest and occupation; as in agriculture; maritime; manufacturing; or mining districts。 Different kinds of local business require different areas of representation。 The Unions of parishes have been fixed on as the most appropriate basis for the representative bodies which superintend the relief of indigence; while; for the proper regulation of highways; or prisons; or police; a large extent; like that of an average county; is not more than sufficient。 In these large districts; therefore; the maxim; that an elective body constituted in any locality should have authority over all the local concerns common to the locality; requires modification from another principle… as well as from the competing consideration of the importance of obtaining for the discharge of the local duties the highest qualifications possible。 For example; if it be necessary (as I believe it to be) for the proper administration of the Poor Laws that the area of rating should not be more extensive than most of the present Unions; a principle which requires a Board of Guardians for each Union… yet; as a much more highly qualified class of persons is likely to be obtainable for a County Board than those who compose an average Board of Guardians; it may on that ground be expedient to reserve for the County Boards some higher descriptions of local business; which might otherwise have been conveniently managed within itself by each separate Union。   Besides the controlling council; or local sub…Parliament; local business has its executive department。 With respect to this; the same questions arise as with respect to the executive authorities in the State; and they may; for the most part; be answered in the same manner。 The principles applicable to all public trusts are in substance the same。 In the first place; each executive officer should be single; and singly responsible for the whole of the duty committed to his charge。 In the next place; he should be nominated; not elected。 It is ridiculous that a surveyor; or a health officer; or even a collector of rates; should be appointed by popular suffrage。 The popular choice usually depends on interest with a few local leaders; who; as they are not supposed to make the appointment; are not responsible for it; or on an appeal to sympathy; founded on having twelve children; and having been a rate…payer in the parish for thirty years。 If in cases of this description election by the population is a farce; appointment by the local representative body is little less objectionable。 Such bodies have a perpetual tendency to become joint…stock associations for carrying into effect the private jobs of their various members。 Appointments should be made on the individual responsibility of the Chairman of the body; let him be called Mayor; Chairman of Quarter Sessions; or by whatever other title。 He occupies in the locality a position analogous to that of the prime minister in the State; and under a well organised system the appointment and watching of the local officers would be the most important part of his duty: he himself being appointed by the Council from its own number; subject either to annual re…election; or to removal by a vote of the body。   From the constitution of the local bodies I now pass to the equally important and more difficult subject of their proper attributions。 This question divides itself into two parts: what should be their duties; and whether they should have full authority within the sphere of those duties; or should be liable to any; and what; interference on the part of the central government。   It is obvious; to begin with; that all business purely local… all which concerns only a single locality… should devolve upon the local authorities。 The paving; lighting; and cleansing of the streets of a town; and in ordinary circumstances the draining of its houses; are of little consequence to any but its inhabitants。 The nation at large is interested in them in no other way than that in which it is interested in the private well…being of all its individual citizens。 But among the duties classed as local; or performed by local functionaries; there are many which might with equal propriety be termed national; being the share; belonging to the locality; of some branch of the public administration in the efficiency of which the whole nation is alike interested: the gaols; for instance; most of which in this country are under county management; the local police; the local administration of justice; much of which; especially in corporate towns; is performed by officers elected by the locality; and paid from local funds。 None of these can be said to be matters of local; as distinguished from national; importance。 It would not be a matter personally indifferent to the rest of the country if any part of it became a nest of robbers or a focus of demoralisation; owing to the maladministration of its police; or if; through the bad regulations of its gaol; the punishment which the courts of justice intended to inflict on the criminals confined therein (who might have come from; or committed their offences in; any other district) might be doubled in intensity; or lowered to practical impunity。 The points; moreover; which constitute good management of these things are the same everywhere; there is no good reason why police; or gaols; or the administration of justice; should be differently managed in one part of the kingdom and in another; while there is great peril that in things so important; and to which the most instructed minds available to the State are not more than adequate; the lower average of capacities which alone can be counted on for the service of the localities might commit errors of such magnitude as to be a serious blot upon the general administration of the country。   Security of person and property; and equal justice between individuals; are the first needs of society; and the primary ends of government: if these things can be left to any responsibility below the highest; there is nothing; except war and treaties; which requires a general government at all。 Whatever are the best arrangements for securing these primary objects should be made universally obligatory; and; to secure their enforcement; should be placed under central superintendence。 It is often useful; and with the institutions of our own country even necessary; from the scarcity; in the localities; of officers representing the general government; that the execution of duties imposed by the central authority should be entrusted to functionaries appointed for local purposes by the locality。 But experience is daily forcing upon the public a conviction of the necessity of having at least inspectors appointed by the general government to see that the local officers do their duty。 If prisons are under local management; the central government appoints inspectors of prisons to take care that the rules laid down by Parliament are observed; and to suggest o
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