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representative government-第56章

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s an overwhelming national feeling on the contrary side; and might yet very properly lead to their rejection by the electors at the time of the Chinese quarrel (though in itself a more doubtful question); because it was then for some time a moot point whether their view of the case might not prevail。   As the general result of what precedes; we may affirm that actual pledges should not be required; unless; from unfavourable social circumstances or faulty institutions; the electors are so narrowed in their choice as to be compelled to fix it on a person presumptively under the influence of partialities hostile to their interest: That they are entitled to a full knowledge of the political opinions and sentiments of the candidate; and not only entitled; but often bound; to reject one who differs from themselves on the few articles which are the foundation of their political belief: That in proportion to the opinion they entertain of the mental superiority of a candidate; they ought to put up with his expressing and acting on opinions different from theirs on any number of things not included in their fundamental articles of belief: That they ought to be unremitting in their search for a representative of such calibre as to be entrusted with full power of obeying the dictates of his own judgment: That they should consider it a duty which they owe to their fellow…countrymen; to do their utmost towards placing men of this quality in the legislature: and that it is of much greater importance to themselves to be represented by such a man than by one who professes agreement in a greater number of their opinions: for the benefits of his ability are certain; while the hypothesis of his being wrong and their being right on the points of difference is a very doubtful one。   I have discussed this question on the assumption that the electoral system; in all that depends on positive institution; conforms to the principles laid down in the preceding chapters。 Even on this hypothesis; the delegation theory of representation seems to me false; and its practical operation hurtful; though the mischief would in that case be confined within certain bounds。 But if the securities by which I have endeavoured to guard the representative principle are not recognised by the Constitution; if provision is not made for the representation of minorities; nor any difference admitted in the numerical value of votes; according to some criterion of the amount of education possessed by the voters; in that case no words can exaggerate the importance in principle of leaving an unfettered discretion to the representative; for it would then be the only chance; under universal suffrage; for any other opinions than those of the majority to be heard in Parliament。 In that falsely called democracy which is really the exclusive rule of the operative classes; all others being unrepresented and unheard; the only escape from class legislation in its narrowest; and political ignorance in its most dangerous; form; would lie in such disposition as the uneducated might have to choose educated representatives; and to defer to their opinions。 Some willingness to do this might reasonably be expected; and everything would depend upon cultivating it to the highest point。 But; once invested with political omnipotence; if the operative classes voluntarily concurred in imposing in this or any other manner any considerable limitation upon their self…opinion and self…will; they would prove themselves wiser than any class; possessed of absolute power; has shown itself; or; we may venture to say; is ever likely to show itself; under that corrupting influence。                            Chapter 13                        Of a Second Chamber。

  OF ALL topics relating to the theory of representative government; none has been the subject of more discussion; especially on the Continent; than what is known as the question of the Two Chambers。 It has occupied a greater amount of the attention of thinkers than many questions of ten times its importance; and has been regarded as a sort of touchstone which distinguishes the partisans of limited from those of uncontrolled democracy。 For my own part; I set little value on any check which a Second Chamber can apply to a democracy otherwise unchecked; and I am inclined to think that if all other constitutional questions are rightly decided; it is but of secondary importance whether the Parliament consists of two Chambers; or only of one。   If there are two Chambers; they may either be of similar; or of dissimilar composition。 If of similar; both will obey the same influences; and whatever has a majority in one of the Houses will be likely to have it in the other。 It is true that the necessity of obtaining the consent of both to the passing of any measure may at times be a material obstacle to improvement; since; assuming both the Houses to be representative; and equal in their numbers; a number slightly exceeding a fourth of the entire representation may prevent the passing of a Bill; while; if there is but one House; a Bill is secure of passing if it has a bare majority。 But the case supposed is rather abstractedly possible than likely to occur in practice。 It will not often happen that of two Houses similarly composed; one will be almost unanimous; and the other nearly equally divided: if a majority in one rejects a measure; there will generally have been a large minority unfavourable to it in the other; any improvement; therefore; which could be thus impeded; would in almost all cases be one which had not much more than a simple majority in the entire body; and the worst consequence that could ensue would be to delay for a short time the passing of the measure; or give rise to a fresh appeal to the electors to ascertain if the small majority in Parliament corresponded to an effective one in the country。 The inconvenience of delay; and the advantages of the appeal to the nation; might be regarded in this case as about equally balanced。   I attach little weight to the argument oftenest urged for having two Chambers… to prevent precipitancy; and compel a second deliberation; for it must be a very ill…constituted representative assembly in which the established forms of business do not require many more than two deliberations。 The consideration which tells most; in my judgment; in favour of two Chambers (and this I do regard as of some moment) is the evil effect produced upon the mind of any holder of power; whether an individual or an assembly; by the consciousness of having only themselves to consult。 It is important that no set of persons should; in great affairs; be able; even temporarily; to make their sic volo prevail without asking any one else for his consent。 A majority in a single assembly; when it has assumed a permanent character… when composed of the same persons habitually acting together; and always assured of victory in their own House… easily becomes despotic and overweening; if released from the necessity of considering whether its acts will be concurred in by another constituted authority。 The same reason which induced the Romans to have two consuls makes it desirable there should be two Chambers: that neither of them may be exposed to the 
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