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the yellow god-第58章

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shall shoot them while I have any cartridges。 Then I shall go on until
they kill me。〃

〃Oh! But Major; they not kill younever; they chuck blanket over your
head and take you back to Asika。 It Jeekie they kill; skin him
alive…o; and all the rest of it。〃

〃Hope not; Jeekie; because they think we shall die the same day。 But
if so; I can't help it。 To…morrow morning I shall walk out; and now
that's settled。 I am tired and going to sleep;〃 and he threw himself
down upon the bed and; being worn out with weariness and anxiety; soon
fell fast asleep。

But Jeekie did not sleep; although he too lay down upon his bed。 On
the contrary; he remained wide awake and reflected; more deeply
perhaps than he had ever done before; being sure the superstition as
to the dependence of Alan's life upon his own was now worn very thin;
and that his hour was at hand。 He thought of making Alan's wild
attempt to depart impossible by the simple method of warning the
Asika; but; notwithstanding his native selfishness; was too loyal to
let that idea take root in his mind。 No; there was nothing to be done;
if the Major wished to start; the Major must start; and he; Jeekie;
must pay the price。 Well; he deserved it; who had been fool enough to
listen to the secret promptings of Little Bonsa and conduct him to

Thus he passed several hours; for the most part in melancholy
speculations as to the exact fashion of his end; until at length
weariness overcame him also and; shutting his eyes; Jeekie began to
doze。 Suddenly he grew aware of the presence of some other person in
the room; but thinking that it was only the Asika prowling about in
her uncanny fashion; or perhaps her spirit; for how her body entered
the place he could not guess; he did not stir; but lay breathing
heavily and watching out of the corner of his eye。

Presently a figure emerged from the shadows into the faint light
thrown by the single lamp that burned above; and though it was wrapped
in a dark cloak; Jeekie knew at once that it was not the Asika。 Very
stealthily the figure crept towards him; as a leopard might creep; and
bent down to examine him。 The movement caused the cloak to slip a
little; and for an instant Jeekie caught sight of the wasted; half…
crazed face of the Mungana; and of a long; curved knife that glittered
in his hand。 Paralyzed with fear; he lay quite still; knowing that
should he show the slightest sign of consciousness that knife would
pierce his heart。

The Mungana watched him a while; then satisfied that he slept; turned
round and; bending himself almost double; glided with infinite
precautions towards Alan's bed; which stood some twelve or fourteen
feet away。 Silently as a snake that uncoils itself; Jeekie slipped
from between his blankets and crept after him; his naked feet making
no noise upon the mat…strewn floor。 So intent was the Mungana upon the
deed which he had come to do that he never looked back; and thus it
happened that the two of them reached the bed one immediately behind
the other。

Alan was lying on his back with his throat exposed; a very easy
victim。 For a moment the Mungana stared。 Then he erected himself like
a snake about to strike; and lifted the great curved knife; taking aim
at Alan's naked breast。 Jeekie erected himself also; and even as the
knife began to fall; with one hand he caught the arm that drove it and
with the other the murderer's throat。 The Mungana fought like a wild…
cat; but Jeekie was too strong for him。 His fingers held the man's
windpipe like a vise。 He choked and weakened; the knife fell from his
hand。 He sank to the ground and lay there helpless; whereon Jeekie
knelt upon his chest and; possessing himself of the knife; held it
within an inch of his heart。

It was at this juncture that Alan woke up and asked sleepily what was
the matter。

〃Nothing; Major;〃 answered Jeekie in low and cheerful tones。 〃Snake
just going to bite you and I catch him; that all;〃 and he gave an
extra squeeze to the Mungana's throat; who turned black in the face
and rolled his eyes。

〃Be careful; Jeekie; or you will kill the man;〃 exclaimed Alan;
recognizing the Mungana and taking in the situation。

〃Why not; Major? He want kill you; and me too afterwards。 Good
riddance of bad rubbish; as Book say。〃

〃I am not so sure; Jeekie。 Give him air and let me think。 Tell him
that if he makes any noise; he dies。〃

Jeekie obeyed; and the Mungana's darkening eyes grew bright again as
he drew his breath in great sobs。

〃Now; friend;〃 said Alan in Asiki; 〃why did you wish to stab me?〃

〃Because I hate you;〃 answered the man; 〃who to…morrow will take my
place and the wife I love。〃

〃As a year or two ago you took someone else's place; eh? Well; suppose
now that I don't want either your place or your wife。〃

〃What would that matter even it if were true; white man; since she
wants you?〃

〃I am thinking; friend; that there is someone else she will want when
she hears of this。 How do you suppose that you will die to…morrow? Not
so easily as you hope; perhaps。〃

The Mungana's eyes seemed to sink into his head; and his face to
sicken with terror。 That shaft had gone home。

〃Suppose I make a bargain with you;〃 went on Alan slowly。 〃Supposing I
say: 'Mungana; show me the way out of this place; as you can; now at
once。 Or if you prefer it; refuse and be given up to the Asika?' Come;
you are not too mad to understand。 Answerand quickly。〃

〃Would you kill me afterwards?〃 he asked。

〃Not I。 Why should I wish to kill you? You can come with us and go
where you will。 Or you can stay here and die as the Asika directs。〃

〃I cannot believe you; white man。 It is not possible that you should
wish to run away from so much love and glory; or to spare one who
would have slain you。 Also it would be difficult to get you out of

〃Jeekie;〃 said Alan; 〃this fellow is mad after all; I think you had
better go to the door and shout for the priests。〃

〃No; no; lord;〃 begged the wretched creature; 〃I will trust you; I
will try; though it is you who must be mad。〃

〃Very good。 Stand over him; Jeekie; while I put on my things and; yes;
give me that mask。 If he stirs; kill him at once。〃

So Alan made himself ready。 Then he mounted guard over the Mungana; as
did Jeekie; although he shook his head over their prospect of escape。

〃No go;〃 he muttered; 〃no go! If we get past priests; Asika catch us
with her magic。 When I bolt with your reverend uncle last time; Little
Bonsa arrange business because she go abroad fetch you。 Now likely as
not she bowl you out; and then good…bye Jeekie。〃

Alan sternly bade him be quiet and stop behind if he did not wish to

〃No; no; Major;〃 he answered; 〃I come all right。 Asika very prejudiced
beggar; and if she find me here aloneoh my! Better die double after
all; Two's company; Major。 Now; all ready; /March!/〃 and he gave the
unfortunate Mungana a fearful kick as a hint to proceed。

So utterly crushed was the poor wretch that even this insult did not
stir him to resentment。

〃Follow me; white man;〃 he said; 〃and if you desire to live; be
silent。 Throw your cloaks about your heads。〃

They did so; and hold
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