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the yellow god-第45章

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breastplate。 For a long while she would stand there; examining him
greedily and even the few little belongings that remained to him; and
then with a hungry sigh glide away and vanish in the shadows。 How she
came or how she vanished Alan could not discover。 Clearly she did not
use the door; and he could find no other entrance to the room。 indeed
at times he thought he must be suffering from delusion; but Jeekie
shook his great head and did not agree with him。

〃She there right enough;〃 he said。 〃She walk over me as though I log
and I smell stuff she put on hair; but I think she come and go by
magic。 Asika do that if she please。〃

〃Then I wish she would teach me the secret; Jeekie。 I should soon be
out of Asiki…land; I can tell you。〃

All that day Alan had been in her company; answering her endless
questions about his past; the lands that he had visited; and
especially the women that he had known。 He had the tact to tell her
that none of these were half so beautiful as she was; which was true
in a sense and pleased her very much; for in whatever respects she
differed from them; in common with the rest of her sex she loved a
compliment。 Emboldened by her good humour; he had ventured to suggest
that being rested and having restored Little Bonsa; he would be glad
to return with her gifts to his own country。 Next instant he was
sorry; for as soon as she understood his meaning she grew almost white
with rage。

〃What!〃 she said; 〃you desire to leave me? Know; Vernoon; that I will
see you dead first and myself also; for then we shall be born again
together and can never more be separated。〃

Nor was this all; for she burst into weeping; threw her arms about
him; drew him to her; kissed him on the forehead; and then thrust him
away; saying:

〃Curses on the priests' law that makes us wait so long; and curses on
that Mungana who will not die and may not be killed。 Well; he shall
pay for it and within two months; Vernoon; oh! within two months〃
and she stretched out her arms with a gesture of infinite passion;
then turned and left him。

〃My!〃 said Jeekie afterwards; for he had watched all this scene open…
mouthed; 〃my! but she mean business。 Mrs。 Jeekie never kiss me like
that; nor any other female either。 She dead nuts on you; Major。 Very
great compliment! 'Spect when you Mungana; she keep you alive a long
time; four or five years perhaps; if no other white man come this way。
Pity you can't take it on a bit; Major;〃 he added insidiously;
〃because then she grow careless and make you chief and we get chance
scoop out that gold house and bolt with bally lot。 Miss Barbara
sensible woman; when she see all that cash she not mind; she say
'Bravo; old boy; quite right spoil Lady Potiphar in land of bondage;
but Jeekie must have ten per cent。 because he show you how do it。'〃

Alan was so depressed; and indeed terrified by this demonstration on
the part of his fearful hostess; that he could neither laugh at
Jeekie; nor swear at him。 He only sat still and groaned; feeling that
bad as things were they were bound to become worse。

Above the perpetual booming of the death drums rose a sound of wild
music。 The door burst open; and through it came a number of priests;
their nearly naked bodies hideously painted and on their heads the
most devilish…looking masks。 Some of them clashed cymbals; some blew
horns and some beat little drums all to time which was given to them
by a bandmaster with a golden rod。 In front of them with painted face
and decked in his gorgeous apparel; walked the Mungana himself。

〃They come to take us to Bonsa worship;〃 explained Jeekie。 〃Cheer up;
Major; very exciting business; no go to sleep there; as in English
church。 See the god all time and no sermon。〃

Alan; who wore a linen robe over the remains of his European garments;
and whose mask was already on his head; rose listlessly and bowed to
the gorgeous Mungana who; poor man; answered him with a stare of hate;
knowing that this wanderer was destined to fill his place。 Then they
started; Jeekie accompanying them; and walked a long way through
various halls and passages; bearing first to the left and then to the
right again; till suddenly through some side door they emerged upon a
marvellous scene。 The first impressions that reached Alan's mind were
those of a long stretch of water; very black and still and not more
than eighty feet in width。 On the hither edge of this canal; seated
upon a raised dais in the midst of a great open space of polished
rock; was the Asika; or so he gathered from her gold breastplate and
sparkling garments; for her fierce and beautiful features were hid
beneath an object familiar enough to him; the yellow; crystal…eyed
mask of Little Bonsa。 Arranged in companies about and behind her were
hundreds of people; male and female; clad in hideous costumes to
resemble demons; with masks to match。 Some of these masks were semi…
human and some of them bore a likeness to the heads of animals and had
horns on them; while their wearers were adorned with skins and tails。
To describe them in their infinite variety would be impossible; indeed
the recollection that Alan carried away was one of a medi?val hell as
it is occasionally to be found portrayed upon 〃Doom pictures〃 in old

On the further side of the water the entire Asiki people seemed to be
gathered; at least there were thousands of them seated upon a rising
rocky slope as in an amphitheatre; clad only in the ordinary costume
of the Western African native; and in some instances in linen cloaks。
This great amphitheatre was surrounded by a high wall with gates; but
in the moonlight he found it difficult to discern its exact limits。

Jeekie nudged Alan and pointed to the centre of the canal or pool。 He
looked and saw floating there a huge and hideous golden head; twenty
times as large as life perhaps; with great prominent eyes that glared
up to the sky。 Its appearance was quite unlike anything else in the
world; more loathsome; more horrible; man; fish and animal; all seemed
to have their part in it; human mouth and teeth; fish…like eyes and
snout; bestial expression。

〃Big Bonsa;〃 whispered Jeekie。 〃Just the same as when I sweet little
boy。He live here for thousand of years。〃

Preceded by the Mungana and followed by Jeekie and the priests; the
band bringing up the rear; Alan was marched down a lane left open for
him till he came to some steps leading to the dais; upon which in
addition to that occupied by the Asika; stood two empty chairs。 These
steps the Mungana motioned him to mount; but when Jeekie tried to
follow him he turned and struck him contemptuously in the face。 At
once the Asika; who was watching Vernon's approach through the eye…
holes in the Little Bonsa mask; said fiercely:

〃Who bade you strike the servant of my guest; O Mungana? Let him come
also that he may stand behind us and interpret。〃

Her wretched husband; who knew that this public slight was put upon
him purposely; but did not dare to protest against it; bowed his head。
Then all three of them climbed to the dais; the priests and the
musicians remaining below。

〃Welcome; Vernoon;〃 said the Asika through
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