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the yellow god-第11章

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〃I came to see you;〃 he replied humbly〃thought perhaps you wouldn't
mind;〃 and in his confusion he let his knife fall into the mutton;
whence it rebounded; staining his shirt front。

Barbara laughed; that happy; delightful little laugh of hers;
presumably at the accident with the knife。 Whether or no she 〃minded〃
did not appear; only she handed her handkerchief; a costly; last…
fringed trifle; to Alan to wipe the gravy off his shirt; which he took
thinking it was a napkin; and as she did so; touched his hand with a
little caressing movement of her fingers。 Whether this was done by
chance or on purpose did not appear either。 At least it made Alan feel
extremely happy。 Also when he discovered what it was; he kept that
gravy…stained handkerchief; nor did she ever ask for it back again。
Only once in after days when she happened to come across it stuffed
away in the corner of a despatch…box; she blushed all over; and said
that she had no idea that any man could be so foolish out of a book。

〃Now that /you/ are really clear of it; I am going for them;〃 she said
presently when the wiping process was finished。 〃I have only
restrained myself for your sake;〃 and leaning back in her chair she
stared at the ceiling; lost in meditation。

Presently there came one of those silences which will fall upon
dinner…parties at times; however excellent and plentiful the

〃Sir Robert Aylward;〃 said Barbara in that clear; carrying voice of
hers; 〃will you; as an expert; instruct a very ignorant person? I want
a little information。〃

〃Miss Champers;〃 he answered; 〃am I not always at your service?〃 and
all listened to hear upon what point their hostess desired to be

〃Sir Robert;〃 she went on calmly; 〃everyone here is; I believe; what
is called a financier; that is except myself and Major Vernon; who
only tries to be and will; I am sure; fail; since Nature made him
something else; a soldier andwhat else did Nature make you; Alan?〃

As he vouchsafed no answer to question; although Sir Robert muttered
an uncomplimentary one between his lips which Barbara heard; or read;
she continued:

〃And you are all very rich and successful; are you not; and are going
to be much richer and much more successfulnext week。 Now what I want
to ask you ishow is it done?〃

〃Accepting the premises for the sake of argument; Miss Champers;〃
replied Sir Robert; who felt that he could not refuse the challenge;
〃the answer is that it is done by finance。〃

〃I am still in the dark;〃 she said。 〃Finance; as I have heard of it;
means floating companies; and companies are floated to earn money for
those who invest in them。 Now this afternoon as I was dull; I got hold
of a book called the Directory of Directors; and looked up all your
names in it; except those of the gentlemen from Paris; and the
companies that you directI found out about those in another book。
Well; I could not make out that any of these companies have ever
earned any money; a dividend; don't you call it? Therefore how do you
all grow so rich; and why do people invest in them?〃

Now Sir Robert frowned; Alan coloured; two or three of the company
laughed outright; and one of the French gentlemen who understood
English and had already drunk as much as was good for him; remarked
loudly to his neighbour; 〃Ah! she is charming。 She do touch the spot;
like that ointment you give me to…day。 How do we grow rich and why do
the people invest? /Mon Dieu!/ why do they invest? That is the great
mystery。 I say that /cette belle demoiselle; votre nièce; est
ravissante。 Elle a d'esprit; mon ami Haswell。/〃

Apparently her uncle did not share these sentiments; for he turned as
red as any turkey…cock; and said across the great round table:

〃My dear Barbara; I wish that you would leave matters which you do not
understand alone。 We are here to dine; not to talk about finance。〃

〃Certainly; Uncle;〃 she answered sweetly。 〃I stand; or rather sit;
reproved。 I suppose that I have put my foot into it as usual; and the
worst of it is;〃 she added; turning to Sir Robert; 〃that I am just as
ignorant as I was before。〃

〃If you want to master these matters; Miss Champers;〃 said Aylward
with a rather forced laugh; 〃you must go into training and worship at
the shrine of〃he meant to say Mammon; then thinking that the word
sounded unpleasant; substituted〃the Yellow God as we do。〃

At these words Alan; who had been studying his plate; looked up
quickly; and her uncle's face turned from red to white。 But the
irrepressible Barbara seized upon them。

〃The Yellow God;〃 she repeated。 〃Do you mean money or that fetish
thing of Major Vernon's with the terrible woman's face that I saw at
the office in the City。 Well; to change the subject; tell us; Alan;
what is that yellow god of yours and where did it come from?〃

〃My uncle Austin; who was my mother's brother and a missionary;
brought it from West Africa a great many years ago。 He was the first
to visit the tribe who worship it; in fact I do not think that anyone
has ever visited them since。 But really I do not know all the story。
Jeekie can tell you about it if you want to know; for he is one of
that people and escaped with my uncle。〃

Now Jeekie having left the room; some of the guests wished to send for
him; but Mr。 Champers…Haswell objected。 The end of it was that a
compromise was effected; Alan undertaking to produce his retainer
afterwards when they went to play billiards or cards。

Dinner was over at length and the diners; who had dined well; were
gathered in the billiard room to smoke and amuse themselves as they
wished。 It was a very large room; sixty feet long indeed; with a wide
space in the centre between the two tables; which was furnished as a
lounge。 When the gentlemen entered it they found Barbara standing by
the great fireplace in this central space; a little shape of white and
silver in its emptiness。

〃Forgive me for intruding on you;〃 she said; 〃and please do not stop
smoking; for I like the smell。 I have sat up expressly to hear
Jeekie's story of the Yellow God。 Alan; produce Jeekie; or I shall go
to bed at once。〃

Her uncle made a movement as though to interfere; but Sir Robert said
something to him which appeared to cause him to change his mind; while
the rest in some way or another signified an enthusiastic assent。 All
of them were anxious to see this Jeekie and hear his tale; if he had
one to tell。 So Jeekie was sent for and presently arrived clad in the
dress clothes which are common to all classes in England and America。
There he stood before them white…headed; ebony…faced; gigantic;
imperturbable。 There is no doubt that his appearance produced an
effect; for it was unusual and indeed striking。

〃You sent for me; Major?〃 he said; addressing his master; to whom he
gave a military salute; for he had been Alan's servant when he was in
the Army。

〃Yes; Jeekie。 Miss Barbara here and these gentlemen; wish you to tell
them all that you know about the Yellow God。〃

The negro started and rolled his round eyes upwards till the whites of
them showed; then began in his school…book English:

〃That is a private subject; Major; upon which 
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