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the yellow god-第1章

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The Yellow God

or An Idol of Africa

by H。 Rider Haggard



Sir Robert Aylward; Bart。; M。P。; sat in his office in the City of
London。 It was a very magnificent office; quite one of the finest that
could be found within half a mile of the Mansion House。 Its exterior
was built of Aberdeen granite; a material calculated to impress the
prospective investor with a comfortable sense of security。 Other
stucco; or even brick…built; offices might crumble and fall in an
actual or a financial sense; but this rock…like edifice of granite;
surmounted by a life…sized statue of Justice with her scales; admired
from either corner by pleasing effigies of Commerce and of Industry;
would surely endure any shock。 Earthquake could scarcely shake its
strong foundations; panic and disaster would as soon affect the Bank
of England。 That at least was the impression which it had been
designed to convey; and not without success。

〃There is so much in externals;〃 Mr。 Champers…Haswell; Sir Robert's
partner; would say in his cheerful voice。 〃We are all of us influenced
by them; however unconsciously。 Impress the public; my dear Aylward。
Let solemnity without suggest opulence within; and the bread; or
rather the granite; which you throw upon the waters will come back to
you after many days。〃

Mr。 Aylward; for this conversation occurred before his merits or the
depth of his purse had been rewarded by a baronetcy; looked at his
partner in the impassive fashion for which he was famous; and

〃You mix your metaphors; Haswell; but if you mean that the public are
fools who must be caught by advertisement; I agree with you。 Only this
particular advertisement is expensive and I do not want to wait many
days for my reward。 However; £20;000 one way or the other is a small
matter; so tell that architect to do the thing in granite。〃

Sir Robert Aylward sat in his own quiet room at the back of this
enduring building; a very splendid room that any Secretary of State
might have envied; but arranged in excellent taste。 Its walls were
panelled with figured teak; a rich carpet made the footfall noiseless;
an antique Venus stood upon a marble pedestal in the corner; and over
the mantelpiece hung a fine portrait by Gainsborough; that of a
certain Miss Aylward; a famous beauty in her day; with whom; be it
added; its present owner could boast no connection whatsoever。

Sir Robert was seated at his ebony desk playing with a pencil; and the
light from a cheerful fire fell upon his face。

In its own way it was a remarkable face; as he appeared then in his
fourth and fortieth year; very pale but with a natural pallor; very
well cut and on the whole impressive。 His eyes were dark; matching his
black hair and pointed beard; and his nose was straight and rather
prominent。 Perhaps the mouth was his weakest feature; for there was a
certain shiftiness about it; also the lips were thick and slightly
sensuous。 Sir Robert knew this; and therefore he grew a moustache to
veil them somewhat。 To a careful observer the general impression given
by this face was such as is left by the sudden sight of a waxen mask。
〃How strong! How lifelike!〃 he would have said; 〃but of course it
isn't real。 There may be a man behind; or there may be wood; but
that's only a mask。〃 Many people of perception had felt like this
about Sir Robert Aylward; namely; that under the mask of his pale
countenance dwelt a different being whom they did not know or

If these had seen him at this moment of the opening of our story; they
might have held that Wisdom was justified of her children。 For now in
the solitude of his splendid office; of a sudden Sir Robert's mask
seemed to fall from him。 His face broke up like ice beneath a thaw。 He
rose from his table and began to walk up and down the room。 He talked
to himself aloud。

〃Great Heavens!〃 he muttered; 〃what a game to have played; and it will
go through。 I believe that it will go through。〃

He stopped at the table; switched on an electric light and made a
rapid calculation on the back of a letter with a blue pencil。

〃Yes;〃 he said; 〃that's my share; a million and seventeen thousand
pounds in cash; and two million in ordinary shares which can be worked
off at a discountlet us say another seven hundred and fifty
thousand; plus what I have got alreadyput that at only two hundred
and fifty thousand net。 Two millions in all; which of course may or
may not be added to; probably not; unless the ordinaries boom; for I
don't mean to speculate any more。 That's the end of twenty years'
work; Robert Aylward。 And to think of it; eighteen months ago;
although I seemed so rich; I was on the verge of bankruptcythe very
verge; not worth five thousand pounds。 Now what did the trick? I
wonder what did the trick?〃

He walked down the room and stopped opposite the ancient marble;
staring at it

〃Not Venus; I think;〃 he said; with a laugh; 〃Venus never made any man
rich。〃 He turned and retraced his steps to the other end of the room;
which was veiled in shadow。 Here upon a second marble pedestal stood
an object that gleamed dimly through the gloom。 It was about ten
inches or a foot high; but in that place nothing more could be seen of
it; except that it was yellow and had the general appearance of a
toad。 For some reason it seemed to attract Sir Robert Aylward; for he
halted to stare at it; then stretched out his hand and switched on
another lamp; in the hard brilliance of which the thing upon the
pedestal suddenly declared itself; leaping out of the darkness into
light。 It was a terrible object; a monstrosity of indeterminate sex
and nature; but surmounted by a woman's head and face of
extraordinary; if devilish loveliness; sunk back between high but
grotesquely small shoulders; like to those of a lizard; so that it
glared upwards。 The workmanship of the thing was rude yet strangely
powerful。 Whatever there is cruel; whatever there is devilish;
whatever there is inhuman in the dark places of the world; shone out
of the jewelled eyes which were set in that yellow female face; yellow
because its substance was of gold; a face which seemed not to belong
to the embryonic legs beneath; for body there was none; but to float
above them。 A hollow; life…sized mask with two tiny frog…like legs;
that was the fashion of it。

〃You are an ugly brute;〃 muttered Sir Robert; contemplating this
effigy; 〃but although I believe in nothing in heaven above or earth
below; except the abysmal folly of the British public; I am bothered
if I don't believe in you。 At any rate from the day when Vernon
brought you into my office; my luck turned; and to judge from the
smile on your sweet countenance; I don't think it is done with yet。 I
wonder what those stones are in your eyes。 Opals; I suppose; from the
way they change colour。 They shine uncommonly to…day; I never remember
them so bright。 I〃

At this moment a knock came on the door。 Sir Robert turned off the
lamp and walked back to the fireplace。

〃Come in;〃 he said; and as he spoke once more his pale face grew
impassive and expressionless。

The door opened and a clerk entered; a
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