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wealth in costly ornaments for the churches and vessels for the altars。 It is true that this people has a natural disposition to goodness; they are very liberal of their alms; they much frequent their churches; and are very studious to adorn them; they practise fasting and other mortifications; and notwithstanding their separation from the Roman Church; and the corruptions which have crept into their faith; yet retain in a great measure the devout fervour of the primitive Christians。 There never were greater hopes of uniting this people to the Church of Rome; which their adherence to the Eutichian heresy has made very difficult; than in the time of Sultan Segued; who called us into his dominions in the year 1625; from whence we were expelled in 1634。 As I have lived a long time in this country; and borne a share in all that has passed; I will present the reader with a short account of what I have observed; and of the revolution which forced us to abandon Aethiopia; and destroyed all our hopes of reuniting this kingdom with the Roman Church。
The empire of Abyssinia hath been one of the largest which history gives us an account of: it extended formerly from the Red Sea to the kingdom of Congo; and from Egypt to the Indian Sea。 It is not long since it contained forty provinces; but is now not much bigger than all Spain; and consists but of five kingdoms and six provinces; of which part is entirely subject to the Emperor; and part only pays him some tribute; or acknowledgment of dependence; either voluntarily or by compulsion。 Some of these are of very large extent: the kingdoms of Tigre; Bagameder; and Goiama are as big as Portugal; or bigger; Amhara and Damote are something less。 The provinces are inhabited by Moors; Pagans; Jews; and Christians: the last is the reigning and established religion。 This diversity of people and religion is the reason that the kingdom in different parts is under different forms of government; and that their laws and customs are extremely various。
The inhabitants of the kingdom of Amhara are the most civilised and polite; and next to them the natives of Tigre; or the true Abyssins。 The rest; except the Damotes; the Gasates; and the Agaus; which approach somewhat nearer to civility; are entirely rude and barbarous。 Among these nations the Galles; who first alarmed the world in 1542; have remarkably distinguished themselves by the ravages they have committed; and the terror they have raised in this part of Africa。 They neither sow their lands nor improve them by any kind of culture; but; living upon milk and flesh; encamp like the Arabs without any settled habitation。 They practise no rites of worship; though they believe that in the regions above there dwells a Being that governs the world: whether by this Being they mean the sun or the sky is not known; or; indeed; whether they have not some conception of the God that created them。 This deity they call in their language Oul。 In other matters they are yet more ignorant; and have some customs so contrary even to the laws of nature; as might almost afford reason to doubt whether they are endued with reason。 The Christianity professed by the Abyssins is so corrupted with superstitions; errors; and heresies; and so mingled with ceremonies borrowed from the Jews; that little besides the name of Christianity is to be found here; and the thorns may be said to have choked the grain。 This proceeds in a great measure from the diversity of religions which are tolerated there; either by negligence or from motives of policy; and the same cause hath produced such various revolutions; revolts; and civil wars within these later ages。 For those different sects do not easily admit of an union with each other; or a quiet subjection to the same monarch。 The Abyssins cannot properly be said to have either cities or houses; they live either in tents; or in cottages made of straw and clay; for they very rarely build with stone。 Their villages or towns consist of these huts; yet even of such villages they have but few; because the grandees; the viceroys; and the Emperor himself are always in the camp; that they may be prepared; upon the most sudden summons; to go where the exigence of affairs demands their presence。 And this precaution is no more than necessary for a prince every year engaged either in foreign wars or intestine commotions。 These towns have each a governor; whom they call gadare; over whom is the educ; or lieutenant; and both accountable to an officer called the afamacon; or mouth of the King; because he receives the revenues; which he pays into the hands of the relatinafala; or grand master of the household: sometimes the Emperor creates a ratz; or viceroy; general over all the empire; who is superior to all his other officers。
Aethiopia produces very near the same kinds of provisions as Portugal; though; by the extreme laziness of the inhabitants; in a much less quantity: however; there are some roots; herbs; and fruits which grow there much better than in other places。 What the ancients imagined of the torrid zone being uninhabitable is so far from being true; that this climate is very temperate: the heats; indeed; are excessive in Congo and Monomotapa; but in Abyssinia they enjoy a perpetual spring; more delicious and charming than that in our country。 The blacks here are not ugly like those of the kingdoms I have spoken of; but have better features; and are not without wit and delicacy; their apprehension is quick; and their judgment sound。 The heat of the sun; however it may contribute to their colour; is not the only reason of it; there is some peculiarity in the temper and constitution of their bodies; since the same men; transported into cooler climates; produce children very near as black as themselves。
They have here two harvests in the year; which is a sufficient recompense for the small produce of each; one harvest they have in the winter; which lasts through the months of July; August; and September; the other in the spring; their trees are always green; and it is the fault of the inhabitants that they produce so little fruit; the soil being well adapted to all sorts; especially those that come from the Indies。 They have in the greatest plenty raisins; peaches; sour pomegranates; and sugarcanes; and some figs。 Most of these are ripe about Lent; which the Abyssins keep with great strictness。
After the vegetable products of this country; it seems not improper to mention the animals which are found in it; of which here are as great numbers; of as many different species; as in any country in the world: it is infested with lions of many kinds; among which are many of that which is called the lion royal。 I cannot help giving the reader on this occasion a relation of a fact which I was an eye… witness of。 A lion having taken his haunt near the place where I lived; killed all the oxen and cows; and did a great deal of other mischief; of which I heard new complaints every day。 A servant of mine having taken a resolution to free the country from this destroyer; went out one day with two lances; and after he had been some time in quest of him; found him with his mouth all smeared with the blood of a cow he had jus