stories of a western town-第13章
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nic about red Indians。 Mrs。 Derry supposed these savages to be lurking on the prairie outside every Western town; and almost fainted when she did chance to turn the corner upon three Kickapoo Indians; splendid in paint and feathers; and peacefully vending the 〃Famous Kickapoo Sagwa。〃 She had others of the artless notions of the travelling English; and I fear that they were encouraged not only by the cook; the 〃second girl;〃 and the man…of…all…work; but by Harry and his chum; Tommy; I know she used to tell how she saw tame buffalo 〃roosting〃 on the streets; 〃w'ich they do look that like common cows a body couldn't tell 'em hapart!〃 She had a great opinion of Tommy; a mystery to her mistress for a long time; until one day it leaked out that Tommy 〃and Master Harry; too;〃 had told her that Tommy's great…grandfather was a lord in the old country。 〃The family seem to have sunk in the world since; Derry;〃 was Mrs。 Carriswood's single remark; as she smiled to herself。 After Derry was dismissed she picked up a letter; written that day to a friend of hers; and read some passages about Harry and Tommy; smiling again。 〃Harry〃one may look over her pretty shoulder without impertinence; in a story〃Harry;〃 she wrote; 〃is a boy that I long to steal。 Just the kind of boy we have both wanted; Sarahfrank; happy; affectionate。 I must tell you something about him。 It came out by accident。 He has the Western business instincts; and what do you suppose he did? He actually started a wee shop of his own in the corner of the yard (really it is a surprisingly pretty place; and they are quite civilized in the house; gas; hot water; steam heat; all most comfortable); and sold 'pop' and candy and cakes to the boys。 He made so much money that he proposed a partnership to the cook and the setting up a little booth in the 'county fair;' which is like our rural cattle shows; you know。 The cook (a superior person who borrows books from Mrs。 Lossing; but seems very decent and respectful notwithstanding; and broils game to perfection。 And SUCH game as we have here; Sarah!)well; the cook made him cream…cakes; sandwiches; tarts; and candy; and Harry honorably bought all the provisions with his profits from the first venture。 You will open your eyes at his father permitting such a thing; but Henry Lossing is a thorough Westerner in some ways; and he looks on it all as a joke。 'Might show the boy how to do business;' he says。 〃Well; they had a ravishing display; so Alma; the cook; and William; the man; assured meper Derry。 All the sadder its fate; for alas! a gang of rowdy boys fell upon Harry; and while he was busy fighting half of them he is as plucky as his uncle; the generalthe other half looted the beautiful stock in trade! They would have despoiled our poor little merchant entirely but for the opportune arrival of a schoolmate who is mightily respected by the rowdies。 He knocked one of them down and shouted after the others that he would give every one of them a good thrashing if they did not bring the plunder back; and as he is known to be a lad of his word for good or evil; actually the scamps did return most of the booty; which the two boys brushed off and sold; as far as it went (!) The consequence of the fray has been that Harry is unboundedly grateful to this Tommy Fitzmaurice; and is at present coaching him on his graduating oration。 Fitzmaurice has studied hard and won honors; and wants to make a show with his oration; to please his father。 'You see;' says Harry; 'Tommy's father has saved money and is spending it all on Tommy; so's he can be educated。 He needs Tommy in the business real bad; but he won't let him come in; he keeps him at school; and he thinks everything of his getting the valedictory; and Tommy; he worked nights studying to get it。' When I asked what was the father's business; Harry grew a bit confused。 'Well; he kept a saloon; but'Harry hastened to explain'it was a very nice saloon; never any trouble with the police there; why; Tommy knew every man on the force。 And they keep good liquors; too;' said Harry; earnestly; 'throw away all the beer left in the glasses。' 'What else would they do with it?' asked innocent I。 'Why; keep it in a bucket;' said Harry; solemnly; 'and then slip the glass under the counter and half fill out of the bucket; then hold it under the keg LOW; so's the foam will come; that's a trick of the trade; you know。 Tommy says his father would SCORN that!' There is a vista opened; isn't there? I was rather shocked at such associates for Harry; and told his mother。 Did she think it a good idea to have such a boy coming to the house? a saloon…keeper's son? She did not laugh; as I half expected; but answered quite seriously that she had been looking up Tommy; that he was very much attached to Harry; and that she did not think he would teach him anything bad。 He has; I find myself; notions of honor; though they are rather the code of the street。 And he picks up things quickly。 Once he came to tea。 It was amusing to see how he glued his eyes on Harry and kept time with his motions。 He used his fork quite properly; only as Harry is a left…handed little fellow; the right…handed Thomas had the more difficulty。 〃He is taking such vast pains with his 'oration' that I felt moved to help him。 The subject is 'The Triumph of Democracy;' and Tommy civilly explained that 'democracy' did not mean the Democratic party; but 'just only a government where all the poor folks can get their rights and can vote。' 〃The oration was the kind of spread…eagle thing you might expect; I can see that Tommy has formed himself on the orators of his father's respectable saloon。 What he said in comment interested me more。 'Sure; I guess it is the best government; ma'am; though; of course; I got to make it out that way; anyhow。 But we come from Ireland; and there they got the other kind; and me granny; she starved in the famine time; she did thatwith the fever。 Me father walked twenty mile to the Sackville's place; where they gave him some meal; though he wasn't one of their tenants; yes; and the lady told him how he would be cooking it。 I never will forget that lady!' 〃I saw a dramatic opportunity: would Tommy be willing to tell that story in his speech? He looked at me with an odd look or so I imagined it! 'Why not?' says he; 'I'd as soon as not tell it to anyone of them; and why not to them all together?' Well; why not; when you come to think of it? So we have got it into the speech; and I; I myself; Sarah; am drilling young Demos…thenes; and he is so apt a scholar that I find myself rather pleasantly employed。〃 Having read her letter; Mrs。 Carriswood hesitated a second and then added Derry's information at the bottom of the page。 〃I suppose the lordly ancestor was one of King James's creation see Macaulay; somewhere in the second volume。 I dare say there is a drop or two of good blood in the boy。 He has the manners of a gentlemanbut I don't know that I ever saw an Irishman; no matter how low in the social scale; who hadn't。〃 Thus it happened that Tommy's valedictory scored a success that is a tradition of the High School; and came to be printed in both the city papers; copies of which journals Tommy's mother has preserved sacredly
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