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the great controversy-第84章

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religious liberty。 The freedom which they sacrificed so much to secure for
themselves; they were not equally ready to grant to others。 〃Very few; even
of the foremost thinkers and moralists of the seventeenth century; had any
just conception of that grand principle; the outgrowth of the New Testament;
which acknowledges God as the sole judge of human faith。〃Ibid。; vol。 5; p。
297。 The doctrine that God has committed to the church the right to control
the conscience; and to define and punish heresy; is one of the most deeply
rooted of papal errors。 While the Reformers rejected the creed of Rome; they
were not entirely free from her spirit of intolerance。 The dense darkness in
which; through the long ages of her rule; popery had enveloped all
Christendom; had not even yet been wholly dissipated。 Said one of the
leading ministers in the colony of Massachusetts Bay: 〃It was toleration
that made the world antichristian; and the church never took harm by the
punishment of heretics。〃Ibid。; vol。
5; p。 335。 The regulation was adopted by the colonists that
only church members should have a voice in the civil government。 A kind of
state church was formed; all the people being required to contribute to the
support of the clergy; and the magistrates being authorized to suppress
heresy。 Thus the secular power was in the hands of the church。 It was not
long before these measures led to the inevitable result persecution。

Eleven years after the planting of the first colony; Roger Williams came to
the New World。 Like the early Pilgrims he came to enjoy religious freedom;
but; unlike them; he saw what so few in his time had yet seenthat this
freedom was the inalienable right of all; whatever might be their creed。 He
was an earnest seeker for truth; with Robinson holding it impossible that
all the light from God's word had yet been received。 Williams 〃was the first
person in modern Christendom to establish civil government on the doctrine
of the liberty of conscience; the equality of opinions before


the law。〃Bancroft; pt。 1; ch。 15; par。 16。 He declared it to be the duty
of the magistrate to restrain crime; but never to control the conscience。
〃The public or the magistrates may decide;〃 he said; 〃what is due from man
to man; but when they attempt to prescribe a man's duties to God; they are
out of place; and there can be no safety; for it is clear that if the
magistrates has the power; he may decree one set of opinions or beliefs
today and another tomorrow; as has been done in England by different kings
and queens; and by different popes and councils in the Roman Church; so that
belief would become a heap of confusion。〃Martyn; vol。 5; p。 340。

Attendance at the services of the established church was required under a
penalty of fine or imprisonment。 〃Williams reprobated the law; the worst
statute in the English code was that which did but enforce attendance upon
the parish church。 To compel men to unite with those of a different creed;
he regarded as an open violation of their natural rights; to drag to public
worship the irreligious and the unwilling; seemed only like requiring
hypocrisy。 。 。 。 'No one should be bound to worship; or;' he added; 'to
maintain a worship; against his own consent。' 'What!' exclaimed his
antagonists; amazed at his tenets; 'is not the laborer worthy of his hire?'
'Yes;' replied he; 'from them that hire him。'〃 Bancroft; pt。 1; ch。 15;
par。 2。

Roger Williams was respected and beloved as a faithful minister; a man of
rare gifts; of unbending integrity and true benevolence; yet his steadfast
denial of the right of civil magistrates to authority over the church; and
his demand for religious liberty; could not be tolerated。 The application of
this new doctrine; it was urged; would 〃subvert the fundamental state and
government of the country。〃Ibid。; pt。 1; ch。 15; par。 10。 He was sentenced
to banishment from the colonies; and; finally; to avoid arrest; he was
forced to flee; amid the cold and storms of winter; into the unbroken

〃For fourteen weeks;〃 he says; 〃I was sorely tossed in a bitter season; not
knowing what bread or bed did mean。〃


But 〃the ravens fed me in the wilderness;〃 and a hollow tree often served
him for a shelter。Martyn; vol。 5; pp。 349; 350。 Thus he continued his
painful flight through the snow and the trackless forest; until he found
refuge with an Indian tribe whose confidence and affection he had won while
endeavoring to teach them the truths of the gospel。

Making his way at last; after months of change and wandering; to the shores
of Narragansett Bay; he there laid the foundation of the first state of
modern times that in the fullest sense recognized the right of religious
freedom。 The fundamental principle of Roger Williams's colony was 〃that
every man should have liberty to worship God according to the light of his
own conscience。〃Ibid。; vol。 5; p。 354。 His little state; Rhode Island;
became the asylum of the oppressed; and it increased and prospered until its
foundation principlescivil and religious libertybecame the cornerstones
of the American Republic。

In that grand old document which our forefathers set forth as their bill of
rightsthe Declaration of Independencethey declared: 〃We hold these
truths to be self…evident; that all men are created equal; that they are
endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these
are life; liberty; and the pursuit of happiness。〃 And the Constitution
guarantees; in the most explicit terms; the inviolability of conscience: 〃No
religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office of
public trust under the United States。〃 〃Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion; or prohibiting the free exercise

〃The framers of the Constitution recognized the eternal principle that man's
relation with his God is above human legislation; and his rights of
conscience inalienable。 Reasoning was not necessary to establish this truth;
we are conscious of it in our own bosoms。 It is this consciousness which; in
defiance of human laws; has sustained so many martyrs in tortures and
flames。 They felt that their duty to God was superior to human enactments;
and that man could exercise


no authority over their consciences。 It is an inborn principle which nothing
can eradicate。〃Congressional documents (U。S。A。); serial No。 200; document
No。 271。

As the tidings spread through the countries of Europe; of a land where every
man might enjoy the fruit of his own labor and obey the convictions of his
own conscience; thousands flocked to the shores of the New World。 Colonies
rapidly multiplied。 〃Massachusetts; by special law; offered free welcome and
aid; at the public cost; to Christians of any nationality who might fly
beyond the Atlantic 'to escape from wars or famine; or the oppression of
their persecutors。' Thus the fugitive and the downtrodden were; by statute;
made the guests of the commonwealth。〃Martyn; vol。 5; p。 417。 In twenty
years from the first landing at Plymouth; as many thousand Pilgrims were
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