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influence upon the people。 The whole nation was stirred; and multitudes were
roused to rally around the standard of reform。 Luther's opponents; burning
with a desire for revenge; urged the pope to take decisive measures against
him。 It was decreed that his doctrines should be immediately condemned。
Sixty days were granted the Reformer and his adherents; after which; if they
did not recant; they were all to be excommunicated。
That was a terrible crisis for the Reformation。 For centuries Rome's
sentence of excommunication had struck terror to powerful monarchs; it had
filled mighty empires with woe and desolation。 Those upon whom its
condemnation fell were universally regarded with dread and horror; they were
cut off from intercourse with their fellows and treated as outlaws; to be
hunted to extermination。 Luther was not blind to the tempest about to burst
upon him; but he stood firm; trusting in Christ to be his support and
shield。 With a martyr's faith and courage he wrote: 〃What is about to happen
I know not; nor do I care to know。 。 。 。 Let the blow light where it may; I
am without fear。 Not so much as a leaf falls; without the will of our
Father。 How much rather will He care for us! It is a light thing to die for
the Word; since the Word which was made flesh hath Himself died。 If we die
with Him; we shall live with Him; and passing through that which He has
passed through before us; we shall be where He is and dwell with Him
3d London ed。; Walther; 1840; b。 6; ch。 9。
When the papal bull reached Luther; he said: 〃I despise and attack it; as
impious; false。 。 。 。 It is Christ Himself who
is condemned therein。 。 。 。 I rejoice in having to bear such ills for the
best of causes。 Already I feel greater liberty in my heart; for at last I
know that the pope is antichrist; and that his throne is that of Satan
himself。〃D'Aubigne; b。 6; ch。 9。
Yet the mandate of Rome was not without effect。 Prison; torture; and sword
were weapons potent to enforce obedience。 The weak and superstitious
trembled before the decree of the pope; and while there was general sympathy
for Luther; many felt that life was too dear to be risked in the cause of
reform。 Everything seemed to indicate that the Reformer's work was about to
But Luther was fearless still。 Rome had hurled her anathemas against him;
and the world looked on; nothing doubting that he would perish or be forced
to yield。 But with terrible power he flung back upon herself the sentence of
condemnation and publicly declared his determination to abandon her forever。
In the presence of a crowd of students; doctors; and citizens of all ranks
Luther burned the pope's bull; with the canon laws; the decretals; and
certain writings sustaining the papal power。 〃My enemies have been able; by
burning my books;〃 he said; 〃to injure the cause of truth in the minds of
the common people; and destroy their souls; for this reason I consumed their
books in return。 A serious struggle has just begun。 Hitherto I have been
only playing with the pope。 I began this work in God's name; it will be
ended without me; and by His might。〃 Ibid。; b。 6; ch。 10。
To the reproaches of his enemies who taunted him with the weakness of his
cause; Luther answered: 〃Who knows if God has not chosen and called me; and
if they ought not to fear that; by despising me; they despise God Himself?
Moses was alone at the departure from Egypt; Elijah was alone in the reign
of King Ahab; Isaiah alone in Jerusalem; Ezekiel alone in Babylon。 。 。 。 God
never selected as a prophet either the high priest or any other great
personage; but ordinarily He chose low and despised men; once even
the shepherd Amos。 In every age; the saints have had to reprove the great;
kings; princes; priests; and wise men; at the peril of their lives。 。 。 。 I
do not say that I am a prophet; but I say that they ought to fear precisely
because I am alone and that they are many。 I am sure of this; that the word
of God is with me; and that it is not with them。〃Ibid。; b。 6; ch。 10。
Yet it was not without a terrible struggle with himself that Luther decided
upon a final separation from the church。 It was about this time that he
wrote: 〃I feel more and more every day how difficult it is to lay aside the
scruples which one has imbibed in childhood。 Oh; how much pain it has caused
me; though I had the Scriptures on my side; to justify it to myself that I
should dare to make a stand alone against the pope; and hold him forth as
antichrist! What have the tribulations of my heart not been! How many times
have I not asked myself with bitterness that question which was so frequent
on the lips of the papists: 'Art thou alone wise? Can everyone else be
mistaken? How will it be; if; after all; it is thyself who art wrong; and
who art involving in thy error so many souls; who will then be eternally
damned?' 'Twas so I fought with myself and with Satan; till Christ; by His
own infallible word; fortified my heart against these doubts。〃Martyn;
pages 372; 373。
The pope had threatened Luther with excommunication if he did not recant;
and the threat was now fulfilled。 A new bull appeared; declaring the
Reformer's final separation from the Roman Church; denouncing him as
accursed of Heaven; and including in the same condemnation all who should
receive his doctrines。 The great contest had been fully entered upon。
Opposition is the lot of all whom God employs to present truths specially
applicable to their time。 There was a present truth in the days of
Luther;a truth at that time of special importance; there is a present
truth for the church today。
He who does all things according to the counsel of His will has been pleased
to place men under various circumstances and to enjoin upon them duties
peculiar to the times in which they live and the conditions under which they
are placed。 If they would prize the light given them; broader views of truth
would be opened before them。 But truth is no more desired by the majority
today than it was by the papists who opposed Luther。 There is the same
disposition to accept the theories and traditions of men instead of the word
of God as in former ages。 Those who present the truth for this time should
not expect to be received with greater favor than were earlier reformers。
The great controversy between truth and error; between Christ and Satan; is
to increase in intensity to the close of this world's history。
Said Jesus to His disciples: 〃If ye were of the world; the world would love
his own: but because ye are not of the world; but I have chosen you out of
the world; therefore the world hateth you。 Remember the word that I said
unto you; The servant is not greater than his Lord。 If they have persecuted
Me; they will also persecute you; if they have kept My saying; they will
keep yours also。〃 John 15:19; 20。 And on the other hand our Lord declared
plainly: 〃Woe unto you; when all men shall speak well of you! for so did
their fathers to the false prophets。〃 Luke 6:26。 The spirit of the world is
no more in harmony with the spirit of C