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the great controversy-第107章

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Saviour's warning: 〃Ye; brethren; are not in darkness; that that day should
overtake you as a thief。 Ye are all the children of light; and the children
of the day: we are not of the night; nor of darkness。〃 1 Thessalonians


Thus it was shown that Scripture gives no warrant for men to remain in
ignorance concerning the nearness of Christ's coming。 But those who desired
only an excuse to reject the truth closed their ears to this explanation;
and the words 〃No man knoweth the day nor the hour〃 continued to be echoed
by the bold scoffer and even by the professed minister of Christ。 As the
people were roused; and began to inquire the way of salvation; religious
teachers stepped in between them and the truth; seeking to quiet their fears
by falsely interpreting the word of God。 Unfaithful watchmen united in the
work of the great deceiver; crying; Peace; peace; when God had not spoken
peace。 Like the Pharisees in Christ's day; many refused to enter the kingdom
of heaven themselves; and those who were entering in they hindered。 The
blood of these souls will be required at their hand。

The most humble and devoted in the churches were usually the first to
receive the message。 Those who studied the Bible for themselves could not
but see the unscriptural character of the popular views of prophecy; and
wherever the people were not controlled by the influence of the clergy;
wherever they would search the word of God for themselves; the advent
doctrine needed only to be compared with the Scriptures to establish its
divine authority。

Many were persecuted by their unbelieving brethren。 In order to retain their
position in the church; some consented to be silent in regard to their hope;
but others felt that loyalty to God forbade them thus to hide the truths
which He had committed to their trust。 Not a few were cut off from the
fellowship of the church for no other reason than expressing their belief in
the coming of Christ。 Very precious to those who bore this trial of their
faith were the words of the prophet: 〃Your brethren that hated you; that
cast you out for My name's sake; said; Let the Lord be glorified: but He
shall appear to your joy; and they shall be ashamed。〃 Isaiah 66:5。

Angels of God were watching with the deepest interest


the result of the warning。 When there was a general rejection of the message
by the churches; angels turned away in sadness。 But there were many who had
not yet been tested in regard to the advent truth。 Many were misled by
husbands; wives; parents; or children; and were made to believe it a sin
even to listen to such heresies as were taught by the Adventists。 Angels
were bidden to keep faithful watch over these souls; for another light was
yet to shine upon them from the throne of God。

With unspeakable desire those who had received the message watched for the
coming of their Saviour。 The time when they expected to meet Him was at
hand。 They approached this hour with a calm solemnity。 They rested in sweet
communion with God; and earnest of the peace that was to be theirs in the
bright hereafter。 None who experienced this hope and trust can forget those
precious hours of waiting。 For some weeks preceding the time; worldly
business was for the most part laid aside。 The sincere believers carefully
examined every thought and emotion of their hearts as if upon their
deathbeds and in a few hours to close their eyes upon earthly scenes。 There
was no making of 〃ascension robes〃 (see Appendix); but all felt the need of
internal evidence that they were prepared to meet the Saviour; their white
robes were purity of soulcharacters cleansed from sin by the atoning blood
of Christ。 Would that there were still with the professed people of God the
same spirit of heart searching; the same earnest; determined faith。 Had they
continued thus to humble themselves before the Lord and press their
petitions at the mercy seat they would be in possession of a far richer
experience than they now have。 There is too little prayer; too little real
conviction of sin; and the lack of living faith leaves many destitute of the
grace so richly provided by our Redeemer。

God designed to prove His people。 His hand covered a mistake in the
reckoning of the prophetic periods。 Adventists


did not discover the error; nor was it discovered by the most learned of
their opponents。 The latter said: 〃Your reckoning of the prophetic periods
is correct。 Some great event is about to take place; but it is not what Mr。
Miller predicts; it is the conversion of the world; and not the second
advent of Christ。〃 (See Appendix。)

The time of expectation passed; and Christ did not appear for the
deliverance of His people。 Those who with sincere faith and love had looked
for their Saviour; experienced a bitter disappointment。 Yet the purposes of
God were being accomplished; He was testing the hearts of those professed to
be waiting for His appearing。 There were among them many who had been
actuated by no higher motive than fear。 Their profession of faith had not
affected their hearts or their lives。 When the expected event failed to take
place; these persons declared that they were not disappointed; they had
never believed that Christ would come。 They were among the first to ridicule
the sorrow of the true believers。

But Jesus and all the heavenly host looked with love and sympathy upon the
tried and faithful yet disappointed ones。 Could the evil separating the
visible world have been swept back; angels would have been seen drawing near
to these steadfast souls and shielding them from the shafts of Satan。


                              Chapter 21

                              A Warning Rejected

In preaching the doctrine of the second advent; William Miller and his
associates had labored with the sole purpose of arousing men to a
preparation for the judgment。 They had sought to awaken professors of
religion to the true hope of the church and to their need of a deeper
Christian experience; and they labored also to awaken the unconverted to the
duty of immediate repentance and conversion to God。 〃They made no attempt to
convert men to a sect or party in religion。 Hence they labored among all
parties and sects; without interfering with their organization or

〃In all my labors;〃 said Miller; 〃I never had the desire or thought to
establish any separate interest from that of existing denominations; or to
benefit one at the expense of another。 I thought to benefit all。 Supposing
that all Christians would rejoice in the prospect of Christ's coming; and
that those who could not see as I did would not love any the less those who
should embrace this doctrine; I did not conceive there would ever be any
necessity for separate meetings。 My whole object was a desire to convert
souls to God; to notify the world of a coming judgment; and to induce my
fellow men to make that preparation of heart which will enable them to meet
their God in peace。 The great majority of those wh
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