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north america-2-第38章

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ers and very caps。  In other respects they appeared to be in good order。  It must be understood that these soldiers; the volunteers; had never been made subject to any discipline as to cleanliness。  They wore their hair long。  Their hats or caps; though all made in some military form and with some military appendance; were various and ill assorted。  They all were covered with loose; thick; blue…gray great…coats; which no doubt were warm and wholesome; but which from their looseness and color seemed to be peculiarly susceptible of receiving and showing a very large amount of mud。  Their boots were always good; but each man was shod as he liked。  Many wore heavy overboots coming up the leg boots of excellent manufacture; and from their cost; if for no other reason; quite out of the reach of an English soldierboots in which a man would be not at all unfortunate to find himself hunting; but from these; or from their high…lows; shoes; or whatever they might wear; the mud had never been even scraped。  These men were all warmly clothed; but clothed apparently with an endeavor to contract as much mud as might be possible。 The generals and commodores were gone up the Ohio River and up the Tennessee in an expedition with gunboats; which turned out to be successful; and of which we have all read in the daily history of this war。  They had departed the day before our arrival; and though we still found at Cairo a squadron of gun…boatsif gun…boats go in squadronsthe bulk of the army had been moved。  There were left there one regiment and one colonel; who kindly described to us the battles he had fought; and gave us permission to see everything that was to be seen。  Four of these gun…boats were still lying in the Ohio; close under the terminus of the railway; with their flat; ugly noses against the muddy bank; and we were shown over two of them。 They certainly seemed to be formidable weapons for river warfare; and to have been 〃got up quite irrespective of expense。〃  So much; indeed; may be said for the Americans throughout the war。  They cannot be accused of parsimony。  The largest of these vessels; called the 〃Benton;〃 had cost 36;000l。  These boats are made with sides sloping inward at an angle of forty…five degrees。  The iron is two and a half inches thick; and it has not; I believe; been calculated that this will resist cannon…shot of great weight; should it be struck in a direct line。  But the angle of the sides of the boat makes it improbable that any such shot should strike them; and the iron; bedded as it is upon oak; is supposed to be sufficient to turn a shot that does not hit it in a direct line。  The boats are also roofed in with iron; and the pilots who steer the vessel stand incased; as it were; under an iron cupola。  I imagine that these boats are well calculated for the river service; for which they have been built。  Six or seven of them had gone up the Tennessee River the day before we reached Cairo; and while we were there they succeeded in knocking down Fort Henry; and in carrying off the soldiers stationed there and the officer in command。  One of the boats; however; had been penetrated by a shot; which made its way into the boiler; and the men on decksix; I think; in numberwere scalded to death by the escaping steam。  The two pilots up in the cupola were destroyed in this terrible manner。  As they were altogether closed in by the iron roof and sides; there was no escape for the steam。  The boats; however; were well made and very powerfully armed; and will probably succeed in driving the secessionist armies away from the great river banks。  By what machinery the secessionist armies are to be followed into the interior is altogether another question。 But there was also another fleet at Cairo; and we were informed that we were just in time to see the first essay made at testing the utility of this armada。  It consisted of no less than thirty…eight mortar…boats; each of which had cost 1700l。  These mortar…boats were broad; flat…bottomed rafts; each constructed with a deck raised three feet above the bottom。  They were protected by high iron sides supposed to be proof against rifle…balls; and; when supplied; had been furnished each with a little boat; a rope; and four rough sweeps or oars。  They had no other furniture or belongings; and were to be moved either by steam…tugs or by the use of the long oars which were sent with them。  It was intended that one 13…inch mortar; of enormous weight; should be put upon each; that these mortars should be fired with twenty…three pounds of powder; and that the shell thrown should; at a distance of three miles; fall with absolute precision into any devoted town which the rebels might hold the river banks。  The grandeur of the idea is almost sublime。  So large an amount of powder had; I imagine; never then been used for the single charge in any instrument of war; and when we were told that thirty…eight of them were to play at once on a city; and that they could be used with absolute precision; it seemed as though the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah could not be worse than the fate of that city。  Could any city be safe when such implements of war were about upon the waters? But when we came to inspect the mortar…boats; our misgivings as to any future destination for this fleet were relieved; and our admiration was given to the smartness of the contractor who had secured to himself the job of building them。  In the first place; they had all leaked till the spaces between the bottoms and the decks were filled with water。  This space had been intended for ammunition; but now seemed hardly to be fitted for that purpose。 The officer who was about to test them; by putting a mortar into one and by firing it off with twenty…three pounds of powder; had the water pumped out of a selected raft; and we were towed by a steam… tug; from their moorings a mile up the river; down to the spot where the mortar lay ready to be lifted in by a derrick。  But as we turned on the river; the tug…boat which had brought us down was unable to hold us up against the force of the stream。  A second tug…boat was at hand; and; with one on each side; we were just able in half an hour to recover the hundred yards which we had lost down the river。 The pressure against the stream was so great; owing partly to the weight of the raft and partly to the fact that its flat head buried itself in the water; that it was almost immovable against the stream; although the mortar was not yet on it。 It soon became manifest that no trial could be made on that day; and so we were obliged to leave Cairo without having witnessed the firing of the great gun。  My belief is that very little evil to the enemy will result from those mortar…boats; and that they cannot be used with much effect。  Since that time they have been used on the Mississippi; but as yet we do not know with what results。  Island No。 10 has been taken; but I do not know that the mortar…boats contributed much to that success。  But the enormous cost of moving them against the stream of the river is in itself a barrier to their use。  When we saw themand then they were quite newmany of the rivets were already gone。  The small boats had been stolen from some of them; and the ropes and oars f
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