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the lesser bourgeoisie-第64章

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of the woman whom we have just seen entering his office; who daily
attended the church at; as Dorine says; his 〃special hour。〃 Could it
be for love? That explanation was scarcely compatible with the
maturity and the saintly; beatific air of this person; who; beneath a
plain cap; called 〃a la Janseniste;〃 by which fervent female souls of
that sect were recognized; affected; like a nun; to hide her hair。 On
the other hand; the rest of her clothing was of a neatness that was
almost dainty; and the gold cross at her throat; suspended by a black
velvet ribbon; excluded the idea of humble and hesitating mendicity。

The morning of the day on which the dinner at the Rocher de Cancale
was to take place; la Peyrade; weary of a performance which had ended
by preoccupying his mind; went up to the woman and asked her
pointblank if she had any request to make of him。

〃Monsieur;〃 she answered; in a tone of solemnity; 〃is; I think; the
celebrated Monsieur de la Peyrade; the advocate of the poor?〃

〃I am la Peyrade; and I have had; it is true; an opportunity to render
services to the indigent persons of this quarter。〃

〃Would it; then; be asking too much of monsieur's goodness that he
should suffer me to consult him?〃

〃This place;〃 replied la Peyrade; 〃is not well chosen for such
consultation。 What you have to say to me seems important; to judge by
the length of time you have been hesitating to speak to me。 I live
near here; rue Saint…Dominique d'Enfer; and if you will take the
trouble to come to my office〃

〃It will not annoy monsieur?〃

〃Not in the least; my business is to hear clients。〃

〃At what hourlest I disturb monsieur?〃

〃When you choose; I shall be at home all the morning。〃

〃Then I will hear another mass; at which I can take the communion。 I
did not dare to do so at this mass; for the thought of speaking to
monsieur so distracted my mind。 I will be at monsieur's house by eight
o'clock; when I have ended my meditation; if that hour does not
inconvenience him。〃

〃No; but there is no necessity for all this ceremony;〃 replied la
Peyrade; with some impatience。

Perhaps a little professional jealousy inspired his ill…humor; for it
was evident that he had to do with an antagonist who was capable of
giving him points。

At the hour appointed; not a minute before nor a minute after; the
pious woman rang the bell; and the barrister having; not without some
difficulty; induced her to sit down; he requested her to state her
case。 She was then seized with that delaying little cough with which
we obtain a respite when brought face to face with a difficult
subject。 At last; however; she compelled herself to approach the
object of her visit。

〃It is to ask monsieur;〃 she said; 〃if he would be so very good as to
inform me whether it is true that a charitable gentleman; now
deceased; has bequeathed a fund to reward domestic servants who are
faithful to their masters。〃

〃Yes;〃 replied la Peyrade; 〃that is to say; Monsieur de Montyon
founded 'prizes for virtue;' which are frequently given to zealous and
exemplary domestic servants。 But ordinary good conduct is not
sufficient; there must be some act or acts of great devotion; and
truly Christian self…abnegation。〃

〃Religion enjoins humility upon us;〃 replied the pious woman; 〃and
therefore I dare not praise myself; but inasmuch as for the last
twenty years I have lived in the service of an old man of the dullest
description; a savant; who has wasted his substance on inventions; so
that I myself have had to feed and clothe him; persons have thought
that I am not altogether undeserving of that prize。〃

〃It is certainly under such conditions that the Academy selects its
candidates;〃 said la Peyrade。 〃What is your master's name?〃

〃Pere Picot; he is never called otherwise in our quarter; sometimes he
goes out into the streets as if dressed for the carnival; and all the
little children crowd about him; calling out: 'How d'ye do; Pere
Picot! Good…morning; Pere Picot!' But that's how it is; he takes no
care of his dignity; he goes about full of his own ideas; and though I
kill myself trying to give him appetizing food; if you ask him what he
has had for his dinner he can't tell you。 Yet he's a man full of
ability; and he has taught good pupils。 Perhaps monsieur knows young
Phellion; a professor in the College of Saint…Louis; he was one of his
scholars; and he comes to see him very often。〃

〃Then;〃 said la Peyrade; 〃your master is a mathematician?〃

〃Yes; monsieur; mathematics have been his bane; they have flung him
into a set of ideas which don't seem to have any common…sense in them
ever since he has been employed at the Observatory; near here。〃

〃Well;〃 said la Peyrade; 〃you must bring testimony proving your long
devotion to this old man; and I will then draw up a memorial to the
Academy and take the necessary steps to present it。〃

〃How good monsieur is!〃 said the pious woman; clasping her hands; 〃and
if he would also let me tell him of a little difficulty〃

〃What is it?〃

〃They tell me; monsieur; that to get this prize persons must be really
very poor。〃

〃Not exactly; still; the Academy does endeavor to choose whose who are
in straitened circumstances; and who have made sacrifices too heavy
for their means。〃

〃Sacrifices! I think I may indeed say I have made sacrifices; for the
little property I inherited from my parents has all been spent in
keeping the old man; and for fifteen years I have had no wages; which;
at three hundred francs a year and compound interest; amount now to a
pretty little sum; as monsieur; I am sure; will agree。〃

At the words 〃compound interest;〃 which evidenced a certain amount of
financial culture; la Peyrade looked at this Antigone with increased

〃In short;〃 he said; 〃your difficulty is〃

〃Monsieur will not think it strange;〃 replied the saintly person; 〃that
a very rich uncle dying in England; who had never done anything for
his family in his lifetime; should have left me twenty…five thousand

〃Certainly;〃 said the barrister; 〃there's nothing in that but what is
perfectly natural and proper。〃

〃But; monsieur; I have been told that the possession of this money
will prevent the judges from considering my claims to the prize。〃

〃Possibly; because seeing you in possession of a little competence;
the sacrifices which you apparently intend to continue in favor of
your master will be less meritorious。〃

〃I shall never abandon him; poor; dear man; in spite of his faults;
though I know that this poor little legacy which Heaven has given me
is in the greatest danger from him。〃

〃How so?〃 asked la Peyrade; with some curiosity。

〃Eh! monsieur; let him only get wind of that money; and he'd snap it
up at a mouthful; it would all go into his inventions of perpetual
motion and other machines of various kinds which have already ruined
him; and me; too。〃

〃Then;〃 said la Peyrade; 〃your desire is that this legacy should
remain completely unknown; not only to your master but to the judges
of the Academy?〃

〃How clever monsieur is; and how well he understands things!〃 she
replied; smiling。

〃And also;〃 continued the barrister;
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