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Leave we the indescribable and the unspeakable for a moment; and go to a lighter theme。
The day Rose's character was so unexpectedly cleared; Edouard had no opportunity of speaking to her; or a reconciliation would have taken place。 As it was; he went home intensely happy。 But he did not resume his visits to the chateau。 When he came to think calmly over it; his vanity was cruelly mortified。 She was innocent of the greater offence; but how insolently she had sacrificed him; his love; and his respect; to another's interest。
More generous thoughts prevailed by degrees。 And one day that her pale face; her tears; and her remorse got the better of his offended pride; he determined to give her a good lecture that should drown her in penitent tears; and then end by forgiving her。 For one thing he could not be happy till he had forgiven her。
She walked into the room with a calm; dignified; stately air; and before he could utter one word of his grave remonstrance; attacked him thus: 〃You wish to speak to me; sir。 If it is to apologize to me; I will save your vanity the mortification。 I forgive you。〃
〃YOU forgive ME!〃 cried Edouard furiously。
〃No violence; if you please;〃 said the lady with cold hauteur。 〃Let us be friends; as Josephine and Raynal are。 We cannot be anything more to one another now。 You have wounded me too deeply by your jealous; suspicious nature。〃
Edouard gasped for breath; and was so far out…generalled that he accepted the place of defendant。 〃Wasn't I to believe your own lips? Did not Colonel Raynal believe you?〃
〃Oh; that's excusable。 He did not know me。 But you were my lover; you ought to have seen I was forced to deceive poor Raynal。 How dare you believe your eyes; much more your ears; against my truth; against my honor; and then to believe such nonsense?〃 Then; with a grand assumption of superior knowledge; says she; 〃You little simpleton; how could the child be mine when I wasn't married at all?〃
At this reproach; Edouard first stared; then grinned。 〃I forgot that;〃 said he。
〃Yes; and you forgot the moon isn't made of green cheese。 However; if I saw you very humble; and very penitent; I might; perhaps; really forgive youin time。〃
〃No; forgive me at once。 I don't understand your angelical; diabolical; incomprehensible sex: who on earth can? forgive me。〃
〃Oh! oh! oh! oh!〃
Lo! the tears that could not come at a remonstrance were flowing in a stream at his generosity。
〃What is the matter now?〃 said he tenderly。 She cried away; but at the same time explained;
〃What a fffoolish you must be not to see that it is I who am without excuse。 You were my betrothed。 It was to you I owed my duty; not my sister。 I am a wicked; unhappy girl。 How you must hate me!〃
〃I adore you。 There; no more forgiving on either side。 Let our only quarrel be who shall love the other best。〃
〃Oh; I know how that will be;〃 said the observant toad。 〃You will love me best till you have got me; and then I shall love you best; oh; ever so much。〃
However; the prospect of loving best did not seem disagreeable to her; for with this announcement she deposited her head on his shoulder; and in that attitude took a little walk with him up and down the Pleasaunce: sixty times; about eight miles。
These two were a happy pair。 This wayward; but generous heart never forgot her offence; and his forgiveness。 She gave herself to him heart and soul; at the altar; and well she redeemed her vow。 He rose high in political life: and paid the penalty of that sort of ambition; his heart was often sore。 But by his own hearth sat comfort and ever ready sympathy。 Ay; and patient industry to read blue…books; and a ready hand and brain to write diplomatic notes for him; off which the mind glided as from a ball of ice。
In thirty years she never once mentioned the servants to him。
〃Oh; let eternal honor crown her name!〃
It was only a little bit of heel that Dard had left in Prussia。 More fortunate than his predecessor (Achilles); he got off with a slight but enduring limp。 And so the army lost him。
He married Jacintha; and Josephine set them up in Bigot's; (deceased) auberge。 Jacintha shone as a landlady; and custom flowed in。 For all that; a hankering after Beaurepaire was observable in her。 Her favorite stroll was into the Beaurepaire kitchen; and on all fetes and grand occasions she was prominent in gay attire as a retainer of the house。 The last specimen of her homely sagacity I shall have the honor to lay before you is a critique upon her husband; which she vented six years after marriage。
〃My Dard;〃 said she; 〃is very good as far as he goes。 What he has felt himself; that he can feel FOR: nobody better。 You come to him with an empty belly; or a broken head; or all bleeding with a cut; or black and blue; and you shall find a friend。 But if it is a sore heart; or trouble; and sorrow; and no hole in your carcass to show for it; you had better come to ME; for you might as well tell your grief to a stone wall as to my man。〃
The baroness took her son Raynal to Paris; and there; with keen eye; selected him a wife。 She proved an excellent one。 It would have been hard if she had not; for the baroness with the severe sagacity of her age and sex; had set aside as naught a score of seeming angels; before she could suit herself with a daughter…in…law。 At first the Raynals very properly saw little of the Dujardins; but when both had been married some years; the recollection of that fleeting and nominal connection waxed faint; while the memory of great benefits conferred on both sides remained lively as ever in hearts so great; and there was a warm; a sacred friendship between the two housesa friendship of the ancient Greeks; not of the modern club…house。
Camille and Josephine were blessed almost beyond the lot of humanity: none can really appreciate sunshine but those who come out of the cold dark。 And so with happiness。 For years they could hardly be said to live like mortals: they basked in bliss。 But it was a near thing; for they but just scraped clear of life…long misery; and death's cold touch grazed them both as they went。
Yet they had heroic virtues to balance White Lies in the great Judge's eye。
A wholesome lesson; therefore; and a warning may be gathered from this story: and I know many novelists who would have preached that lesson at some length in every other chapter; and interrupted the sacred narrative to do it。 But when I read stories so mutilated; I think of a circumstance related by Mr。 Joseph Miller。
〃An Englishman sojourning in some part of Scotland was afflicted with many hairs in the butter; and remonstrated。 He was told; in reply; that the hairs and the butter came from one sourcethe cow; and that the just and natural proportions hitherto observed; could not be deranged; and bald butter inventedfor ONE。 'So be it;' said the Englishman; 'but let me have the butter in one plate; and the hairs in another。'〃
Acting on this hint; I have reserved some admirable remarks; reflections; discourses; and tirades; until the story should be ended; and the other plate be ready for the subsidiary sermon。
And now that the proper time is come; that