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he other's face keenly。 Raynal's countenance; prepared as he was for this meeting; was like a stern statue's。 The other's face flushed; and his heart raged and sickened at sight of the man; that; once his comrade and benefactor; was now possessor of the woman he loved。 But the figures of both stood alike haughty; erect; and immovable; face to face。
Colonel Raynal saluted Colonel Dujardin ceremoniously。 Colonel Dujardin returned the salute in the same style。
〃You thought I was in Egypt;〃 said Raynal with grim significance that caught Dujardin's attention; though he did not know quite how to interpret it。
He answered mechanically; 〃Yes; I did。〃
〃I am sent here by General Bonaparte to take a command;〃 explained Raynal。
〃You are welcome。 What command?〃
〃Mine?〃 cried Dujardin; his forehead flushing with mortification and anger。 〃What; is it not enough that you take my〃 He stopped then。
〃Come; colonel;〃 said the other calmly; 〃do not be unjust to an old comrade。 I take your demi…brigade; but you are promoted to Raimbaut's brigade。 The exchange is to be made to…morrow。〃
〃Was it then to announce to me my promotion you came to my quarters?〃 and Camille looked with a strange mixture of feelings at his old comrade。
〃That was the first thing; being duty; you know。〃
〃What? have you anything else to say to me; then?〃
〃I have。〃
〃Is it important? for my own duties will soon demand me。〃
〃It is so important that; command or no command; I should have come further than the Rhine to say it to you。〃
Let a man be as bold as a lion; a certain awe still waits upon doubt and mystery; and some of this vague awe crept over Camille Dujardin at Raynal's mysterious speech; and his grave; quiet; significant manner。
Had he discovered something; and what? For Josephine's sake; more than his own; Camille was on his guard directly。
Raynal looked at him in silence a moment。
〃What?〃 said he with a slight sneer; 〃has it never occurred to you that I MUST have a serious word to say to you? First; let me put you a question: did they treat you well at my house? at the chateau de Beaurepaire?〃
〃Yes;〃 faltered Camille。
〃You met; I trust; all the kindness and care due to a wounded soldier and an officer of merit。 It would annoy me greatly if I thought you were not treated like a brother in my house。〃
Colonel Dujardin writhed inwardly at this view of matters。 He could not reply in few words。 This made him hesitate。
His inquisitor waited; but; receiving no reply; went on; 〃Well; colonel; have you shown the sense of gratitude we had a right to look for in return? In a word; when you left Beaurepaire; had your conscience nothing to reproach you with?〃
Dujardin still hesitated。 He scarcely knew what to think or what to say。 But he thought to himself; 〃Who has told him? does he know all?〃
〃Colonel Dujardin; I am the husband of Josephine; the son of Madame de Beaurepaire; and the brother of Rose。 You know very well what brings me here。 Your answer?〃
〃Colonel Raynal; between men of honor; placed as you and I are; few words should pass; for words are idle。 You will never prove to me that I have wronged you: I shall never convince you that I have not。 Let us therefore close this painful interview in the way it is sure to close。 I am at your service; at any hour and place you please。〃
〃And pray is that all the answer you can think of?〃 asked Raynal somewhat scornfully。
〃Why; what other answer can I give you?〃
〃A more sensible; a more honest; and a less boyish one。 Who doubts that you can fight; you silly fellow? haven't I seen you? I want you to show me a much higher sort of courage: the courage to repair a wrong; not the paltry valor to defend one。〃
〃I really do not understand you; sir。 How can I undo what is done?〃
〃Why; of course you cannot。 And therefore I stand here ready to forgive all that is past; not without a struggle; which you don't seem to appreciate。〃
Camille was now utterly mystified。 Raynal continued; 〃But of course it is upon condition that you consent to heal the wound you have made。 If you refusehum! but you will not refuse。〃
〃But what is it you require of me?〃 inquired Camille impatiently。
〃Only a little common honesty。 This is the case: you have seduced a young lady。〃
〃Sir!〃 cried Camille angrily。
〃What is the matter? The word is not so bad as the crime; I take it。 You have seduced her; and under circumstances But we won't speak of them; because I am resolved to keep cool。 Well; sir; as you said just now; it's no use crying over spilled milk; you can't unseduce the little fool; so you must marry her。〃
〃Mmmarry her?〃 and Dujardin flushed all over; and his heart beat; and he stared in Raynal's face。
〃Why; what is the matter again? If she has played the fool; it was with you; and no other man: it is not as if she was depraved。 Come; my lad; show a little generosity! Take the consequences of your own actor your share of itdon't throw it all on the poor feeble woman。 If she has loved you too much; you are the man of all others that should forgive her。 Come; what do you say?〃
This was too much for Camille; that Raynal should come and demand of him to marry his own wife; for so he understood the proposal。 He stared at Raynal in silence ever so long; and even when he spoke it was only to mutter; 〃Are you out of your senses; or am I?〃
At this it cost Raynal a considerable effort to restrain his wrath。 However; he showed himself worthy of the office he had undertaken。 He contained himself; and submitted to argue the matter。 〃Why; colonel;〃 said he; 〃is it such a misfortune to marry poor Rose? She is young; she is lovely; she has many good qualities; and she would have walked straight to the end of her days but for you。〃
Now here was another surprise for Dujardin; another mystification。
〃Rose de Beaurepaire?〃 said he; putting his hand to his head; as if to see whether his reason was still there。
〃Yes; Rose de BeaurepaireRose Dujardin that ought to be; and that is to be; if you please。〃
〃One word; monsieur: is it of Rose we have been talking all this time?〃
Raynal nearly lost his temper at this question; and the cold; contemptuous tone with which it was put; but he gulped down his ire。
〃It is;〃 said he。
〃One question more。 Did she tell you I hadI had〃
〃Why; as to that; she was in no condition to deny she had fallen; poor girl; the evidence was too strong。 She did not reveal her seducer's name; but I had not far to go for that。〃
〃One question more;〃 said Dujardin; with a face of anguish。 〃Is it Josis it Madame Raynal's wish I should marry her sister?〃
〃Why; of course;〃 said Raynal; in all sincerity; assuming that naturally enough as a matter of course; 〃if you have any respect for HER feelings; look on me as her envoy in this matter。〃
At this Camille turned sick with disgust; then rage and bitterness swelled his heart。 A furious impulse seized him to expose Josephine on the spot。 He overcame that; however; and merely said; 〃She wishes me to marry her sister; does she? very well then; I decline。〃
Raynal was shocked。 〃Oh;〃 said he; sorrowfully; 〃I cannot believe this of you; su