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white lies-第78章

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〃I am not。〃

〃Why; it was you who pressed for the assault。〃

〃At the right time; general; not the wrong。  In five days I undertake to blow that bastion into the air。  To assault it now would be to waste our men。〃

General Raimbaut thought this excess of caution a great piece of perversity in Achilles。  They were alone; and he said a little peevishly;

〃Is not this to blow hot and cold on the same thing?〃

〃No; general;〃 was the calm reply。  〃Not on the same thing。  I blew hot upon timorous counsels; I blow cold on rash ones。  General; last night Lieutenant Fleming and I were under that bastion; and all round it。〃

〃Ah! my prudent colonel; I thought we should not talk long without your coming out in your true light。  If ever a man secretly enjoyed risking his life; it is you。〃

〃No; general;〃 said Dujardin looking gloomily down; 〃I enjoy neither that nor anything else。  Live or die; it is all one to me; but to the lives of my soldiers I am not indifferent; and never will be while I live。  My apparent rashness of last night was pure prudence。〃

Raimbaut's eye twinkled with suppressed irony。  〃No doubt!〃 said he; 〃no doubt!〃

The impassive colonel would not notice the other's irony; he went calmly on:

〃I suspected something; I went to confute; or confirm that suspicion。  I confirmed it。〃

Rat! tat! tat! tat! tat! tat! tat! was heard a drum。  Relieving guard in the mine。

Colonel Dujardin interrupted himself。

〃That comes apropos;〃 said he。  〃I expect one proof more from that quarter。  Sergeant; send me the sentinel they are relieving。〃

Sergeant La Croix soon came back; as pompous as a hen with one chick; predominating with a grand military air over a droll figure that chattered with cold; and held its musket in hands clothed in great mittens。  Dard。

La Croix marched him up as if he had been a file; halted him like a file; sang out to him as to a file; stentorian and unintelligible; after the manner of sergeants。

〃Private No。 4。〃

DARD。  P…p…p…present!

LA CROIX。  Advance to the word of command; and speak to the colonel。

The shivering figure became an upright statue directly; and carried one of his mittens to his forehead。  Then; suddenly recognizing the rank of the gray…haired officer; he was morally shaken; but remained physically erect; and stammered;


〃Don't be frightened; my lad。  But look at the general and answer me。〃

〃Yes! general! colonel!〃 and he levelled his eye dead at the general; as he would a bayonet at a foe; being so commanded。

〃Now answer in as few syllables as you can。〃

〃Yes! generalcolonel。〃

〃You have been on guard in the mine。〃

〃Yes; general。〃

〃What did you see there?〃

〃Nothing; it was night down there。〃

〃What did you feel?〃

〃Cold!  Iwasinwaterhugh!〃

〃Did you hear nothing; then?〃



〃Bum! bum! bum!〃

〃Are you sure you did not hear particles of earth fall at the end of the trench?〃

〃I think it did; and this (touching his musket) sounded of its own accord。〃

〃Good! you have answered well; go。〃

〃Sergeant; I did not miss a word;〃 cried Dard; exulting。  He thought he had passed a sort of military college examination。  The sergeant was awe…struck and disgusted at his familiarity; speaking to him before the great: he pushed Private Dard hastily out of the presence; and bundled him into the trenches。

〃Are you countermined; then?〃 asked General Raimbaut。

〃I think not; general; but the whole bastion is。  And we found it had been opened in the rear; and lately half a dozen broad roads cut through the masonry。〃

〃To let in re…enforcements?〃

〃Or to let the men run out in ease of an assault。  I have seen from the first an able hand behind that part of the defences。  If we assault the bastion; they will pick off as many of us as they can with their muskets then they will run for it; and fire a train; and blow it and us into the air。〃

〃Colonel; this is serious。  Are you prepared to lay this statement before the commander…in…chief?〃

〃I am; and I do so through you; the general of my division。  I even beg you to say; as from me; that the assault will be mere suicide bloody and useless。〃

General Raimbaut went off to headquarters in some haste; a thorough convert to Colonel Dujardin's opinion。  Meantime the colonel went slowly to his tent。  At the mouth of it a corporal; who was also his body…servant; met him; saluted; and asked respectfully if there were any orders。

〃A few minutes' repose; Francois; that is all。  Do not let me be disturbed for an hour。〃

〃Attention!〃 cried Francois。  〃Colonel wants to sleep。〃

The tent was sentinelled; and Dujardin was alone with the past。

Then had the fools; that took (as fools will do) deep sorrow for sullenness; seen the fiery soldier droop; and his wan face fall into haggard lines; and his martial figure shrink; and heard his stout heart sigh!  He took a letter from his bosom: it was almost worn to pieces。  He had read it a thousand times; yet he read it again。  A part of the sweet sad words ran thus:

〃We must bow。  We can never be happy together on earth; let us make Heaven our friend。  This is still left us;not to blush for our love; to do our duty; and to die。〃

〃How tender; but how firm;〃 thought Camille。  〃I might agitate; taunt; grieve her I love; but I could not shake her。  No!  God and the saints to my aid! they saved me from a crime I now shudder at。 And they have given me the good chaplain: he prays with me; he weeps for me。  His prayers still my beating heart。  Yes; poor suffering angel!  I read your will in these tender; but bitter; words: you prefer duty to love。  And one day you will forget me; not yet awhile; but it will be so。  It wounds me when I think of it; but I must bow。  Your will is sacred。  I must rise to your level; not drag you to mine。〃

Then the soldier that had stood between two armies in a hail of bullets; and fired a master…shot; took a little book of offices in one hand;the chaplain had given it him;and fixed his eyes upon the pious words; and clung like a child to the pious words; and kissed his lost wife's letter; and tried hard to be like her he loved: patient; very patient; till the end should come。

〃Qui vive?〃 cried the sentinel outside to a strange officer。

〃France;〃 was his reply。  He then asked the sentinel; 〃Where is the colonel commanding the brigade?〃

The sentinel lowered his voice; 〃Asleep; my officer;〃 said he; for the new…comer carried two epaulets。

〃Wake him;〃 said the officer in a tone of a man used to command on a large scale。

Dujardin heard; and did not choose a stranger should think he was asleep in broad day。  He came hastily out of the tent; therefore; with Josephine's letter in his hand; and; in the very act of conveying it to his bosom; found himself face to face withher husband。

Did you ever see two duellists cross rapiers?

How unlike a theatrical duel!  How smooth and quiet the bright blades are! they glide into contact。  They are polished and slippery; yet they hold each other。  So these two men's eyes met; and fastened: neither spoke: each searched the other's face keenly。 Raynal's countenance; prepared as he was for this meeting; was like a 
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