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white lies-第71章

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The men were excited to fury by Rose's hesitation; they each seized an arm; and tore her screaming with fear at their violence; from her knees up to her feet between them with a single gesture。

〃Whose is the child?〃

〃You hurt me!〃 said she bitterly to Edouard; and she left crying and was terribly calm and sullen all in a moment。

〃Whose is the child?〃 roared Edouard and Raynal; in one raging breath。  〃Whose is the child?〃

〃It is mine。〃


These were not words; they were electric shocks。

The two arms that gripped Rose's arms were paralyzed; and dropped off them; and there was silence。

Then first the thought of all she had done with those three words began to rise and grow and surge over her。  She stood; her eyes turned downwards; yet inwards; and dilating with horror。


Now a mist began to spread over her eyes; and in it she saw indistinctly the figure of Raynal darting to her sister's side; and raising her head。

She dared not look round on the other side。  She heard feet stagger on the floor。  She heard a groan; too; but not a word。

Horrible silence。

With nerves strung to frenzy; and quivering ears; that magnified every sound; she waited for a reproach; a curse; either would have been some little relief。  But no! a silence far more terrible。

Then a step wavered across the room。  Her soul was in her ear。  She could hear and feel the step totter; and it shook her as it went。 All sounds were trebled to her。  Then it struck on the stone step of the staircase; not like a step; but a knell; another step; another and another; down to the very bottom。  Each slow step made her head ring and her heart freeze。

At last she heard no more。  Then a scream of anguish and recall rose to her lips。  She fought it down; for Josephine and Raynal。  Edouard was gone。  She had but her sister now; the sister she loved better than herself; the sister to save whose life and honor she had this moment sacrificed her own; and all a woman lives for。

She turned; with a wild cry of love and pity; to that sister's side to help her; and when she kneeled down beside her; an iron arm was promptly thrust out between the beloved one and her。

〃This is my care; madame;〃 said Raynal; coldly。

There was no mistaking his manner。  The stained one was not to touch his wife。

She looked at him in piteous amazement at his ingratitude。  〃It is well;〃 said she。  〃It is just。  I deserve this from you。〃

She said no more; but drooped gently down beside the cradle; and hid her forehead in the clothes beside the child that had brought all this woe; and sobbed bitterly。

Then honest Raynal began to be sorry for her; in spite of himself。 But there was no time for this。  Josephine stirred; and; at the same moment; a violent knocking came at the door of the apartment; and the new servant's voice; crying; 〃Ladies; for Heaven's sake; what is the matter?  The baroness heard a fallshe is getting upshe will be here。  What shall I tell her is the matter?〃

Raynal was going to answer; but Rose; who had started up at the knocking; put her hand in a moment right before his mouth; and ran to the door。  〃There is nothing the matter; tell mamma I am coming down to her directly。〃  She flew back to Raynal in an excitement little short of frenzy。  〃Help me carry her into her own room;〃 cried she imperiously。  Raynal obeyed by instinct; for the fiery girl spoke like a general; giving the word of command; with the enemy in front。  He carried the true culprit in his arms; and laid her gently on her bed。

〃Now put IT out of sighttake this; quick; man! quick!〃 cried Rose。

Raynal went to the cradle。  〃Ah! my poor girl;〃 said he; as he lifted it in his arms; 〃this is a sorry business; to have to hide your own child from your own mother!〃

〃Colonel Raynal;〃 said Rose; 〃do not insult a poor; despairing girl。 C'est lache。〃

〃I am silent; young woman;〃 said Raynal; sternly。  〃What is to be done?〃

〃Take it down the steps; and give it to Jacintha。  Stay; here is a candle; I go to tell mamma you are come; and; Colonel Raynal; I never injured YOU: if you tell my mother you will stab her to the heart; and me; and may the curse of cowards light on you!may〃

〃Enough!〃 said Raynal; sternly。  〃Do you take me for a babbling girl?  I love your mother better than you do; or this brat of yours would not be here。  I shall not bring her gray hairs down with sorrow to the grave。  I shall speak of this villany to but one person; and to him I shall talk with this; and not with the idle tongue。〃  And he tapped his sword…hilt with a sombre look of terrible significance。

He carried out the cradle。  The child slept sweetly through it all。

Rose darted into Josephine's room; took the key from the inside to the outside; locked the door; put the key in her pocket; and ran down to her mother's room; her knees trembled under her as she went。

Meantime; Jacintha; sleeping tranquilly; suddenly felt her throat griped; and heard a loud voice ring in her ear; then she was lifted; and wrenched; and dropped。  She found herself lying clear of the steps in the moonlight; her head was where her feet had been; and her candle out。

She uttered shriek upon shriek; and was too frightened to get up。 She thought it was supernatural; some old De Beaurepaire had served her thus for sleeping on her post。  A struggle took place between her fidelity and her superstitious fears。  Fidelity conquered。 Quaking in every limb; she groped up the staircase for her candle。

It was gone。

Then a still more sickening fear came over her。

What if this was no spirit's work; but a human arma strong one some man's arm?

Her first impulse was to dart up the stairs; and make sure that no calamity had befallen through her mistimed drowsiness。  But; when she came to try; her dread of the supernatural revived。  She could not venture without a light up those stairs; thronged perhaps with angry spirits。  She ran to the kitchen。  She found the tinderbox; and with trembling hands struck a light。  She came back shading it with her shaky hands; and; committing her soul to the care of Heaven; she crept quaking up the stairs。  Then she heard voices above; and that restored her more; she mounted more steadily。 Presently she stopped; for a heavy step was coming down。  It did not sound like a woman's step。  It came further down; she turned to fly。

〃Jacintha!〃 said a deep voice; that in this stone cylinder rang like thunder from a tomb。

〃Oh! saints and angels save me!〃 yelled Jacintha; and fell on her knees; and hid her head for security; and down went her candlestick clattering on the stone。

〃Don't be a fool!〃 said the iron voice。  〃Get up and take this。〃

She raised her head by slow degrees; shuddering。  A man was holding out a cradle to her; the candle he carried lighted up his face; it was Colonel Raynal。

She stared at him stupidly; but never moved from her knees; and the candle began to shake violently in her hand; as she herself trembled from head to foot。

Then Raynal concluded she was in the plot; but; scorning to reproach a servant; he merely said; 〃Well; what do you kneel there for; gaping at me like that?  Take this; I tell you; and carry it out of the h
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