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white lies-第68章

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her light: this one was nearer the ground。  A narrow but massive door; which he had always seen not only locked but screwed up; was wide open; and through the aperture the light of a candle streamed out and met the moonlight streaming in。

〃Hallo!〃 cried Edouard。

He stopped; turned; and looked in。

〃Hallo!〃 he cried again much louder。

A young woman was sleeping with her feet in the silvery moonlight; and her head in the orange…colored blaze of a flat candle; which rested on the next step above of a fine stone staircase; whose existence was now first revealed to the inquisitive Edouard。

Coming plump upon all this so unexpectedly; he quite started。

〃Why; Jacintha!〃

He touched her on the shoulder to wake her。  No。  Jacintha was sleeping as only tired domestics can sleep。  He might have taken the candle and burnt her gown off her back。  She had found a step that fitted into the small of her back; and another that supported her head; and there she was fast as a door。

At this moment Raynal's voice was heard calling him。

〃There is a light in that bedroom。〃

〃It is not a bedroom; colonel; it is our sitting…room now。  We shall find them all there; or at least the young ladies; and perhaps the doctor。  The baroness goes to bed early。  Meantime I can show you one of our dramatis personae; and an important one too。  She rules the roost。〃

He took him mysteriously and showed him Jacintha。

Moonlight by itself seems white; and candlelight by itself seems yellow; but when the two come into close contrast at night; candle turns a reddish flame; and moonlight a bluish gleam。

So Jacintha; with her shoes in this celestial sheen; and her face in that demoniacal glare; was enough to knock the gazer's eye out。

〃Make a good sentinelthis one;〃 said Raynal〃an outlying picket for instance; on rough ground; in front of the enemy's riflemen。〃

〃Ha! ha! colonel!  Let us see where this staircase leads。  I have an idea it will prove a short cut。〃

〃Where to?〃

〃To the saloon; or somewhere; or else to some of Jacintha's haunts。 Serve her right for going to sleep at the mouth of her den。〃

〃Forward thenno; halt!  Suppose it leads to the bedrooms?  Mind this is a thundering place for ceremony。  We shall get drummed out of the barracks if we don't mind our etiquette。〃

At this they hesitated; and Edouard himself thought; on the whole; it would be better to go and hammer at the front door。

Now while they hesitated; a soft delicious harmony of female voices suddenly rose; and seemed to come and run round the walls。  The men looked at one another in astonishment; for the effect was magical。 The staircase being enclosed on all sides with stone walls and floored with stone; they were like flies inside a violoncello; the voices rang above; below; and on every side of the vibrating walls。 In some epochs spirits as hardy as Raynal's; and wits as quick as Riviere's; would have fled then and there to the nearest public; and told over cups how they had heard the dames of Beaurepaire; long since dead; holding their revel; and the conscious old devil's nest of a chateau quivering to the ghostly strains。

But this was an incredulous age。  They listened; and listened; and decided the sounds came from up…stairs。

〃Let us mount; and surprise these singing witches;〃 said Edouard。

〃Surprise them! what for?  It is not the enemyfor once。  What is the good of surprising our friends?〃

Storming parties and surprises were no novelty and therefore no treat to Raynal。

〃It will be so delightful to see their faces at first sight of you。 O colonel; for my sake!  Don't spoil it by going tamely in at the front door; after coming at night from Egypt for half an hour。〃

Raynal grumbled something about its being a childish trick; but to please Edouard consented at last; only stipulated for a light: 〃or else;〃 said he; 〃we shall surprise ourselves instead with a broken neck; going over ground we don't know to surprise the nativesour skirmishers got nicked that way now and then in Egypt。〃

〃Yes; colonel; I will go first with Jacintha's candle。〃  Edouard mounted the stairs on tiptoe。  Raynal followed。  The solid stone steps did not prate。  The men had mounted a considerable way; when puff a blast of wind came through a hole; and out went Edouard's candle。  He turned sharply round to Raynal。  〃Peste!〃 said he in a vicious whisper。  But the other laid his hand on his shoulder and whispered; 〃Look to the front。〃  He looked; and; his own candle being out; saw a glimmer on ahead。  He crept towards it。  It was a taper shooting a feeble light across a small aperture。  They caught a glimpse of what seemed to be a small apartment。  Yet Edouard recognized the carpet of the tapestried roomwhich was a very large room。  Creeping a yard nearer; he discovered that it was the tapestried room; and that what had seemed the further wall was only the screen; behind which were lights; and two women singing a duet。

He whispered to Raynal; 〃It is the tapestried room。〃

〃Is it a sitting…room?〃 whispered Raynal。

〃Yes! yes!  Mind and not knock your foot against the wood。〃

And Raynal went softly up and put his foot quietly through the aperture; which he now saw was made by a panel drawn back close to the ground; and stood in the tapestried chamber。  The carpet was thick; the voices favored the stealthy advance; the floor of the old house was like a rock; and Edouard put his face through the aperture; glowing all over with anticipation of the little scream of joy that would welcome his friend dropping in so nice and suddenly from Egypt。

The feeling was rendered still more piquant by a sharp curiosity that had been growing on him for some minutes past。  For why was this passage opened to…night?he had never seen it opened before。 And why was Jacintha lying sentinel at the foot of the stairs?

But this was not all。  Now that they were in the room both men became conscious of another sound besides the ladies' voicesa very peculiar sound。  It also came from behind the screen。  They both heard it; and showed; by the puzzled looks they cast at one another; that neither could make out what on earth it was。  It consisted of a succession of little rustles; followed by little thumps on the floor。

But what was curious; too; this rustle; thumprustle; thumpfell exactly into the time of the music; so that; clearly; either the rustle thump was being played to the tune; or the tune sung to the rustle thump。

This last touch of mystery inflamed Edouard's impatience beyond bearing: he pointed eagerly and merrily to the corner of the screen。 Raynal obeyed; and stepped very slowly and cautiously towards it。

Rustle; thump! rustle; thump! rustle; thump! with the rhythm of harmonious voices。

Edouard got his head and foot into the room without taking his eye off Raynal。

Rustle; thump! rustle; thump! rustle; thump!

Raynal was now at the screen; and quietly put his head round it; and his hand upon it。

Edouard was bursting with expectation。

No result。  What is this?  Don't they see him?  Why does he not speak to them?  He seems transfixed。

Rustle; thump! rustle; thump; accompanied now for a few notes by one voice only; Rose's。

Suddenly there burst
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