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This repeated assertion of cowardice on the part of the living Damascus blade that stood bolt…upright before her; struck Josephine as so funny that she laughed merrily; and bade him fancy it was only a fort he was attacking instead of the terrible Josephine; whom none but heroes feared; she assured him。
This encouragement; uttered in jest; was taken in earnest。 The soldier thanked her; and rallied visibly at the comparison。 〃All right;〃 said he; 〃as you say; it is only a fortsomademoiselle!〃
〃Hum! will you lend me your hand for a moment?〃
〃My hand! what for? there;〃 and she put it out an inch a minute。 He took it; and inspected it closely。
〃A charming hand; the hand of a virtuous woman?〃
〃Yes;〃 said Josephine as cool as a cucumber; too sublimely and absurdly innocent even to blush。
〃Is it your own?〃
〃Sir!〃 She blushed at that; I can tell you。
〃Because if it was; I would ask you to give it me。 (I've fired the first shot anyway。)〃
Josephine whipped her hand off his palm; where it lay like cream spilt on a trencher。
〃Ah! I see; you are not free: you have a lover。〃
〃No; no!〃 cried Josephine in distress; 〃I love nobody but my mother and sister: I never shall。〃
〃Your mother;〃 cried Raynal; 〃that reminds me; he told me to ask her; by Jove; I think he told me to ask her first;〃 and Raynal up with his scabbard and was making off。
Josephine begged him to do nothing of the kind。
〃I can save you the trouble;〃 said she。
〃Ah; but my instructions! my instructions!〃 cried the military pedant; and ran off into the house; and left Josephine 〃planted there;〃 as they say in France。
Raynal demanded a private interview of the baroness so significantly and unceremoniously that Rose had no alternative but to retire; but not without a glance of defiance at the bear。 She ran straight; without her bonnet; into the Pleasaunce to slake her curiosity at Josephine。 That young lady was walking pensively; but turned at sight of Rose; and the sisters came together with a clash of tongues。
〃O Rose! he has〃
So nimbly does the female mind run on its little beaten tracks; that it took no more than those syllables for even these innocent young women to communicate that Raynal had popped。
Josephine apologized for this weakness in a hero。 〃It wasn't his fault;〃 said she。 〃It is your Edouard who set him to do it。〃
〃My Edouard? Don't talk in that horrid way: I have no Edouard。 You said 'no' of course。〃
〃Something of the kind。〃
〃What; did you not say 'no' plump?〃
〃I did not say it brutally; dear。〃
〃Josephine; you frighten me。 I know you can't say 'no' to any one; and if you don't say 'no' plump to such a man as this; you might as well say 'yes。'〃
〃Well; love;〃 said Josephine; 〃you know our mother will relieve me of this; what a comfort to have a mother!〃
They waited for Raynal's departure; to go to the baroness。 They had to wait a long time。 Moreover; when he did leave the chateau he came straight into the Pleasaunce。 At sight of him Rose seized Josephine tight and bade her hold her tongue; as she could not say 〃no〃 plump to any one。 Josephine was far from raising any objection to the arrangement。
〃Monsieur;〃 said Rose; before he could get a word out; 〃even if she had not declined; I could not consent。〃
Raynal tapped his forehead reflectively; and drew forth from memory that he had no instructions whatever to ask HER consent。
She colored high; but returned to the charge。
〃Is her own consent to be dispensed with too? She declined the honor; did she not?〃
〃Of course she did; but this was anticipated in my instructions。 I am to be sure and not take the first two or three refusals。〃
〃O Josephine; look at that insolent boy: he has found you out。〃
〃Insolent boy!〃 cried Raynal; 〃why; it is the referee of your own choosing; and as well behaved a lad as ever I saw; and a zealous officer。〃
〃My kind friends;〃 put in Josephine with a sweet languor; 〃I cannot let you quarrel about a straw。〃
〃It is not about a straw;〃 said Raynal; 〃it is about you。〃
〃The distinction involves a compliment; sir;〃 said Josephine; then she turned to Rose; 〃Is it possible you do not see Monsieur Raynal's strange proposal in its true light? and you so shrewd in general。 He has no personal feeling whatever in this eccentric proceeding: he wants to make us all happy; especially my mother; without seeming to lay us under too great an obligation。 Surely good…nature was never carried so far before; ha; ha! Monsieur; I will encumber you with my friendship forever; if you permit me; but farther than that I will not abuse your generosity。〃
〃Now look here; mademoiselle;〃 began Raynal bluntly; 〃I did start with a good motive at first; that there's no denying。 But; since I have been every day in your company; and seen how good and kind you are to all about you; I have turned selfish; and I say to myself; what a comfort such a wife as you would be to a soldier! Why; only to have you to write letters home to; would be worth half a fellow's pay。 Do you know sometimes when I see the fellows writing their letters it gives me a knock here to think I have no one at all to write to。〃
Josephine sighed。
〃So you see I am not so mighty disinterested。 Now; mademoiselle; you speak so charmingly; I can't tell what you mean: can't tell whether you say 'no' because you could never like me; or whether it is out of delicacy; and you only want pressing。 So I say no more at present: it is a standing offer。 Take a day to consider。 Take two if you like。 I must go to the barracks; good…day。〃
〃Oh! this must be put an end to at once;〃 said Rose。
〃With all my heart;〃 replied Josephine; 〃but how?〃
〃Come to our mother; and settle that;〃 said the impetuous sister; and nearly dragged the languid one into the drawing…room。
To their surprise they found the baroness walking up and down the room with unusual alacrity for a person of her years。 She no sooner caught sight of Josephine than she threw her arms open to her with joyful vivacity; and kissed her warmly。 〃My love; you have saved us。 I am a happy old woman。 If I had all France to pick from I could not have found a man so worthy of my Josephine。 He is brave; he is handsome; he is young; he is a rising man; he is a good son; and good sons make good husbandsandI shall die at Beaurepaire; shall I not; Madame the Commandante?〃
Josephine held her mother round the neck; but never spoke。 After a silence she held her tighter; and cried a little。
〃What is it?〃 asked the baroness confidentially of Rose; but without showing any very profound concern。
〃Mamma! mamma! she does not love him。〃
〃Love him? She would be no daughter of mine if she loved a man at sight。 A modest woman loves her husband only。〃
〃But she scarcely knows Monsieur Raynal。〃
〃She knows more of him than I knew of your father when I married him。 She knows his virtues and appreciates them。 I have heard her; have I not; love? Esteem soon ripens into love when they are once fairly married。〃
〃Mother; does her silence then tell you nothing? Her tearsare they nothing to you?〃
〃Silly child! These are tears that do not scald。 The sweet so