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time enough for love-时间足够你爱(英文版)-第85章

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  After a few minutes the little girl said gravely; 〃What about Mama and Daddy?〃
  〃Mama and Daddy are all right。 They knqw I'm taking care of you。 What's your name; dear?〃
  〃That's a nice name; Dora。 A pretty name。 Do you want to know my name?〃
  〃That man called you 'Banker。'〃
  〃That's not my name; Dora; that's just something I do sometimes。 My name is 'Uncle Gibbie。' Can you say that?〃
  〃'Uncle Gibbie。' That's a funny name。〃
  〃So it is; Dora。 And this is Buck we are riding。 He is a friend of mine; and he'll be your friend; too; now…so say hello to Buck。〃
  〃Hello; Buck。〃
  〃Hayrrroh 。 。 Jorrrah!〃
  〃Say; he talks lots plainer than most mules! Doesn't he?〃
  〃Buck is the best mule on New Beginnings; Dora。 And the smartest。 When we get rid of this bridle…Buck doesn't need a bit in his mouth…he'll be able to talk plainer still 。 。 。and you can teach him more words。 Would you like that?〃
  〃Oh; yes!〃 Dora added; 〃If Mama lets me。〃
  〃It's all right with Mama。 Do you like to sing; Dora?〃
  〃Oh; sure! I know a clapping song。 But we can't clap right now。 Can we?〃 …
  〃Right now I think we had better hang on tight。〃 Gibbons rapidly reviewed in his mind his repertoire of happy songs; rejected a round dozen as unsuitable for young ladies。 〃How about this one?
  〃There's a pawnshop
  On the corner;
  Where I usually keep my overcoat。
  〃Can you sing that; Dora?〃…
  〃Oh; that's easy!〃 The baby girl sang it in a voice so high that Gibbons was reminded of a canary。 〃Is that all; Uncle Gibbie? And what's a… 'paunshot'?〃
  〃It's a place to keep overcoats when you don't need them。 Lots more; Dora。 Thousands… and thousands of verses。〃
  〃Thousands and thousands…' Why; that's almost as much as a hundred。 Isn't it?〃
  〃Almost; Dora。 Here's another verse:
  〃There's a trading post
  By the pawnshop
  Where my sister sells candy。
  〃Do you like candy; Dora?〃
  〃Oh; yes! But Mama says its 'spensive。〃
  〃Won't be so expensive next year; Dora; there'll be more sugar beets cropped。 But 。 。 'Open your mouth and close your eyes; and I'll give you something for a s'prise!'〃 He felt around in his shirt pocket; then said; 〃Oh; sorry; Dora; the surprise will have to wait until I can get to the trading post; Buck got the last one。 Buck likes candy; too。〃
  〃He does?〃
  〃Yes and I'll teach you how to give it to him without losing a finger by mistake。 But candy isn't too good for him; so he gets it only as a special surprise。 For being a good… boy。 Okay; Buck?〃
  〃Oh…gay! 。 。 Pawsss!〃
  Mrs。 Mayberry's school was letting out as Gibbons halted Buck in front of it。 When he lifted Dora down; she seemec very tired; so he picked her up again。 〃Wait; Buck。〃
  The stragglers among the pupils stared but separated and let him through。
  〃Afternoon; Mrs。 Mayberry。〃 Gibbons had gone there almost by instinct。 The schoolmistress was a gray…haired widow; fifty or more; who had outlasted two husbands; and was coping sensibly with her meager chance of finding a third; preferring to support herself rather than live with one of her daughters; stepdaughters; or daughters…in…law。 She was one who shared Ernest Gibbons' enthusi?sm for the hearty pleasures in life but was as circumspect about it as he was。 He considered her sensible in every way…a prime prospect for marriage were it not for the unfortunate fact that they ran on different time rates。
  Not that he let her know this。 He had not been a disclosed Howard when they both had arrived in the first shipload; and; although freshly rejuvenated on Secundus when he had reappeared on Earth and organized the migration; he had elected to be thirty…five or so (cosmetically)。 Since that time he had carefully aged himself each year; Helen Mayberry thought of him as a contemporary; returned his friendship; shared mutual pleasure with him from time to time without trying to own him。 He respected her highly。
  〃Good afternoon; Mr。 Gibbons。 Why; it's Dora! We missed you; dear; what happened! And…Is that a bruise?〃 She looked closely; said nothing about the fact that the little girl was filthy dirty。
  She straightened up。 〃Seems to be just a smudge。 I'm glad to see her; I fretted a little this morning when she didn't show up with the Parkinson children。 It's almost Marjorie Brandon's time…perhaps you knew?〃
  〃Vaguely。 Where can I put Dora down for a few minutes? Conference。 Private。〃
  Mrs。 Mayberry's eyes widened slightly; but she answered at once。 〃The couch… No; put her on my bed。〃 She led the way; said nothing about getting her white coverlet dirty; went back into the schoolroom with him after he assured Dora that they would be gone only a few moments。
  Gibbons explained what had happened。 〃Dora doesn't know that her parents are dead; Helen…nor do I think it's time to tell her。〃
  Mrs。 Mayberry considered it。 〃Ernest; are you sure they both died? Bud would have seen the fire if he had been working his own fields; but he sometimes works for Mr。 Parkinson。〃
  〃Helen; that was not a woman's hand I saw。 Unless Marje Brandon has thick black hair on the back of her hands。〃
  〃No。 No; that would be Bud。〃 She sighed。 〃Then she's an orphan。 Poor little Dora! A nice child。 Bright; too。〃
  〃Helen; can you take care of her a few days? Will you?〃
  〃Ernest; the way you phrase that is almost offensive。 I will take care of Dora as long as I am needed。〃
  〃Sorry; I didn't mean to phrase it unpleasingly。 I don't expect it to be long; some family will adopt her。 In the meantime keep track of your expense; then we'll work out what her room and board should be。〃
  〃Ernest; that will e to exactly zero。 The only cost will be about enough food to feed a bird。 Which I can certainly do for Marjorie Brandon's little girl。〃
  〃So? Well; I can find some family to board her。 The Learners。 Someone。〃
  〃Get your feathers down; Helen。 That child was placed in my hands; her father's last dying act。 And; don't be a dumb fool; I know to the penny how much you manage to save。 As well as how often you have to take tuition in food rather than cash。 This is a cash deal。 The Learners would jump at it…as well as several others。 I don't have to leave Dora here… and won't; unless you are sensible。〃
  Mrs。 Mayberry looked grim…then suddenly smiled and looked years younger。 〃Ernest; you're a bully。 And a bastard。 And other things I never say out of bed。 All right…room…andboard。〃
  〃And tuition。 Plus any special expenses。 Doctor's bills; maybe。〃
  〃Triple bastard。 You always pay for anything you get; don't you? As I should know。〃 She glanced at the unshuttered windows。 〃Step out here in the half and seal it with a kiss。 Bastard。〃
  They moved; she placed herself so that the angle did not permit anyone to see them; then delivered a kiss that woul
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