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time enough for love-时间足够你爱(英文版)-第77章

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o agree that fathers tend to be possessive about daughters。 I was pleased that Laura had gained the confidence of both kids so fully that they had neither tried very hard to keep from being caught; nor had they been scared when she happened… to catch 'em at it。 Perhaps J。A。 was scared but Pattycake just said; 'Mama; you didn't knock。'〃
  〃…so we traded sons。 J。A。 liked farm life and never did leave us; whereas George turned out to have this perverse taste for cities; so Joe took him on and made a chef out of him。 George was sleeping with Elizabeth…Libby; that is…I forget how long before they decided to hatch one and were married。 A double wedding; the four youngsters remained close。
  〃But J。A。's decision solved a problem for me: what to do with Skyhaven later。 By the time Laura decided to leave me; all of my sons by her had heard the wild goose one way or another; George was the only one still on pla; and our daughters were married and not one of them to a farmer。 Whereas J。A。 had bee my overseer and was de facto boss of Skyhaven the last ten years I was there。
  〃I might have worked some promise with Roger Sperling if he hadn't tried to grab the place。 As it was; I deeded a half interest to Pattycake; sold the other half to my son…in…law J。A。 on a mortgage;then discounted the paper to a bank and bought a better ship than I would have had I given that half interest to Roger and Laura。 I made a similar deal; part gift and part sale; with Libby and George; of my share in Maison Long… and Libby changed her name to Estelle Elizabeth SheffieldLong; there was continuity there as well…which pleased both me and her parents。 It worked out well。 Laura even came down and kissed me good…bye when I left。〃
  〃Lazarus; I do not understand one factor。 You have said that you do not favor marriage between Howards and ephemerals。 Yet you let two of your children marry outside the Families。〃
  〃Uh; correction; Minerva。 One does not let children get married; they do get married; when and as and to whom they choose。〃
  〃Correction noted; Lazarus。〃
  〃But let's go back to the night I intervened for Libby and J。A。 That night I gave Llita and Joe everything that slave factor had turned over to me as proof of their old heritage…even the bill of sale…with a suggestion that they destroy the
  stuff or lock it up。 Among those items was a series of photographs showing them growing up; year by year。 The last one seemed to have been taken just before I bought them; and they confirmed it…two fully grown youngsters; one in a chastity girdle。
  〃Joe looked at that picture and said; 〃What a couple of clowns! We've e a long way; Sis~…thanks to the Skipper。'
  〃'So we have;' she agreed; and studied the picture。 'Brother; do you see what I do?'
  〃'What?' he said; looking again。
  〃'Aaron will see it。 Brother; take off your clout;' she said; while starting to unwrap her sarong; 'and pose with me against the wall。 Not the selling pose; but the way we used to stand against a grid for these record pictures。' She handed me that last picture in the series; and they stood and faced me。
  〃Minerva; in fourteen years they had not changed。 Llita had had three kids and was just pregnant with her fourth and both of them had worked themselves silly 。 。 but; stripped naked; no makeup on her and her hair down; they looked as they had the first time I saw them。 They looked like that last record shot…end of adolescence; somewhere between eighteen and twenty in Earth terms。
  〃Yet they had to be past thirty。 Thirty…five Earth years old if those Blessed records were to be trusted。
  〃Minerva; I have just one thing to add。 When I last saw them; they were past sixty in Earth years; about sixty…three if you accept the records from Blessed。 Neither one had a gray hair; both had all their teeth…and Llita was pregnant again。〃
  〃Mutant Howards; Lazarus?〃
  The old man shrugged。 〃Isn't that a question…begging term; dear? If you use a long enough time scale; every one of the thousands of genes a flesh…and…blood carries is a mutation。 But by the Trustees' rules; a person not derived from the Families' genealogies can be registered as a newly discovered Howard if he can show proof of four grandparents surviving a? least to one hundred。 And that rule would have excluded me; had I not been born into the Families。 But on top of that; the age I had reached when I got my first rejuvenation is too great to be accounted for by the Howard breeding experiment。 They claim today that they have located in the twelfth chromosome pair a gene plex that determines longevity like winding a clock。 If so; who wound my clock? Gilgamesh? 'Mutation' is never an explanation; it is simply a name for an observed fact。
  〃Perhaps some natural long…lifer; not necessarily a Howard; had visited Blessed…the naturals are forever moving around; changing their names; dyeing their hair; they have all gone through history…and earlier。 But; Minerva; you recall from my life as a slave on Blessed one odd and unsavory incident…〃
  〃…so my best guess is that Llita and Joe were my own greatgreat…grandchildren。〃
  〃Lazarus~。 was that why you refused to share 'Eros' with her?〃
  〃Eh? But; Minerva; dear; I didn't reach that conclusion…or suspicion…that night。 Oh; I admit to prejudice about sex with my descendants…you can take the boy out of the Bible Belt; but it is hard to take the Bible Belt out of the boy。 Still; I had had a thousand years in which to learn better。〃
  〃So?〃 said the puter。 〃Was it simply that you still classed her as an ephemeral? That troubles me; Lazarus。 In my own…deprived…state; I find that; like her husband Joe; I see her side of it。 Your reasons seem excuses; not sufficient
  grounds to refuse her need。〃
  〃Minerva; I did not say I refused her。〃
  〃Oh! Then I infer that you granted her this boon。 I feel a lessening of tension。〃
  〃I didn't say that; either。〃
  〃I find an implied contradiction; Lazarus。〃
  〃Simply because there are things I have not said; dear。 Everything I tell you winds up in my memoirs; that was the deal I made with Ira。 Or I can tell you to erase something; in which case I might as well not have told you at all。 Perhaps my twenty…three centuries do hold something worth recording。 But I see no possible excuse for placing on record each time some darling lady shared with me simply for pleasure; not for progeny。〃
  The puter answered thoughtfully; 〃I imply from this addendum that; while I am precluded from inferring anything about the boon Llita requested; your rule with respect to ephemerals extended only to marriage and to progeny。〃
  〃Nor did I say that!〃
  〃Then I have not understood you; Lazarus。 Conflict。〃
  The old man brooded; then answered slowly and sadly; 〃I think I said that marriage between a long…lived and a shortlived was a bad idea 。 。 and so it is 。 。 and I learned it the hard way。 But 
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