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time enough for love-时间足够你爱(英文版)-第184章

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 in and Stir the Fire。〃 Sweet darling; those aren't 〃naughty。〃 …
  A plain envelope under the garters… He laid them aside and opened it。
  A plain white card: 〃Best I could do; Beloved。 M。〃 …
  A photograph; amateur work but excellent quality for …this
  … here…&…now: Maureen herself; outdoors in bright sunlight against a background of thick bushes。 She was standing ~racefully; smiling and looking at the camera…dressed only in her 〃French postcard〃 style。 Lazarus felt a burst of passion。 Why; you generous; trusting darling! Not your only copy? No; Brian would have made more than one print… undoubtedly had one with him。 This pri?t would have been locked somewhere in your bedroom。 Yes; your waist is slender without a corset … 。 and those are not broken down; they jsre lovely…and I'm certain what caused your happy smile。 Thank you;… thank you!
  With the photograph was a little flat package in tissue paper。 He opened it gently。 A thick lock of red hair; tied with a green ribbon。 The lock curled in a tight circle。
  Lazarus stared at it。 Maureen my beloved; this is the most
  precious gilt of all…but I do hope you cut it so carefully that Brian won't notice it's missing。
  He looked at each of her gifts again; restored them just as they had been; put the box into the bottom of his grip; locked it; turned off the tub; undressed; and got into the water。 …
  Rut a lukewarm tub did not make him sleep。 For a long time he lay in darkness and relived the past few hours。
  He now felt that he understood Maureen。 She was relaxed with what she was…〃liked herself〃 as Lazarus thought of it… and liking yourself was the necessary first step toward loving other people。 She had no guilt feelings because she never did anything that could make her feel guilty。 She was unblinkingly honest with herself; was her own self…judge instead of looking to others; did not lie to herself…but lied to others without hesitation when needed for kindness or to get along with rules ~he had not made and did not respect。
  Lazarus understood that; he lived the same way…and now knew where he got the trait。 From Maureen 。 。 and through her; from Oramp。 And from Pop; too…reinforced。 He felt very happy; despite an unsatisfied ache in Jiis loins。 Or in part because of it; he corrected; he found that he cherished that ache。
  When the doorknob turned; he was instantly alert; out of bed
  …and waiting before the door opened。
  She was in his arms; warm and fragrant。
  She pulled back to shrug off her wrap; let it fall; came back into his arms; body to body; and gave her mouth fully。
  When they broke the kiss; she stayed in his arms; clinging。 He Whispeftd huskily; 〃Why did you risk it?〃
  She answered softly; 〃I found that I must。 Once I knew that; I realjzed that it was even less risk than our walnut tree。 The children never e downstairs at night when we have a guest。 Father may suspect me 。 。 but that makes it certain tha~t he won't check on me。 Don't worry; darling。 Take me to bed。 Nowf'
  He did so。
  When they were quiet; she sighed happily and said; lips against his ear; arms and legs around him: 〃Theodore; even
  in this you are so much like my husband that I can barely wait till the war is over to tell him all about you。〃
  〃You've decided to tell him?〃
  〃Beloved Theodore; there was never a doubt that I would。 I softened some of what I told you tonight and left out a little。 Brian does not require me to confess。 But it does not upset him; we settled that fifteen years ago。 He convinced me that he really does trust my judgment and my taste。〃 Very softly but merrily she giggled against his ear。 〃It's a shame that …I so seldom have anything to confess; he enjoys hå my adventures。 He has me tell him about them over and over…like rereading a favorite book。 I wish I could tell him this one tomorrow night。 But I won't; I'll save it。〃
  〃He's ing home tomorrow?〃
  〃Late。 Quite late。 Which is just as well; as I don't expect to get any sleep once he arrives。〃 She chuckled softly。 〃He told me on the telephone to 'b。 1。 b。 a。 w。 y。 1。 o。' and he would 'w。 y。 t。 b。 w。' That means: Be in bed asleep with my legs open and…he will wake me the best way。 But I just pretend to be asleep as I wake up no matter how quietly he tiptoes in。';
  She gave a tiny giggle。 〃Then we have a happy little game。 As he enters me; I pretend to wake up and call him by name…but never his name。 I moan; 'Oh; Albert; darling; I thought you would never e!' or some such。 Then it's his turn。 He says something like; 'This is Buffalo Bill; Mrs。 O'Malley。 Hush up and get busy!' Then I hush up and do the best I know how; not another word until we both ex… plode。〃 …
  〃Your best is superb; Mrs。 O'MaIley。 Or was ?hat your best?〃
  〃I tried to make it my best…Buffalo Bill。 But I was so dreadfully excited that I got all blurry so it probably was not。 I'd like a chance to do better。 Are you going to give me one?〃 …
  〃Only if you promise not to do better。 Darling; if that was not your best; then your best would kill me。〃
  〃You not only talk like; my husband and feel like him… especially here…but you even smell like him。〃
  〃You smell like Tamara。〃
  〃Do I really? Do I make love like her?〃
  (Tamara knows a thousand ways; darling; but rarely … uses anything unusual…lovemaking is not technique; dear; it's an attitude。 Wanting to make someone happy; which you do。
  But you startled me with your mand of technique; you would fetch a high price on Iskander。)
  〃You do。 But that's not what makes you so much …like her。 Uh; it's your attitude。 Tamara knows what is going on in another person's mind and gives him exactly what he needs。 Wants to give it。〃
  〃She's a mindreader? Then Fm not like her; after all。〃
  〃No; she's not a mindreader。 But she feels a person's emotions and knows what he needs and gives him that。 It might not be sex。 Aren't there times when Brian needs something else?〃 。 …
  〃Oh; certainly。 If he's tired and tense; I hold off and rub his back or head。 Or cuddle with him。 Maybe encourage him to nap; and then perhaps he really will wake me 'the best way。' I don't try to eat him alive。 Unless that's what he wants。〃
  〃Tamara all over again。 Maureen; when Tamara was healing me; at first she didn't even share a bed with me。 Just slept in the same room and ate with me and listened if I felt like talking。 Then for ten days or so she did sleep with me; but we just slept … 。 and I slept soundly and had no nightmares。 Then one night I woke up; and without a word Tamara took me into her; and we made love the rest of that night。 And next morning I knew I was well…soul…sickness all gone。
  〃You are that way; Maureen。 You know; and you do。 I've been very homesick and much troubled by this war。 Now I'm not; you've cured it。 Tell me; what did you feel from me the first night I was in this house?〃
  〃Loved you at first sight; like a silly schoolgirl。 Wanted to take you 
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