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the life of thomas telford-第43章

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one of his scholars to read it in the evenings。  Mr。 Little had

received an academical education before he lost his sight; and;

aided by a memory of uncommon powers; he taught the classics; and

particularly Greek; with much higher reputation than any other

schoolmaster within a pretty extensive circuit。  Two of his pupils

read all the Iliad; and all or the greater part of Sophocles。

After hearing a long sentence of Greek or Latin distinctly recited;

he could generally construe and translate it with little or no

hesitation。  He was always much gratified by Telford's visits;

which were not infrequent; to his native district。〃



As surveyor for the county; Telford was frequently called upon by

the magistrates to advise them as to the improvement of roads and

the building or repair of bridges。  His early experience of

bridge…building in his native district now proved of much service

to him; and he used often to congratulate himself; even when he had

reached the highest rank in his profession; upon the circumstances

which had compelled him to begin his career by working with his own

hands。  To be a thorough judge of work; he held that a man must

himself have been practically engaged in it。

〃Not only;〃 he said; 〃are the natural senses of seeing and feeling

requisite in the examination of materials; but also the practised

eye; and the hand which has had experience of the kind and

qualities of stone; of lime; of iron; of timber; and even of earth;

and of the effects of human ingenuity in applying and combining all

these substances; are necessary for arriving at mastery in the

profession; for; how can a man give judicious directions unless he

possesses personal knowledge of the details requisite to effect

his ultimate purpose in the best and cheapest manner? It has

happened to me more than once; when taking opportunities of being

useful to a young man of merit; that I have experienced opposition

in taking him from his books and drawings; and placing a mallet;

chisel; or trowel in his hand; till; rendered confident by the

solid knowledge which experience only can bestow; he was qualified

to insist on the due performance of workmanship; and to judge of

merit in the lower as well as the higher departments of a

profession in which no kind or degree of practical knowledge is


The first bridge designed and built under Telford's superintendence

was one of no great magnitude; across the river Severn at Montford;

about four miles west of Shrewsbury。  It was a stone bridge of three

elliptical arches; one of 58 feet and two of 55 feet span each。

The Severn at that point is deep and narrow; and its bed and banks

are of alluvial earth。  It was necessary to make the foundations

very secure; as the river is subject to high floods; and this was

effectuality accomplished by means of coffer…dams。  The building

was substantially executed in red sandstone; and proved a very

serviceable bridge; forming part of the great high road from

Shrewsbury into Wales。  It was finished in the year 1792。

In the same year; we find Telford engaged as an architect in

preparing the designs and superintending the construction of the

new parish church of St。 Mary Magdalen at Bridgenorth。  It stands at

the end of Castle Street; near to the old ruined fortress perched

upon the bold red sandstone bluff on which the upper part of the

town is built。  The situation of the church is very fine; and an

extensive view of the beautiful vale of the Severn is obtained from it。

Telford's design is by no means striking; 〃being;〃 as he said;

〃a regular Tuscan elevation; the inside is as regularly Ionic: its

only merit is simplicity and uniformity; it is surmounted by a

Doric tower; which contains the bells and a clock。〃  A graceful

Gothic church would have been more appropriate to the situation;

and a much finer object in the landscape; but Gothic was not then

in fashiononly a mongrel mixture of many styles; without regard

to either purity or gracefulness。  The church; however; proved

comfortable and commodious; and these were doubtless the points to

which the architect paid most attention。

'Image' St。 Mary Magdalen; Bridgenorth。

His completion of the church at Bridgenorth to the satisfaction of

the inhabitants; brought Telford a commission; in the following

year; to erect a similar edifice at Coalbrookdale。  But in the mean

time; to enlarge his knowledge and increase his acquaintance with

the best forms of architecture; he determined to make a journey to

London and through some of the principal towns of the south of

England。  He accordingly visited Gloucester; Worcester; and Bath;

remaining several days in the last…mentioned city。  He was charmed

beyond expression by his journey through the manufacturing

districts of Gloucestershire; more particularly by the fine scenery

of the Vale of Stroud。  The whole seemed to him a smiling scene of

prosperous industry and middle…class comfort。

But passing out of this 〃Paradise;〃 as he styled it; another stage

brought him into a region the very opposite。  〃We stopped;〃 says he;

〃at a little alehouse on the side of a rough hill to water the

horses; and lo! the place was full of drunken blackguards;

bellowing out 'Church and King!' A poor ragged German Jew happened

to come up; whom those furious loyalists had set upon and accused

of being a Frenchman in disguise。  He protested that he was only a

poor German who 'cut de corns;' and that all he wanted was to buy a

little bread and cheese。  Nothing would serve them but they must

carry him before the Justice。  The great brawny fellow of a landlord

swore he should have nothing in his house; and; being a; constable;

told him that he would carry him to gaol。  I interfered; and

endeavoured to pacify the assailants of the poor man; when suddenly

the landlord; snatching up a long knife; sliced off about a pound

of raw bacon from a ham which hung overhead; and; presenting it to

the Jew; swore that if he did not swallow it down at once he should

not be allowed to go。  The man was in a worse plight than ever。

He said he was a 'poor Shoe;' and durst not eat that。  In the midst

of the uproar; Church and King were forgotten; and eventually I

prevailed upon the landlord to accept from me as much as enabled

poor little Moses to get his meal of bread and cheese; and by the

time the coach started they all seemed perfectly reconciled。〃 *'1'

Telford was much gratified by his visit to Bath; and inspected its

fine buildings with admiration。  But he thought that Mr。 Wood;

who; he says; 〃created modern Bath;〃 had left no worthy

successor。  In the buildings then in progress he saw clumsy

designers at work; 〃blundering round about a meaning〃if; indeed;

there was any meaning at all in their  designs; which he confessed

he failed to see。  From Bath he went to London by coach; making the

journey in safety; 〃altho
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