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all for love-第2章

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nd that indeed was your security; for your diligence; your constancy; and your prudence; wrought most surely within; when they were not disturbed by any outward motion。  The highest virtue is best to be trusted with itself; for assistance only can be given by a genius superior to that which it assists; and it is the noblest kind of debt; when we are only obliged to God and nature。  This then; my lord; is your just commendation; and that you have wrought out yourself a way to glory; by those very means that were designed for your destruction:  You have not only restored but advanced the revenues of your master; without grievance to the subject; and; as if that were little yet; the debts of the exchequer; which lay heaviest both on the crown; and on private persons; have by your conduct been established in a certainty of satisfaction。  An action so much the more great and honourable; because the case was without the ordinary relief of laws; above the hopes of the afflicted and beyond the narrowness of the treasury to redress; had it been managed by a less able hand。  It is certainly the happiest; and most unenvied part of all your fortune; to do good to many; while you do injury to none; to receive at once the prayers of the subject; and the praises of the prince; and; by the care of your conduct; to give him means of exerting the chiefest (if any be the chiefest) of his royal virtues; his distributive justice to the deserving; and his bounty and compassion to the wanting。  The disposition of princes towards their people cannot be better discovered than in the choice of their ministers; who; like the animal spirits betwixt the soul and body; participate somewhat of both natures; and make the communication which is betwixt them。  A king; who is just and moderate in his nature; who rules according to the laws; whom God has made happy by forming the temper of his soul to the constitution of his government; and who makes us happy; by assuming over us no other sovereignty than that wherein our welfare and liberty consists; a prince; I say; of so excellent a character; and so suitable to the wishes of all good men; could not better have conveyed himself into his people's apprehensions; than in your lordship's person; who so lively express the same virtues; that you seem not so much a copy; as an emanation of him。  Moderation is doubtless an establishment of greatness; but there is a steadiness of temper which is likewise requisite in a minister of state; so equal a mixture of both virtues; that he may stand like an isthmus betwixt the two encroaching seas of arbitrary power; and lawless anarchy。  The undertaking would be difficult to any but an extraordinary genius; to stand at the line; and to divide the limits; to pay what is due to the great representative of the nation; and neither to enhance; nor to yield up; the undoubted prerogatives of the crown。  These; my lord; are the proper virtues of a noble Englishman; as indeed they are properly English virtues; no people in the world being capable of using them; but we who have the happiness to be born under so equal; and so well…poised a government;a government which has all the advantages of liberty beyond a commonwealth; and all the marks of kingly sovereignty; without the danger of a tyranny。  Both my nature; as I am an Englishman; and my reason; as I am a man; have bred in me a loathing to that specious name of a republic; that mock appearance of a liberty; where all who have not part in the government; are slaves; and slaves they are of a viler note; than such as are subjects to an absolute dominion。  For no Christian monarchy is so absolute; but it is circumscribed with laws; but when the executive power is in the law…makers; there is no further check upon them; and the people must suffer without a remedy; because they are oppressed by their representatives。  If I must serve; the number of my masters; who were born my equals; would but add to the ignominy of my bondage。 The nature of our government; above all others; is exactly suited both to the situation of our country; and the temper of the natives; an island being more proper for commerce and for defence; than for extending its dominions on the Continent; for what the valour of its inhabitants might gain; by reason of its remoteness; and the casualties of the seas; it could not so easily preserve:  And; therefore; neither the arbitrary power of One; in a monarchy; nor of Many; in a commonwealth; could make us greater than we are。  It is true; that vaster and more frequent taxes might be gathered; when the consent of the people was not asked or needed; but this were only by conquering abroad; to be poor at home; and the examples of our neighbours teach us; that they are not always the happiest subjects; whose kings extend their dominions farthest。  Since therefore we cannot win by an offensive war; at least; a land war; the model of our government seems naturally contrived for the defensive part; and the consent of a people is easily obtained to contribute to that power which must protect it。  Felices nimium; bona si sua norint; Angligenae! And yet there are not wanting malcontents among us; who; surfeiting themselves on too much happiness; would persuade the people that they might be happier by a change。  It was indeed the policy of their old forefather; when himself was fallen from the station of glory; to seduce mankind into the same rebellion with him; by telling him he might yet be freer than he was; that is more free than his nature would allow; or; if I may so say; than God could make him。  We have already all the liberty which freeborn subjects can enjoy; and all beyond it is but licence。 But if it be liberty of conscience which they pretend; the moderation of our church is such; that its practice extends not to the severity of persecution; and its discipline is withal so easy; that it allows more freedom to dissenters than any of the sects would allow to it。  In the meantime; what right can be pretended by these men to attempt innovation in church or state? Who made them the trustees; or to speak a little nearer their own language; the keepers of the liberty of England?  If their call be extraordinary; let them convince us by working miracles; for ordinary vocation they can have none; to disturb the government under which they were born; and which protects them。  He who has often changed his party; and always has made his interest the rule of it; gives little evidence of his sincerity for the public good; it is manifest he changes but for himself; and takes the people for tools to work his fortune。  Yet the experience of all ages might let him know; that they who trouble the waters first; have seldom the benefit of the fishing; as they who began the late rebellion enjoyed not the fruit of their undertaking; but were crushed themselves by the usurpation of their own instrument。  Neither is it enough for them to answer; that they only intend a reformation of the government; but not the subversion of it:  on such pretence all insurrections have been founded; it is striking at the root of power; which is obedience。 Every remonstrance of private men has the seed of treason in it; and discourses; which are couched in ambiguous
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