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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第8章

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you up in no time;〃 and; as Flora went; he continued; 〃Never mind
your aims and fames and trumpery English rhymes。  Your verses will be
much the best; Ethel; I only went on a little about Mount Vesuvius
and the landscape; as Alan described it the other day; and Decius
taking a last look; knowing he was to die。  I made him beg his
horse's pardon; and say how they will both be remembered; and their
self…devotion would inspire Romans to all posterity; and shout with a
noble voice!〃 said Norman; repeating some of his lines; correcting
them as he proceeded。

〃Oh! yes; but oh; dear; I've done!  Come along;〃 said Ethel;
crumpling her work into a bundle; and snatching up her gloves; then;
as they ran downstairs; and emerged into the street; 〃It is a famous

〃Yes; you have made a capital beginning。  If you won't break down
somewhere; as you always do; with some frightful false quantity; that
you would get an imposition for; if you were a boy。  I wish you were。
I should like to see old Hoxton's face; if you were to show him up
some of these verses。〃

〃I'll tell you what; Norman; if I was you; I would not make Decius
flatter himself with the fame he was to getit is too like the stuff
every one talks in stupid books。  I want him to sayRomemy
countrythe eaglesmust win; if they donever mind what becomes of

〃But why should he not like to get the credit of it; as he did?  Fame
and glorythey are the spirit of life; the reward of such a death。〃

〃Oh; no; no;〃 said Ethel。  〃Fame is coarse and vulgarblinder than
ever they draw Love or Fortuneshe is only a personified newspaper;
trumpeting out all that is extraordinary; without minding whether it
is good or bad。  She misses the delicate and lovelyI wished they
would give us a theme to write about her。  I should like to abuse her

〃It would make a very good theme; in a new line;〃 said Norman; 〃but
I don't give into it; altogether。  It is the hope and the thought of
fame; that has made men great; from first to last。  It is in every
one that is not good for nothing; and always will be!  The moving
spirit of man's greatness!〃

〃I'm not sure;〃 said Ethel; 〃I think looking for fame is like wanting
a reward at once。  I had rather people forgot themselves。  Do you
think Arnold von Winkelried thought about fame when he threw himself
on the spears?〃

〃He got it;〃 said Norman。

〃Yes; he got it for the good of other people; not to please himself。
Fame does those that admire it good; not those that win it。〃

〃But!〃 said Norman; and both were silent for some short interval; as
they left the last buildings of the town; and began to mount a steep
hill。  Presently Norman slackened his pace; and driving his stick
vehemently against a stone; exclaimed; 〃It is no use talking; Ethel;
it is all a fight and a race。  One is always to try to be foremost。
That's the spirit of the thingthat's what the great; from first to
last; have struggled; and fought; and lived; and died for。〃

〃I know it is a battle; I know it is a race。  The Bible says so;〃
replied Ethel; 〃but is not there the difference; that here all may
winnot only one?  One may do one's best; not care whether one is
first or last。  That's what our reading to…day said。〃

〃That was against trumpery vanityfalse elevationnot what one has
earned for oneself; but getting into other people's places that one
never deserved。  That every one despises!〃

〃Of course!  That they do。  I say; Norman; didn't you mean Harvey

Instead of answering; Norman exclaimed; 〃It is pretension that is
hatefultrue excelling is what one's life is for。  No; no; I'll
never be beat; EthelI never have been beat by any one; except by
you; when you take pains;〃 he added; looking exultingly at his
sister; 〃and I never will be。〃

〃Oh; Norman!〃

〃I mean; of course; while I have senses。  I would not be like Richard
for all the world。〃

〃Oh; no; no; poor Richard!〃

〃He is an excellent fellow in everything else;〃 said Norman; 〃I could
sometimes wish I was more like himbut how he can be so amazingly
slow; I can't imagine。  That examination paper he broke down inI
could have done it as easily as possible。〃

〃I did it all but one question;〃 said Ethel; 〃but so did he; you
know; and we can't tell whether we should have it done well enough。〃

〃I know I must do something respectable when first I go to Oxford; if
I don't wish to be known as the man whose brother was plucked;〃 said

〃Yes;〃 said Ethel; 〃if papa will but let you try for the Randall
scholarship next year; but he says it is not good to go to Oxford so

〃And I believe I had better not be there with Richard;〃 added Norman。
〃I don't like coming into contrast with him; and I don't think he can
like it; poor fellow; and it isn't his fault。  I had rather stay
another year here; get one of the open scholarships; and leave the
Stoneborough ones for those who can do no better。〃

In justice to Norman; we must observe that this was by no means said
as a boast。  He would scarcely have thus spoken to any one but
Etheldred; to whom; as well as to himself; it seemed mere matter…of…
fact。  The others had in the meantime halted at the top of the hill;
and were looking back at the townthe great old Minster; raising its
twin towers and long roof; close to the river; where rich green
meadows spread over the valley; and the town rising irregularly on
the slope above; plentifully interspersed with trees and gardens; and
one green space on the banks of the river; speckled over with a flock
of little black dots in rapid motion。

〃Here you are!〃 exclaimed Flora。  〃I told them it was of no use to
wait when you and Norman had begun a dissertation。〃

〃Now; Mr。 Ernescliffe; I should like you to say;〃 cried Ethel; 〃which
do you think is the best; the name of it; or the thing?〃  Her
eloquence always broke down with any auditor but her brother; or;
perhaps; Margaret。

〃Ethel!〃 said Norman; 〃how is any one to understand you?  The
argument is this: Ethel wants people to do great deeds; and be
utterly careless of the fame of them; I say; that love of glory is a
mighty spring。〃

〃A mighty one!〃 said Alan: 〃but I think; as far as I understand the
question; that Ethel has the best of it。〃

〃I don't mean that people should not serve the cause first of all;〃
said Norman; 〃but let them have their right place and due honour。〃

〃They had better make up their minds to do without it;〃 said Alan。

       〃The world knows nothing of its greatest men。〃

〃Then it is a great shame;〃 said Norman。

〃But do you think it right;〃 said Ethel; 〃to care for distinction?
It is a great thing to earn it; but I don't think one should care for
the outer glory。〃

〃I believe it is a great temptation;〃 said Alan。  〃The being over…
elated or over…depressed by success or failure in the eyes of the
world; independently of the exertion we have used。〃

〃You call it a temptation?〃 said Ethel。

〃Decidedly so。〃

〃But one can't live or get on without it;〃 said Norman。

There they were cut short。  There was a plantation to be crossed;
with a gate that would not open; and that seemed an effectual barrier
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