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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第75章

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〃Well;〃 said Norman; with some mortification; 〃all I know is; that my
head ached all the rest of the day。〃

〃Very likely; but your head is not Ethel's; and there were twice as
many people as the place was intended to hold。〃

〃A stuffy hole; full of peat…smoke; and with a window that can't open
at the best of times。〃

〃Peat…smoke is wholesome;〃 said Dr。 May; looking provoking。

〃You don't know what it is; papa; or you would never let Ethel spend
her life there。  It is poisonous!〃

〃I'll take care of Ethel;〃 said Dr。 May; walking off; and leaving
Norman in a state of considerable annoyance at being thus treated。
He broke out into fresh exclamations against the horrors of
Cocksmoor; telling Margaret she had no idea what a den it was。

〃But; Norman; it can't be so very bad; or Richard would not allow

〃Richard is deluded!〃 said Norman; 〃but if he chooses to run after
dirty brats; why should he take Ethel there?〃

〃My dear Norman; you know it is all Ethel's doing。〃

〃Yes; I know she has gone crazy after them; and given up all her
Greek for it。  It is past endurance!〃 said Norman; who had worked
himself up into great indignation。

〃Well; but surely; Norman; it is better they should do what they can
for those poor creatures; than for Ethel to learn Greek。〃

〃I don't know that。  Let those who are fit for nothing else go and
drone over A B C with ragged children; if they like。  It is just
their vocation; but there is an order in everything; Margaret; and
minds of a superior kind are intended for higher purposes; not to be
wasted in this manner。〃

〃I don't know whether they are wasted;〃 said Margaret; not quite
liking Norman's tone; though she had not much to say to his

〃Not wasted?  Not in doing what any one can do?  I know what you'll
say about the poor。  I grant it; but high ability must be given for a
purpose; not to be thrown away。  It is common…sense; that some one
must be meant to do the dirty work。〃

〃I see what you mean; Norman; but I don't quite like that to be
called by such a name。  I think〃 she hesitated。  〃Don't you think
you dislike such things more than〃

〃Any one must abominate dirt and slovenliness。  I know what you mean。
My father thinks 'tis all nonsense in me; but his profession has made
him insensible to such things; and he fancies every one else is the
same!  Now; Margaret; am I unreasonable?〃

〃I am sure I don't know; dear Norman;〃 said Margaret; hesitating; and
feeling it her duty to say something; 〃I dare say it was very

〃And you think; too; that I made a disturbance for nothing?〃

〃No; indeed I don't; nor does dear papa。  I have no doubt he will see
whether it is proper for Ethel。  All I think he meant is; that
perhaps your not being well last winter has made you a little more
sensitive in such things。〃

Norman paused; and coloured。 He remembered the pain it had given him
to find himself incapable of being of use to his father; and that he
had resolved to conquer the weakness of nerve of which he was
ashamed; but he did not like to connect this with his fastidious
feelings of refinement。  He would not own to himself that they were
over nice; and; at the bottom of all this justification; rankled
Richard's saying; that he who cared for such things was unfit for a
clergyman。  Norman's secret thought was; it was all very well for
those who could only aspire to parish work in wretched cottages
people who could distinguish themselves were more useful at the
university; forming minds; and opening new discoveries in learning。

Was Norman quite proof against the consciousness of daily excelling
all his competitors?  His superiority had become even more manifest
this Easter; when Cheviot and Forder; the two elder boys whom he had
outstripped; left the school; avowedly; because it was not worth
while for them to stay; since they had so little chance of the
Randall scholarship。  Norman had now only to walk over the course; no
one even approaching him but Harvey Anderson。

Meta Rivers always said that fine weather came at her call; and so it
didglowing sunshine streaming over the shaven turf; and penetrating
even the solid masses of the great cedar。

The carriage was sent for the Misses May; and at two o'clock they
arrived。  Flora; extremely anxious that Ethel should comport herself
discreetly; and Ethel full of curiosity and eagerness; the only
drawback her fears that her papa was doing what he disliked。  She was
not in the least shy; and did not think about her manner enough to be
troubled by the consciousness that it had a good deal of abruptness
and eagerness; and that her short sight made her awkward。  Meta met
them with outstretched hands and a face beaming with welcome。  〃I
told you I should get my way!〃 she said triumphantly; and; after her
warm greeting; she looked with some respect at the face of the Miss
May who was so very clever。  It certainly was not what she expected;
not at all like either of the four sisters she had already seen
brown; sallow; and with that sharp long nose; and the eager eyes; and
brow a little knit by the desire to see as far as she could。  It was
pleasanter to look at Flora。

Ethel left the talk chiefly to Florathere was wonder and study
enough farther in the grounds and garden; and when Mrs。 Larpent tried
to enter into conversation with her; she let it drop two or three
times while she was peering hard at a picture and trying to make out
its subject。  However; when they all went out to walk to church;
Ethel lighted up; and talked; admired; and asked questions in her
quick; eager way; which interested Mrs。 Larpent greatly。  The
governess asked after Norman; and no more was wanted to produce a
volume of histories of his successes; till Flora turned as she walked
before with Meta; saying; 〃Why; Ethel; you are quite overwhelming
Mrs。 Larpent。〃

But some civil answer convinced Ethel that what she said was
interesting; and she would not be stopped in her account of their
anxieties on the day of the examination。  Flora was pleased that
Meta; catching some words; begged to hear more; and Flora gave an
account of the matter; soberer in terms; but quietly setting Norman
at a much greater distance from all his competitors。

After church came the feast in the school。  It was a large commodious
building。  Meta declared it was very tiresome that it was so good
inside; it was so ugly; she should never rest till papa had built her
a real beauty。  They found Mr。 and Mrs。 Charles Wilmot in the school;
with a very nice well…dressed set of boys and girls; and But there
is no need to describe the roast…beef and plum…pudding; 〃the feast
ate merrily;〃 and Ethel was brilliantly happy waiting on the
children; and so was sunny…hearted Meta。  Flora was too busy in
determining what the Riverses might be thinking of her and her sister
to give herself up to the enjoyment。

Ethel found a small boy looking ready to cry at an untouched slice of
beef。  She examined him whether he could cut it; and at last
discovered that; as had been the case with one or two of her own
brothers at the same age; meat was repugnant to him。  In her vehement
manner she 
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