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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第222章

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She had to tell Margaret all her impressions on her return; and very
pretty smiles repaid her commendations。  She understood better the
constant dwelling on the subject; as she perceived how little capable
Margaret was of any employment。  The book; the writing materials; and
work…basket were indeed placed by her side; but very seldom did the
feeble fingers engage in any of the occupations once so familiarnow
and then a pencilled note would be sent to Flora; or to Hector
Ernescliffe; or a few stitches be set in her work; or a page or two
turned of a book; but she was far more often perfectly still; living;
assuredly in no ordinary sphere of human life; but never otherwise
than cheerful; and open to the various tidings and interests which;
as Ethel had formerly said; shifted before her like scenes in a magic
lantern; and; perhaps; with less of substance than in those earlier
days; when her work among them was not yet done; and she was not; as
it were; set aside from them。  They were now little more than shadows
reflected from the world whence she was passing。

Yet her home was not sad。  When Dr。 Spencer came in the evening; and
old Edinburgh stories were discussed; Dr。 May talked with spirit; and
laughed with the merry note that Mrs。 Amott so well remembered; and
Meta Rivers chimed in with her gay; saucy repartees; nor; though
Richard was always silent; and Ethel's brow seemed to bear a weight
of thought; did it seem as if their spirits were depressed; while
there was certainly no restraint on the glee of Blanche; Aubrey; and
Gertrude; who were running into Margaret's room; and making as much
noise there as they chose。

Mrs。 Arnott was at home with the whole family from the first; and in
every one's confidence; but what she enjoyed above all was; the
sitting in Margaret's room in the morning; when there was no danger
of interruption; the three children being all safe captives to their
lessons; and Meta; in Richard's workshop; illuminating texts on zinc
scrolls for the church。

Margaret came out more in these interviews。  It had been a kind of
shyness that made her talk so exclusively of the church at the first
meeting; she had now felt her way; and knew againand realisedthe
same kind aunt with whom she had parted in her childhood; and now far
dearer; since she herself was better able to appreciate her; and with
a certain resemblance to her mother; that was unspeakably precious
and soothing to one deprived; as Margaret had been; at the
commencement of her illness and anxiety。

She could hardly see her aunt come near her; without thanking her for
having come home; and saying how every time she awoke it was with the
sense that something was comfortable; then remembering it was Aunt
Flora's being in the house。  She seemed to have a feeling; as if
telling everything to her aunt were like rendering up her account to
her mother; and; at different times; she related the whole; looking
back on the various decisions she had had to make or to influence;
and reviewing her own judgments; though often with self…blame; not
with acuteness of distress; but rather with a humble trust in the
Infinite Mercy that would atone for all shortcomings and infirmities;
truly sorrowed for。

On the whole it was a peaceful and grateful retrospect; the brothers
all doing so well in their several ways; and such a comfort to their
father。  Tom; concerning whom she had made the greatest mistake;
might be looked upon as rescued by Norman。  Aubrey; Margaret said;
smiling; was Ethel's child; and had long been off her mind; Hector;
to her quite a brother; would miss her almost more than her own
brothers; but good honest fellow; he had a home here; and; whispered
Margaret; smiling and glowing a little; 〃don't tell any one; for it
is a secret of secrets。  Hector told me one evening that; if he could
be very steady; he hoped he might yet have Blanche at Maplewood。
Poor little White Mayflower; it won't be for want of liking on her
part; and she so blushes and watches when Hector comes near; that I
sometimes think that he might have said something like it to her。〃

Mrs。 Arnott gave no opinion on the plan for Norman and Meta; but
Margaret; however; took all for granted; and expressed warm hopes for
their sakes; that they would go out with Mrs。 Arnott; then; when the
suggestion seemed to astonish her aunt; who thought they were waiting
for his ordination; she said; 〃The fact is; that he would like to be
ordained where he is to work; but I believe they do not like to say
anything about the wedding because of me。  Now; of all persons; I
must chiefly rejoice in what may help to teach in those islands。  I
cannot bear to be a hindrance。  Whatever happens; Aunt Flora; will
you take care that they know this?〃

As to her father; Margaret was at rest。  He had much more calmness
than when he was more new to grief; and could bear far more patiently
and hopefully than at first。  He lived more on his affections above;
and much as he loved those below; he did not rest in them as once;
and could better afford to have been removed。  〃Besides;〃 said
Margaret serenely; 〃it has been good for him to have been gradually
weaned from depending on me; so that it is Ethel who is really
necessary to him。〃

For herself; Margaret was perfectly content and happy。  She knew the
temptation of her character had been to be the ruler and manager of
everything; and she saw it had been well for her to have been thus
assigned the part of Mary rather than of Martha。  She remembered with
thankful joy the engagement with Alan Ernescliffe; and though she
still wore tokens of mourning for him; it was with a kind of pleasure
in them。  There had been so little promise of happiness from the
first; that there was far more peace in thinking of him as sinking
into rest in Harry's arms; than as returning to grieve over her
decline; and that last gift of his; the church; had afforded her
continual delight; and above all other earthly pursuits; smoothed
away the languor and weariness of disease; as she slowly sank to join
him。  Now that her aunt had come to bring back a sunbeam of her
childhood; Margaret declared that she had no more grief or care;
except one; and that a very deep and sad onenamely poor Flora。

Mrs。 Arnott had at first been inclined to fear that her goddaughter
was neglecting her own family; since she had not been at home this
whole year; but the slightest betrayal of this suspicion roused
Margaret to an eager defence。  She had not a doubt that Flora would
gladly have been with her; but she believed that she was not acting
by her own choice; or more truly; that her husband was so devoted to
her; that she felt the more bound to follow his slightest wishes;
however contrary to her own。  The season had been spent in the same
whirl that had; last year; been almost beyond human power; even when
stimulated by enjoyment and success; and now; when her spirits were
lowered; and her health weakened; Meta had watched and trembled for
her; though never able to obtain an avowal that it was an overstrain;
and while treated most affectionately; never admitted within her
barrier of reserve。

〃If I could see
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