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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第206章

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be rejecting the chastening Hand。  Meta had the most absolute
certainty that Flora's apparent cheerfulness was all for George's
sake; and that it was a most painful exertion。  〃If Ethel could only
see how she let herself sink together; as it were; and her whole
countenance relax; as soon as he was out of sight;〃 Meta said; 〃she
could not doubt what misery these efforts were to her。〃

〃Why does she go on with them? 〃 said Ethel。

〃George;〃 said Meta。  〃What would become of him without her?  If he
misses her for ten minutes he roams about lost; and he cannot enjoy
anything without her。  I cannot think how he can help seeing what
hard work it is; and how he can be contented with those dreadful sham
smiles; but as long as she can give him pleasure; poor Flora will
toil for him。〃

〃It is very selfish;〃 Ethel caught herself saying。

〃No; no; it is not;〃 cried Meta。  〃It is not that he will not see;
but that he cannot see。  Good honest fellow; he really thinks it does
her good and pleases her。  I was so sorry one evening when I tried to
take her place at that perpetual ecarte; and told him it teased her;
he went so wistfully to her; and asked whether it did; and she
exerted herself into such painful enjoyment to persuade him to the
contrary; and afterwards she said to me; 'Let me alone; dearestit
is the only thing left me。'〃

〃There is something in being husband and wife that one cannot
understand;〃 slowly said Ethel; so much in her quaint way that Meta

Had it not been for Norman's absence; Ethel would; in the warm
sympathy and accustomed manner of Meta Rivers; have forgotten all
about the hopes and fears that; in brighter days; had centred on that
small personage; until one day; as she came home from Cocksmoor; she
found 〃Sir Henry Walkinghame's〃 card on the drawing…room table。  〃I
should like to bite you!  Coming here; are you?〃 was her amiable

Meta; in her riding…habit; peeped out of Margaret's room。  〃Oh;
Ethel; there you are!  It is such a boon that you did not come home
sooner; or we should have had to ride home with him!  I heard him
asking for the Miss Mays!  And now I am in hopes that he will go home
without falling in with Flora and George。〃

〃I did not know he was in these parts。〃

〃He came to Drydale last week; but the place is forlorn; and George
gave him a general invitation to the Grange。〃

〃Do you like him?〃 said Ethel; while Margaret looked on; amazed at
her audacity。

〃I liked him very much in London;〃 said Meta; 〃he is pleasant enough
to talk to; but somehow; he is not congruous hereif you understand
me。  And I think his coming oppresses Florashe turned quite pale
when he was announced; and her voice was lower than ever when she
spoke to him。〃

〃Does he come often?〃 said Ethel。

〃I don't think he has anything else to do;〃 returned Meta; 〃for our
house cannot be as pleasant as it was; but he is very kind to George;
and for that we must be grateful。  One thing I am afraid of; that he
will persuade us off to the yachting after all。〃

〃Oh!〃 was the general exclamation。

〃Yes;〃 said Meta。  〃George seemed to like the plan; and I very much
fear that he is taking a dislike to the dear old Grange。  I heard him
say; 'Anything to get away。'〃

〃Poor George; I know he is restless;〃 said Margaret。

〃At least;〃 said Ethel; 〃you can't go till after your birthday; Miss

〃No; Uncle Cosham is coming;〃 said Meta。  〃Margaret; you must have
your stone laid before we go!〃

〃Dr。 Spencer promises it before Hector's holidays are over;〃 said
Margaret; blushing; as she always did; with pleasure; when they
talked of the church。

Hector Ernescliffe had revived Margaret wonderfully。  She was seldom
downstairs before the evening; and Ethel thought his habit of making
her apartment his sitting…room must be as inconvenient to her as it
was to herself; but Hector could not be de trop for Margaret。  She
exerted herself to fulfil for him all the little sisterly offices
that; with her brothers; had been transferred to Ethel and Mary; she
threw herself into all his schemes; tried to make him endure Captain
Gordon; and she even read his favourite book of Wild Sports; though
her feelings were constantly lacerated by the miseries of the
slaughtered animals。  Her couch was to him as a home; and he had
awakened her bright soft liveliness which had been only dimmed for a

The church was her other great interest; and Dr。 Spencer humoured her
by showing her all his drawings; consulting her on every ornament;
and making many a perspective elevation; merely that she might see
the effect。

Richard and Tom made it their recreation to construct a model of the
church as a present for her; and Tom developed a genius for carving;
which proved a beneficial interest to keep him from surliness。  He
had voluntarily propounded his intended profession to his father; who
had been so much pleased by his choice; that he could not but be
gratified; though now and then ambitious fancies; and discontent with
Stoneborough; combined to bring on his ordinary moody fits; the more;
because his habitual reserve prevented any one from knowing what was
working in his mind。

Finally the Rivers' party announced their intention of going to the
Isle of Wight as soon as Meta had come of age; and the council of
Cocksmoor; meeting at tea at Dr。 May's house; decided that the
foundation stone of the church should be laid on the day after her
birthday; when there would be a gathering of the whole family; as
Margaret wished。  Dr。 Spencer had worked incredibly hard to bring it
forward; and Margaret's sweet smiles; and liquid eyes; expressed how
personally thankful she felt。

〃What a blessing this church has been to that poor girl;〃 said Dr。
Spencer; as he left the house with Mr。 Wilmot。  〃How it beguiles her
out of her grief!  I am glad she has the pleasure of the foundation;
I doubt if she will see the consecration。〃

〃Indeed!〃 said Mr。 Wilmot; shocked。  〃Was that attack so serious?〃

〃That recumbent position and want of exercise were certain to produce
organic disease; and suspense and sorrow have hastened it。  The death
of Mrs。 Rivers's poor child was the blow that called it into
activity; and; if it last more than a year; I shall be surprised。〃

〃For such as she is; one cannot presume to wish; but her fatheris
he aware of this?〃

〃He knows there is extensive damage; I think he does not open his
eyes to the result; but he will bear it。  Never was there a man to
whom it came so naturally to live like the fowls of the air; or the
lilies of the field; as it does to dear Dick May;〃 said Dr。 Spencer;
his voice faltering。

〃There is a strength of faith and love in him that carries him
through all;〃 said Mr。 Wilmot。  〃His childlike nature seems to have
the trustfulness that is; in itself; consolation。  You said how
Cocksmoor had been blessed to MargaretI think it is the same with
them allnot only Ethel and Richard; who have been immediately
concerned; but that one object has been a centre and aim to elevate
the whole family; and give force and unity to their efforts。  Even
the good doctor; much as I always looked up to himm
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