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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第192章

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Flora rose from her knees; highly satisfied at the impression
produced upon her brothers。

〃I like to have the baby with us at breakfast;〃 she said; 〃it is the
only time of day when we can be sure of seeing anything of her; and I
like her nurse to have some respite。  Do you think her grown;

〃Not very much;〃 said Norman; who thought her more inanimate and like
a pretty little waxen toy; than when he had last seen her。  〃Is she
not rather pale?〃

〃London makes children pale。  I shall soon take her home to acquire a
little colour。  You must know Sir Henry has bitten us with his
yachting tastes; and as soon as we can leave London; we are going to
spend six weeks with the Walkinghames at Ryde; and rival you; Harry。
I think Miss Leonora will be better at home; so we must leave her
there。  Lodgings and irregularities don't suit people of her age。〃

〃Does home mean Stoneborough?〃 asked Norman。

〃No。  Old nurse has one of her deadly prejudices against Preston; and
I would not be responsible for the consequences of shutting them up
in the same nursery。  Margaret would be distracted between them。  No;
miss; you shall make her a visit every day; and be fondled by your

George began a conversation with Harry on nautical matters; and
Norman tried to discover how Meta liked the yachting project; and
found her prepared to think it charming。  Hopes were expressed that
Harry might be at Portsmouth; and a quantity of gay scheming ensued;
with reiterations of the name of Walkinghame; while Norman had a
sense of being wrapped in some gray mist; excluding him from
participation in their enjoyments; and condemned his own temper as
frivolous for being thus excited to discontent。

Presently; he heard George insisting that he and Harry should return
in time for the evening party; and; on beginning to refuse; was
amazed to find Harry's only objection was on the score of lack of

〃I don't want you in one; sir;〃 said Flora。

〃I have only one coat in the world; besides this;〃 continued Harry;
〃and that is all over tar。〃

〃George will see to that;〃 said Flora。  〃Don't you think you would be
welcome in matting; with an orange cowry round your neck?〃

Norman; however; took a private opportunity of asking Harry if he was
aware of what he was undertaking; and what kind of people they should

〃All English people behave much the same in a room;〃 said Harry; as
if all society; provided it was not cannibal; were alike to him。

〃I should have thought you would prefer finding out Forder in his
chambers; or going to one of the theatres。〃

〃As you please;〃 said Harry; 〃but Flora seems to want us; and I
should rather like to see what sort of company she keeps。〃

Since Harry was impervious to shyness; Norman submitted; and George
took them to a wonder…worker in cloth; who undertook that full
equipments should await the young gentleman。  Harry next despatched
his business at the Admiralty; and was made very happy by tidings of
his friend Owen's safe arrival in America。

Thence the brothers went to Eton; where home letters had been more
regarded; and Dr。 May having written to secure a holiday for the
objects of their visit; they were met at the station by the two boys。
Hector's red face and prominent light eyebrows were instantly
recognised; but; as to Tom; Harry could hardly believe that the
little; dusty; round…backed grub be had left had been transformed
into the well…made gentlemanlike lad before him; peculiarly trim and
accurate in dress; even to the extent of as much foppery as Eton
taste permitted。

Ten minutes had not passed before Tom; taking a survey of the
newcomer; began to exclaim at Norman; for letting him go about such a
figure; and; before they knew what was doing; they had all been
conducted into the shop of the 〃only living man who knew how to cut
hair。〃  Laughing and good…natured; Harry believed his hair was
〃rather long;〃 allowed himself to be seated; and to be divested of a
huge superfluous mass of sun…dried curls; which Tom; particularly
resenting that 〃rather long;〃 kept on taking up; and unrolling from
their tight rings; to measure the number of inches。

〃That is better;〃 said he; as they issued from the shop; 〃but; as to
that coat of yours; the rogue who made it should never make another。
Where could you have picked it up?〃

〃At a shop at Auckland;〃 said Harry; much amused。

〃Kept by a savage?〃 said Tom; to whom it was no laughing matter。
See that seam!〃

〃Have done; May!〃 exclaimed Hector。  〃He will think you a tailor's

〃Or worse;〃 said Norman。  〃Rivers's tailor kept all strictures to

Tom muttered that he only wanted Harry to be fit to be seen by the

〃The fellows are not such asses as you!〃 cried Hector。  〃You don't
deserve that he should come to see you。  If my〃

There poor Hector broke off。  If his own only brother had been
walking beside him; how would he not have felt?  They had reached
their tutor's house; and; opening his own door; he made an imploring
sign to Harry to enter with him。  On the table lay a letter from
Margaret; and another which Harry had written to him from Auckland。

〃Oh; Harry; you were with him;〃 he said; 〃tell me all about him。〃

And he established himself; with his face hidden on the table;
uttering nothing; except; 〃Go on;〃 whenever Harry's voice failed in
the narration。  When something was said of 〃all for the best;〃 he
burst out; 〃He might say so。  I suppose one ought to think so。  But
is not it hard; when I had nobody but him?  And there was Maplewood;
and I might have been so happy there; with him and Margaret。〃

〃They say nothing could have made Margaret well;〃 said Harry。

〃I don't care; he would have married her all the same; and we should
have made her so happy at Maplewood。  I hate the place!  I wish it
were at Jericho!〃

〃You are captain of the ship now;〃 said Harry; 〃and you must make the
best of it。〃

〃I can't。  It will never be home。  Home is with Margaret; and the
rest of them。〃

〃So Alan said he hoped you would make it; and you are just like one
of us; you know。〃

〃What's the use of that; when Captain Gordon will not let me go near
you。  Taking me to that abominable Maplewood last Easter; with half
the house shut up; and all horrid!  And he is as dry as a stick!〃

〃The captain!〃 cried Harry angrily。  〃There's not a better captain to
sail with in the whole navy; and your brother would be the first to
tell you so!  I'm not discharged yet。  Hectoryou had better look
out what you say!〃

〃Maybe he is the best to sail with; but that is not being the best to
live with;〃 said the heir of Maplewood disconsolately。  〃Alan himself
always said he never knew what home was; till he got to your father
and Margaret。〃

〃So will you;〃 said Harry; 〃why; my father is your master; or
whatever you may call it。〃

〃No; Captain Gordon is my guardian。〃

〃Eh! what's become of the will then?〃

〃What will?〃 cried Hector。  〃Did Alan make one after all?〃

〃Ay。  At Valparaiso; he had a touch of fever; I went ashore to nurse
him; to a merchant's; who took us in for love of our Scottish blood。
Mr。 Ernescliffe m
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