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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第185章

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〃Go to him; dearest。  Let me be alone。  Don't be uneasy。  This is
peacebut go。〃

Ethel found Mary and Harry interlaced into one moving figure; and
Harry greedily asking for his father and Norman; as if famishing for
the sight of them。  He wanted to set out to seek the former in the
town; but his movements were too uncertain; and the girls clung to
the newly…found; as if they could not trust him away from them。  They
wandered about; speaking; all three at random; without power of
attending to the answers。  It was enough to see him; and touch him;
they could not yet care where he had been。

Dr。 May was in the midst of them ere they were aware。  One look; and
he flung his arms round his son; but; suddenly letting him go; he
hurst away; and banged his study door。  Harry would have followed。

〃No; don't;〃 said Ethel; then; seeing him disappointed; she came
nearer; and murmured; 〃'He entered into his chamber and'〃

Harry silenced her with another embrace; but their father was with
them again; to verify that he had really seen his boy; and ask; alas!
whether Alan were with Margaret。  The brief sad answer sent him to
see how it was with her。  She would not let him stay; she said it was
infinite comfort; and joy was coming; but she would rather be still;
and not come down till evening。

Perhaps others would fain have been still; could they have borne an
instant's deprivation of the sight of their dear sailor; while
greetings came thickly on him。  The children burst in; having heard a
report in the town; and Dr。 Spencer waited at the door for the
confirmation; but when Ethel would have flown out to him; he waved
his hand; shut the door; and hurried away; as if a word to her would
have been an intrusion。

The brothers had been summoned by a headlong apparition of Will Adams
in Cocksmoor school; shouting that Master Harry was come home; and
Norman's long legs out…speeding Richard; had brought him back;
flushed; and too happy for one word; while; 〃Well; Harry;〃 was
Richard's utmost; and his care for Margaret seemed to overpower
everything else; as he went up; and was not so soon sent away。

Words were few downstairs。  Blanche and Aubrey agreed that they
thought people would have been much happier; but; in fact; the joy
was oppressive from very newness。  Ethel roamed about; she could not
sit still without feeling giddy; in the strangeness of the revulsion。
Her father sat; as if a word would break the blest illusion; and
Harry stood before each of them in turn; as if about to speak; but
turned his address into a sudden caress; or blow on the shoulder; and
tried to laugh。  Little Gertrude; not understanding; the confusion;
had taken up her station under the table; and peeped out from beneath
the cover。

There was more composure as they sat at dinner; and yet there was
very little talking or eating。  Afterwards Dr。 May and Norman
exultingly walked away; to show their Harry to Dr。 Spencer and Mr。
Wilmot; and Ethel would gladly have tried to calm herself; and
recover the balance of her mind; by giving thanks where they were
due; but she did not know what to do with her sisters。  Blanche was
wild; and Mary still in so shaky a state of excitement; that she went
off into mad laughing; when Blanche discovered that they were in
mourning for Harry。

Nothing would satisfy Blanche but breaking in on Margaret; and
climbing to the top of the great wardrobe to disinter the coloured
raiment; beseeching that each favourite might be at once put on; to
do honour to Harry。  Mary chimed in with her; in begging for the
wedding merinoswould not Margaret wear her beautiful blue?

〃No; my dear; I cannot;〃 said Margaret gently。

Mary looked at her and was again in a flood of tears; incoherently
protesting; together with Ethel; that they would not change。

〃No; dears;〃 said Margaret。  〃I had rather you did so。  You must not
be unkind to Harry。  He will not think I do not welcome him。  I am
only too glad that Richard would not let my impatience take away my
right to wear this。〃

Ethel knew that it was for life。

Mary could not check her tears; and would go on making heroic
protests against leaving off her black; sobbing the more at each。
Margaret's gentle caresses seemed to make her worse; and Ethel;
afraid that Margaret's own composure would be overthrown; exclaimed;
〃How can you be so silly?  Come away!〃 and rather roughly pulled her
out of the room; when she collapsed entirely at the top of the
stairs; and sat crying helplessly。

〃I can't think what's the use of Harry's coming home;〃 Gertrude was
heard saying to Richard。  〃It is very disagreeable;〃 whereat Mary
relapsed into a giggle; and Ethel felt frantic。

〃Richard!  Richard! what is to be done with Mary?  She can't help it;
I believe; but this is not the way to treat the mercy that〃

〃Mary had better go and lie down in her own room;〃 said Richard;
tenderly and gravely。

〃Oh; please! please!〃 began Mary; 〃I shall not see him when he comes

〃If you can't behave properly when he does come;〃 said Richard;
〃there is no use in being there。〃

〃Remember; Ritchie;〃 said Ethel; thinking him severe; 〃she has not
been well this long time。〃

Mary began to plead; but; with his own pretty persuasive manner; he
took her by the hand; and drew her into his room; and when he came
down; after an interval; it was to check Blanche; who would have gone
up to interrupt her with queries about the perpetual blue merino。  He
sat down with Blanche on the staircase window…seat; and did not let
her go till he had gently talked her out of flighty spirits into the
soberness of thankfulness。

Ethel; meanwhile; had still done nothing but stray about; long for
loneliness; find herself too unsteady to finish her letters to Flora
and Tom; and; while she tried to make Gertrude think Harry a pleasant
acquisition; she hated her own wild heart; that could not rejoice;
nor give thanks; aright。

By and by Mary came down; with her bonnet on; quite quiet now。  〃I am
going to church with Ritchie;〃 she said。  Ethel caught at the notion;
and it spread through the house。  Dr May; who just then came in with
his two sons; looked at Harry; saying; 〃What do you think of it?
Shall we go; my boy?〃  And Harry; as soon as he understood; declared
that he should like nothing better。  It seemed what they all needed;
even Aubrey and Gertrude begged to come; and; when the solemn old
minster was above their heads; and the hallowed stillness around
them; the tightened sense of half…realised joy began to find relief
in the chant of glory。  The voices of the sanctuary; ever uplifting
notes of praise; seemed to gather together and soften their emotions;
and agitation was soothed away; and all that was oppressive and
tumultuous gave place to sweet peace and thankfulness。  Ethel dimly
remembered the like sense of relief; when her mother had hushed her
wild ecstasy; while sympathising with her joy。  Richard could not
trust his voice; but Mr。 Wilmot offered the special thanksgiving。

Harry was; indeed; 〃at home;〃 and his tears fell fast over his book;
as he heard his father's 〃Amen;〃 so fervent and so deep; and he gazed
up and around; with
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