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autobiography and selected essays-第17章

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Others maintain; quite as strongly; that education with theology is

in the same predicament。  But this is certain; that those who hold

the first opinion can by no means agree what theology should be

taught; and that those who maintain the second are in a small


At any rate 〃make people learn to read; write; and cipher;〃 say a

great many; and the advice is undoubtedly sensible as far as it

goes。  But; as has happened to me in former days; those who; in

despair of getting anything better; advocate this measure; are met

with the objection that it is very like making a child practise the

use of a knife; fork; and spoon; without giving it particle of

meat。  I really don't know what reply is to be made to such an


But it would be unprofitable to spend more time in disentangling;

or rather in showing up the knots in; the ravelled skeins of our

neighbours。  Much more to the purpose is it to ask if we possess

any clue of our own which may guide us among these entanglements。

And by way of a beginning; let us ask ourselvesWhat is education?

Above all things; what is our ideal of a thoroughly liberal

education?of that education which; if we could begin life again;

we would give ourselvesof that education which; if we could mould

the fates to our own will; we would give our children?  Well; I

know not what may be your conceptions upon this matter; but I will

tell you mine; and I hope I shall find that our views are not very


Suppose it were perfectly certain that the life and fortune of

every one of us would; one day or other; depend upon his winning or

losing a game of chess。  Don't you think that we should all

consider it to be a primary duty to learn at least the names and

the moves of the pieces; to have a notion of a gambit; and a keen

eye for all the means of giving and getting out of check?  Do you

not think that we should look with a disapprobation amounting to

scorn; upon the father who allowed his son; or the state which

allowed its members; to grow up without knowing a pawn from a


Yet it is a very plain and elementary truth; that the life; the

fortune; and the happiness of every one of us; and; more or less;

of those who are connected with us; do depend upon our knowing

something of the rules of a game infinitely more difficult and

complicated than chess。  It is a game which has been played for

untold ages; every man and woman of us being one of the two players

in a game of his or her own。  The chessboard is the world; the

pieces are the phenomena of the universe; the rules of the game are

what we call the laws of Nature。  The player on the other side is

hidden from us。  We know that his play is always fair; just; and

patient。  But also we know; to our cost; that he never overlooks a

mistake; or makes the smallest allowance for ignorance。  To the man

who plays well; the highest stakes are paid; with that sort of

overflowing generosity with which the strong shows delight in

strength。  And one who plays ill is checkmatedwithout haste; but

without remorse。

My metaphor will remind some of you of the famous picture in which

Retzsch '53' has depicted Satan playing at chess with man for his soul。

Substitute for the mocking fiend in that picture a calm; strong

angel who is playing for love; as we say; and would rather lose

than winand I should accept it as an image of human life。

Well; what I mean by Education is learning the rules of this mighty

game。  In other words; education is the instruction of the

intellect in the laws of Nature; under which name I include not

merely things and their forces; but men and their ways; and the

fashioning of the affections and of the will into an earnest and

loving desire to move in harmony with those laws。  For me;

education means neither more nor less than this。  Anything which

professes to call itself education must be tried by this standard;

and if it fails to stand the test; I will not call it education;

whatever may be the force of authority; or of numbers; upon the

other side。

It is important to remember that; in strictness; there is no such

thing as an uneducated man。  Take an extreme case。  Suppose that an

adult man; in the full vigour of his faculties; could be suddenly

placed in the world; as Adam is said to have been; and then left to

do as he best might。  How long would he be left uneducated?  Not

five minutes。  Nature would begin to teach him; through the eye;

the ear; the touch; the properties of objects。  Pain and pleasure

would be at his elbow telling him to do this and avoid that; and by

slow degrees the man would receive an education which; if narrow;

would be thorough; real; and adequate to his circumstances; though

there would be no extras and very few accomplishments。

And if to this solitary man entered a second Adam or; better still;

an Eve; a new and greater world; that of social and moral

phenomena; would be revealed。  Joys and woes; compared with which

all others might seem but faint shadows; would spring from the new

relations。  Happiness and sorrow would take the place of the

coarser monitors; pleasure and pain; but conduct would still be

shaped by the observation of the natural consequences of actions;

or; in other words; by the laws of the nature of man。

To every one of us the world was once as fresh and new as to Adam。

And then; long before we were susceptible of any other modes of

instruction; Nature took us in hand; and every minute of waking

life brought its educational influence; shaping our actions into

rough accordance with Nature's laws; so that we might not be ended

untimely by too gross disobedience。  Nor should I speak of this

process of education as past for any one; be he as old as he may。

For every man the world is as fresh as it was at the first day; and

as full of untold novelties for him who has the eyes to see them。

And Nature is still continuing her patient education of us in that

great university; the universe; of which we are all membersNature

having no Test…Acts。'54'

Those who take honours in Nature's university; who learn the laws

which govern men and things and obey them; are the really great and

successful men in this world。  The great mass of mankind are the

〃Poll;〃'55' who pick up just enough to get through without much

discredit。  Those who won't learn at all are plucked;'56' and then

you can't come up again。  Nature's pluck means extermination。

Thus the question of compulsory education is settled so far as

Nature is concerned。  Her bill on that question was framed and

passed long ago。  But; like all compulsory legislation; that of

Nature is harsh and wasteful in its operation。  Ignorance is

visited as sharply as wilful disobedienceincapacity meets with

the same punishment as crime。  Nature's discipline is not even a

word and a blow; and the blow first; but the blow without the word。

It is left to you to find out why your ears are boxe
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