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girlish type of goddess; she was by no means lank。 Yet it was in
this shape that I had always thought of him; perhaps through an
obscure association with his fellow…villager; Deering。 I had
fancied him saturnine of spirit; slovenly of dress; and lounging of
habit; upon no authority that I could allege; and I was wholly
unprepared for the neat; small figure of a man; very precise of
manner and scrupulous of aspect; who said; 〃How do you do; sir? I
hope I see you well; sir;〃 when his daughter presented us to each
other; the morning after the eventful day described; and he shook my
hand with his very small; dry hand。
I could not make out from their manner with each other whether they
had been speaking of the great matter in hand or not。 I am rather
at a loss about people of that Philistine make as to what their
procedure will be in circumstances where I know just what people of
my own sort of sophistication would do。 These would come straight
at the trouble; but I fancy that with the other sort the convention
is a preliminary reserve。 I found Mr。 Gage disposed to prolong;
with me at least; a discussion of the weather; and the aspects of
Saratoga; the events of his journey from De Witt Point; and the
hardship of having to ride all the way to Mooer's Junction in a
stage…coach。 I felt more and more; while we bandied these
futilities; as if Mr。 Gage had an overdue note of mine; and was
waiting for me; since I could not pay it; to make some proposition
toward its renewal; and he did really tire me out at last; so that I
said; 〃Well; Mr。 Gage; I suppose Miss Gage has told you something of
the tremendous situation that has developed itself here?〃
I thought I had better give the affair such smiling character as a
jocose treatment might impart; and the dry little man twinkled up
responsively so far as manner was concerned。 〃Well; yes; yes。
There has been some talk of it between us;〃 and again he left the
word to me。
〃Mrs。 March urged your daughter to send for you at once because that
was the right and fit thing to do; and because we felt that the
affair had now quite transcended our powers; such as they were; and
nobody could really cope with it but yourself。 I hope you were not
unduly alarmed by the summons?〃
〃Not at all。 She said in the despatch that she was not sick。 I had
been anticipating a short visit to Saratoga for some days; and my
business was in a shape so that I could leave。〃
〃Oh!〃 I said vaguely; 〃I am very glad。 Mrs。 March felt; as I did;
that circumstances had given us a certain obligation in regard to
Miss Gage; and we were anxious to discharge it faithfully and to the
utmost。 We should have written to you; summoned you; before; if we
could have supposedor been sure; but you know these things go on
so obscurely; and we acted at the very first possible moment。 I
wish you to understand that。 We talked it over a great deal; and I
hope you will believe that we studied throughoutthat we were most
solicitous from beginning to end for Miss Gage's happiness; and that
if we could have foreseen or imaginedif we could have taken any
stepsI trust you will believe〃 I was furious at myself for
being so confoundedly apologetic; for I was thinking all the time of
the bother and affliction we had had with the girl; and there sat
that little wooden image accepting my self…inculpations; and
apparently demanding more of me; but I could not help going on in
the same strain: 〃We felt especially bound in the matter; from the
fact that Mr。 Kendricks was a personal friend of ours; whom we are
very fond of; and we both are very anxious that you should not
suppose that we promoted; or that we were not most vigilantthat we
were for a moment forgetful of your rights in such an affair〃
I stopped; and Mr。 Gage passed his hand across his little meagre;
smiling mouth。
〃Then he is not a connection of yours; Mr。 March?〃
〃Bless me; no!〃 I said in great relief; 〃we are not so swell as
that。〃 And I tried to give him some notion of Kendricks's local
quality; repeating a list of agglutinated New York surnames to which
his was more or less affiliated。 They always amuse me; those names;
which more than any in the world give the notion of social
straining; but I doubt if they affected the imagination of Mr。 Gage;
either in this way or in the way I meanly meant them to affect him。
〃And what did you say his business was?〃 he asked; with that
implication of a previous statement on your part which some people
think it so clever to make when they question you。
I always hate it; and I avenged myself by answering simply; 〃Bless
my soul; he has no business!〃 and letting him take up the word now
or not; as he liked。
〃Then he is a man of independent means?〃
I could not resist answering; 〃Independent means? Kendricks has no
means whatever。〃 But having dealt this blow; I could add; 〃I
believe his mother has some money。 They are people who live
〃Then he has no profession?〃 asked Mr。 Gage; with a little more
stringency in his smile。
〃I don't know whether you will call it a profession。 He is a
〃Ah!〃 Mr。 Gage softly breathed。 〃Does he write for yourpaper?〃
I noted that as to the literary technicalities he seemed not to be
much more ignorant than Kendricks's own family; and I said;
tolerantly; 〃Yes; he writes for our magazine。〃
〃Magazineyes; I beg your pardon;〃 he interrupted。
〃And for any others where he can place his material。〃
This apparently did not convey any very luminous idea to Mr。 Gage's
mind; and he asked after a moment; 〃What kind of things does he
〃Oh; stories; sketches; poems; reviews; essaysalmost anything; in
The light left his face; and I perceived that I had carried my
revenge too far; at least for Kendricks's advantage; and I
determined to take a new departure at the first chance。 The chance
did not come immediately。
〃And can a man support a wife by that kind of writing?〃 asked Mr。
I laughed uneasily。 〃Some people do。 It depends upon how much of
it he can sell。 It depends upon how handsomely a wife wishes to be
supported。 The result isn't usually beyond the dreams of avarice;〃
I said; with a desperate levity。
〃Excuse me;〃 returned the little man。 〃Do you live in that way? By
your writings?〃
〃No;〃 I said with some state; which I tried to subdue; 〃I am the
editor of Every Other Week; and part owner。 Mr。 Kendricks is merely
a contributor。〃
〃Ah;〃 he breathed again。 〃And if he were successful in selling his
writings; how much would he probably make in a year?〃
〃In a year?〃 I repeated; to gain time。 〃Mr。 Kendricks is
comparatively a beginner。 Say fifteen hundredtwo thousand
twenty…five hundred。〃
〃And that would not go very far in New York。〃
〃No; that would not go far in New York。〃 I was beginning to find a
certain pleasure in dealing so frankly with this hard little man。 I
liked to see him suffer; and I could see that he did suffer; he
suffered as a father must who learns that from a pecuniary point of
view his daughter is imprudently in love。 Why should we always
regard such a sufferer as a comic figure? He is; if we