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the adventure of the three garridebs-第2章

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out if there were any more Garridebs in the world。 'Find me

another!' said he。 I told him I was a busy man and could not spend

my life hiking round the world in search of Garridebs。 'None the

less;' said he; 'that is just what you will do if things pan out as

I planned them。' I thought he was joking; but there was a powerful lot

of meaning in the words; as I was soon to discover。

  〃For he died within a year of saying them; and he left a will behind

him。 It was the queerest will that has ever been filed in the State of

Kansas。 His property was divided into three parts; and I was to have

one on condition that I found two Garridebs who would share the

remainder。 It's five million dollars for each if it is a cent; but

we can't lay a finger on it until we all three stand in a row。

  〃It was so big a chance that I just let my legal practice slide

and I set forth looking for Garridebs。 There is not one in the

United States。 I went through it; sir; with a fine…toothed comb and

never a Garrideb could I catch。 Then I tried the old country。 Sure

enough there was the name in the London telephone directory。 I went

after him two days ago and explained the whole matter to him。 But he

is a lone man; like myself; with some women relations; but no men。

It says three adult men in the will。 So you see we still have a

vacancy; and if you can help to fill it we will be very ready to pay

your charges。〃

  〃Well; Watson;〃 said Holmes with a smile; 〃I said it was rather

whimsical; did I not? I should have thought; sir; that your obvious

way was to advertise in the agony columns of the papers。〃

  〃I have done that; Mr。 Holmes。 No replies。〃

  〃Dear me! Well; it is certainly a most curious little problem。 I may

take a glance at it in my leisure。 By the way; it is curious that

you should have come from Topeka。 I used to have a correspondent… he

is dead now… old Dr。 Lysander Starr; who was mayor in 1890。〃

  〃Good old Dr。 Starr!〃 said our visitor。 〃His name is still honoured。

Well; Mr。 Holmes; I suppose all we can do is to report to you and

let you know how we progress。 I reckon you will hear within a day or

two。〃 With this assurance our American bowed and departed。

  Holmes had lit his pipe; and he sat for some time with a curious

smile upon his face。

  〃Well?〃 I asked at last。

  〃I a wondering; Watson… just wondering!〃

  〃At what?〃

  Holmes took his pipe from his lips。

  〃I was wondering; Watson; what on earth could be the object of

this man in telling us such a rigmarole of lies。 I nearly asked him

so… for there are times when a brutal frontal attack is the best

policy… but I judged it better to let him think he had fooled us。 Here

is a man with an English coat frayed at the elbow and trousers

bagged at the knee with a year's wear; and yet by this document and by

his own account he is a provincial American lately landed in London。

There have; been no advertisements in the agony columns。 You know that

I miss nothing there。 They are my favourite covert for putting up a

bird; and I would never have overlooked such a cock pheasant as

that。 I never knew a Dr。 Lysander Starr; of Topeka。 Touch him where

you would he was false。 I think the fellow is really an American;

but he has worn his accent smooth with years of London。 What is his

game; then; and what motive lies behind this preposterous search for

Garridebs? It's worth our attention; for; granting that the man is a

rascal; he is certainly a complex and ingenious one。 We must now

find out if our other correspondent is a fraud also。 Just ring him up;


  I did so; and heard a thin; quavering voice at the other end of

the line。

  〃Yes; yes; I am Mr。 Nathan Garrideb。 Is Mr。 Holmes there? I should

very much like to have a word with Mr。 Holmes。〃

  My friend took the instrument and I heard the usual syncopated


  〃Yes; he has been here。 I understand that you don't know him。。。。 How

long?。。。 Only two days!。。。 Yes; yes; of course; it is a most

captivating prospect。 Will you be at home this evening? I suppose your

namesake will not be there?。。。 Very good; we will come then; for I

would rather have a chat without him。。。。 Dr。 Watson will come with

me。。。。 I understand from your note that you did not go out often。。。。

Well; we shall be round about six。 You need not mention it to the

American lawyer。。。。 Very good。 Good…bye!〃

  It was twilight of a lovely spring evening; and even Little Ryder

Street; one of the smaller offshoots from the Edgware Road; within a

stone…cast of old Tyburn Tree of evil memory; looked golden and

wonderful in the slanting rays of the setting sun。 The particular

house to which we were directed was a large; old…fashioned; Early

Georgian edifice; with a flat brick face broken only by two deep bay

windows on the ground floor。 It was on this ground floor that our

client lived; and; indeed; the low windows proved to be the front of

the huge room in which he spent his waking hours。 Holmes pointed as we

passed to the small brass plate which bore the curious name。

  〃Up some years; Watson;〃 he remarked; indicating its discoloured

surface。 〃It's his real name; anyhow; and that is something to note。〃

  The house had a common stair; and there were a number of names

painted in the hall; some indicating offices and some private

chambers。 It was not a collection of residential flats; but rather the

abode of Bohemian bachelors。 Our client opened the door for us himself

and apologized by saying that the woman in charge left at four

o'clock。 Mr。 Nathan Garrideb proved to be a very tall;

loose…jointed; round…backed person; gaunt and bald; some sixty…odd

years of age。 He had a cadaverous face; with the dull dead skin of a

man to whom exercise was unknown。 Large round spectacles and a small

projecting goat's beard combined with his stooping attitude to give

him an expression of peering curiosity。 The general effect; however;

was amiable; though eccentric。

  The room was as curious as its occupant。 It looked like a small

museum。 It was both broad and deep; with cupboards and cabinets all

round; crowded with specimens; geological and anatomical。 Cases of

butterflies and moths flanked each side of the entrance。 A large table

in the centre was littered with all sorts of debris; while the tall

brass tube of a powerful microscope bristled up among them。 As I

glanced round I was surprised at the universality of the man's

interests。 Here was a case of ancient coins。 There was a cabinet of

flint instruments。 Behind his central table was a large cupboard of

fossil bones。 Above was a line of plaster skulls with such names as

〃Neanderthal;〃 〃Heidelberg;〃 〃Cro…Magnon〃 printed beneath them。 It was

clear that he was a student of many subjects。 As he stood in front

of us now; he held a piece of chamois leather in his right hand with

which he was polishing a coin。

  〃Syracusan… of the best period;〃 he explained; bolding it up。

〃They degenerated greatly towards the end。 At their best I hold them

supreme; though some prefer the Alexandrian school。 You will find a

chair here; Mr。 Holmes。 Pray allow me to
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