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the poet at the breakfast table-第82章

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the step which we had heard was that of one of the softer…footed sex;
he chose to rise from his chair and admit his visitor。

This visitor was our Landlady。  She was dressed with more than usual
nicety; and her countenance showed clearly that she came charged with
an important communication。

I did n't low there was company with you; said the Landlady;but
it's jest as well。  I've got something to tell my boarders that I
don't want to tell them; and if I must do it; I may as well tell you
all at once as one to a time。  I 'm agoing to give up keeping
boarders at the end of this year;I mean come the end of December。

She took out a white handkerchief; at hand in expectation of what was
to happen; and pressed it to her eyes。  There was an interval of
silence。  The Master closed his book and laid it on the table。  The
Young Astronomer did not look as much surprised as I should have
expected。  I was completely taken aback;I had not thought of such a
sudden breaking up of our little circle。

When the Landlady had recovered her composure; she began again:

The Lady that's been so long with me is going to a house of her own;
one she has bought back again; for it used to belong to her folks。
It's a beautiful house; and the sun shines in at the front windows
all day long。  She's going to be wealthy again; but it doos n't make
any difference in her ways。  I've had boarders complain when I was
doing as well as I knowed how for them; but I never heerd a word from
her that wasn't as pleasant as if she'd been talking to the
Governor's lady。  I've knowed what it was to have women…boarders that
find fault;there's some of 'em would quarrel with me and everybody
at my table; they would quarrel with the Angel Gabriel if he lived in
the house with 'em; and scold at him and tell him he was always
dropping his feathers round; if they could n't find anything else to
bring up against him。

Two other boarders of mine has given me notice that they was
expecting to leave come the first of January。  I could fill up their
places easy enough; for ever since that first book was wrote that
called people's attention to my boarding…house; I've had more wanting
to come than I wanted to keep。

But I'm getting along in life; and I ain't quite so rugged as I used
to be。  My daughter is well settled and my son is making his own
living。  I've done a good deal of hard work in my time; and I feel as
if I had a right to a little rest。  There's nobody knows what a woman
that has the charge of a family goes through; but God Almighty that
made her。  I've done my best for them that I loved; and for them that
was under my roof。  My husband and my children was well cared for
when they lived; and he and them little ones that I buried has white
marble head…stones and foot…stones; and an iron fence round the lot;
and a place left for me betwixt him and the。。。。

Some has always been good to me;some has made it a little of a
strain to me to get along。  When a woman's back aches with
overworking herself to keep her house in shape; and a dozen mouths
are opening at her three times a day; like them little young birds
that split their heads open so you can a'most see into their empty
stomachs; and one wants this and another wants that; and provisions
is dear and rent is high; and nobody to look to;then a sharp word
cuts; I tell you; and a hard look goes right to your heart。  I've
seen a boarder make a face at what I set before him; when I had tried
to suit him jest as well as I knew how; and I haven't cared to eat a
thing myself all the rest of that day; and I've laid awake without a
wink of sleep all night。  And then when you come down the next
morning all the boarders stare at you and wonder what makes you so
low…spirited; and why you don't look as happy and talk as cheerful as
one of them rich ladies that has dinner…parties; where they've
nothing to do but give a few orders; and somebody comes and cooks
their dinner; and somebody else comes and puts flowers on the table;
and a lot of men dressed up like ministers come and wait on
everybody; as attentive as undertakers at a funeral。

And that reminds me to tell you that I'm agoing to live with my
daughter。  Her husband's a very nice man; and when he isn't following
a corpse; he's as good company as if he was a member of the city
council。  My son; he's agoing into business with the old Doctor he
studied with; and he's agoing to board with me at my daughter's for a
while;I suppose he'll be getting a wife before long。  'This with a
pointed look at our young friend; the Astronomer。'

It is n't but a little while longer that we are going to be together;
and I want to say to you gentlemen; as I mean to say to the others
and as I have said to our two ladies; that I feel more obligated to;
you for the way you 've treated me than I know very well how to put
into words。  Boarders sometimes expect too much of the ladies that
provides for them。  Some days the meals are better than other days;
it can't help being so。  Sometimes the provision…market is n't well
supplied; sometimes the fire in the cooking…stove does n't burn so
well as it does other days; sometimes the cook is n't so lucky as she
might be。  And there is boarders who is always laying in wait for the
days when the meals is not quite so good as they commonly be; to pick
a quarrel with the one that is trying to serve them so as that they
shall be satisfied。  But you've all been good and kind to me。  I
suppose I'm not quite so spry and quick…sighted as I was a dozen
years ago; when my boarder wrote that first book so many have asked
me about。  Butnow I'm going to stop taking boarders。  I don't
believe you'll think much about what I did n't do;because I
couldn't;but remember that at any rate I tried honestly to serve
you。  I hope God will bless all that set at my table; old and young;
rich and poor; merried and single; and single that hopes soon to be
merried。  My husband that's dead and gone always believed that we all
get to heaven sooner or later;and sence I've grown older and buried
so many that I've loved I've come to feel that perhaps I should meet
all of them that I've known hereor at least as many of 'em as I
wanted toin a better world。  And though I don't calculate there is
any boarding…houses in heaven; I hope I shall some time or other meet
them that has set round my table one year after another; all
together; where there is no fault…finding with the food and no
occasion for it;and if I do meet them and you thereor anywhere;
if there is anything I can do for you。。。。

。。。。Poor dear soul!  Her ideas had got a little mixed; and her heart
was overflowing; and the white handkerchief closed the scene with its
timely and greatly needed service。

What a pity; I have often thought; that she came in just at that
precise moment!  For the old Master was on the point of telling us;
and through one of us the reading world;I mean that fraction of it
which has reached this point of the record;at any rate; of telling
you; Beloved; through my pen; his solution of a great problem we all
have to deal with。  We were some weeks longer together; but he never
offered to continue his r
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